
Those female corrupt officials who are crazy in the sea of lust (10)

author:Positive energy conscience to see the world

The beautiful female corrupt official affectionately wrote her happy diary with more than 180 men

Those female corrupt officials who are crazy in the sea of lust (10)

Many female corrupt officials who have fallen in recent years are also materialistic, have relationships with dozens or even hundreds of men, and actively play with men, completely subverting everyone's traditional understanding of women. Many people marveled that women have become so bad and crazy after they have the right! Among them, there is a female corrupt official is even more amazing, she was shrewd and strong when she was young, she was promoted to a department-level cadre with her political achievements, once known as a "beautiful official", once known as the "star of hope" on the road, but she was unexpectedly unusually down due to economic problems, and what was even more unexpected was that she wrote a peach-colored diary in her own handwriting, clearly recording the details of her sex with 180 men, and she recorded the name, height, weight, appearance, contact information, length of time, and service level of these little fresh meat.

If it weren't for this diary, if it weren't for her own oral explanation in court, I believe that all literary and artistic authors would never have imagined that a woman would be sexually promiscuous to the point of earth-shattering! She is Pan Yumei, director of the Maigaoqiao Street Office in Qixia District, Nanjing City, and assistant to the district mayor (at the main location).

Next, please follow me to get close to this amazing and beautiful woman.

01 Soldiers come from a positive style and make new contributions to local jobs

In 1963, Pan Yumei was born into a military family. Her parents were very strict with her housekeeping, which also caused Pan Yumei's personality to be very irritable.

After graduating from high school, Pan Yumei did not go to college, but chose to join the army after inheriting her father's business. She was down-to-earth, capable, and simple, and her commanders and comrades-in-arms admired her and called her "Mulan in the army".

After retiring from the army, Pan Yumei was assigned to work in Qixia District. Starting from the secretary of the district party committee, she showed the style of a soldier, dared to fight and fight, won the trust of the organization and leaders, and went smoothly on her career, becoming the deputy director of the district civil affairs bureau at the age of 31, becoming a young deputy department-level cadre, and was envied by many people.

Those female corrupt officials who are crazy in the sea of lust (10)

At that time, the economy of Maigaoqiao Town could not rise, and it was difficult to pay the salaries of civil servants on time. After thinking twice about the organization, it was decided to send a person with strong work ability to serve as the mayor of the town (later changed to the director of the sub-district office), and finally chose the female cadre Pan Yumei.

In the first few years of working in Maigaoqiao, she overcame many obstacles, carried out drastic reforms, and comprehensively promoted various work, and the economic indicators of Maigaoqiao rose sharply.

Pan Yumei has been working in this town mayor for nearly 10 years, ranking this small town, which originally could not even pay wages, in the forefront of the town's total economic output, with fiscal and tax revenue reaching 500 million yuan. These are real skills, not bragging. She also basically realized her desire and original intention to serve as an official and benefit the people.

There are too few officials like her who want to do things, can do things, and can do things. Looking at the country, most of the big and small officials will only move their mouths, hold a meeting, and convey documents. If there is a good mechanism to achieve the survival of the fittest, I believe that Pan Yumei can continue to maintain her excellent style and make more contributions to the country and the people. Of course, there is no such thing as if.

02 Qing officials are in trouble due to lack of money, and they move their fingers to prosper with wealth

When she first became the mayor of the town, Pan Yumei had real power in her hands, but she was serious, demanding, and principled, and some business bosses and subordinates tried to get close to her, and gave gifts and money every New Year's holiday, but she politely refused. If anyone insists on giving her gifts, they will be severely criticized by her without mercy.

Zheng, a village secretary under this town, has an unhealthy style and abuses power for personal gain, and the masses have great opinions about him. Pan Yumei was originally very dissatisfied with Zheng's work, plus she had a sense of justice and fairness, so she named Zheng at the conference, and the small meeting criticized her bitterly, and Zheng was very afraid of her.

In 2001, Pan Yumei was sent to Singapore for training. This in itself is a good thing, and it is a good thing for other officials, but it makes her difficult. It turned out that she had always been an official and honest, and although she had done a great job in government, her personal income was only enough to maintain a normal family life, and she usually did not have much savings.

Her husband was seriously ill at this time, and the treatment required a lot of money, and her daily expenses abroad were large and stretched. In the eyes of outsiders, she is a beautiful female mayor, and back home, she sits alone in the corner of the living room worrying about money. She really realized at this moment that a penny can stump a hero and a good man!

Here, Zheng went to her office to deliver $10,000 and told her, "You will use it when you go abroad." ”

This time, she did not refuse again, and her prejudices about Zheng disappeared, but she felt that he was a good person in disguise.

In 2002, Pan Yumei was promoted to the secretary of the party committee of the Maigaoqiao Street Office and became the number one. Zheng paid more attention to Pan Yumei, and invested more in her. Pan Yumei couldn't refuse since she accepted his benefits every time, and she had already formed a community of interests with him.

Village officials like Zheng are good at speculative operations and can use the small power in their hands to seek great benefits for themselves, and have long become the group of people who have become rich first. With more money, he set up a company to undertake land development projects in the village himself.

Due to the non-standard Zheng project, the city issued an order to stop work. Zheng was panicked at this moment, and he quickly found Pan Yumei.

Pan Yumei settled this matter for him through upper-level connections, so that Zheng turned the crisis into safety. Zheng couldn't thank enough, gave Pan Yumei as much as 800,000 yuan at one time, and constantly expressed loyalty to her: "I am your dog, and you can bite whoever you want me to bite." ”

Zheng expressed loyalty, making Pan Yumei feel the joy of being a successful person, how wonderful that joy is, which outsiders can never experience. She is no longer polite, she often takes Zheng to Shanghai to spend a lot of money, buying luxury goods in major shopping malls, high-end clothes, leather handbags, and watches worth 50,000 yuan, anyway, everything is paid by Zheng.

Over time, she completely changed and became unrecognizable. She changed from a decent clean official to a corrupt official, and the transformation became so natural, everything changed silently.

In 2006, she falsely claimed to Zheng that the neighborhood would manage all village committee funds, and demanded bribes of 480,000 US dollars and 1.2 million yuan from Gao in disguise. Of course, Zheng is also willing to spend money on her, and with her support, he will make more money, and no one will give up this kind of good deed!

In 2003, a Hong Kong businessman, Chen, was introduced by others and found Pan Yumei who wanted to cooperate in real estate business.

Pan Yumei had been in the officialdom for a long time at this time, and of course she knew that the land business was the most profitable. She thought for a long time and found Chen Ning, the former director of the District Finance Bureau, and the two smelled the same, hit it off, and decided to cooperate with Hong Kong businessmen to make money together.

After everything was conspired, Hong Kong businessman Chen established an industry and trade company in Nanjing, and then Pan Yumei sold the land of the business park to Chen at a low price, and Chen then sold it to a sports goods company in Nanjing, making a profit of more than 15 million yuan. He then gave Pan Yumei a share of 4.8 million yuan.

Pan Yumei was surprised and delighted, her appetite was getting bigger and bigger, and she finally found a way to make a lot of money, as long as the land was sold, she could continue to receive huge returns. It's also too easy to earn.

Another factor that prompted Pan Yumei to accumulate wealth was that she wanted to be promoted to a district leader, and she had no problem with her ability and political performance, but she failed to do so, and only gave her the position of assistant to the district chief, one level away from the deputy district chief. She recognized the complexity and corruption of officialdom, and it was more affordable to make money on her own turf and realize the ideals of life.

03 The husband has been separated for a long time, and the good wife is crazy and indulgent

In 2003, Pan Yumei's husband was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. Pan Yumei is still a good wife at home, taking good care of her man and taking him around to treat diseases. After her careful care and treatment, a life was saved, but his physical function has seriously declined.

Pan Yumei was like a day in the sky at that time, her health was good, and her requirements for husband and wife life were relatively high. In the case of her husband's poor health, she has been restraining her desires, allowing the man to rest well, looking forward to his revival before returning to normal sex. However, the husband did not work in all aspects, became inferior and suspicious, and his temper became more and more serious. The contradictions between husband and wife are getting deeper and deeper, and marriage is also in name only.

Pan Yumei did not think of abandoning her husband, she is a decent and traditional woman, more cautious about the relationship between men and women. However, her husband's incomprehension and suspicion deeply stabbed her self-esteem.

During that time, Zheng, the village secretary who relied on Pan Yumei to make a fortune, often cared about her, and the distance between the two became closer and closer. Previously, Pan Yumei was the goddess in Zheng's mind, and he was in awe in front of this female leader. Finally, one day, when the two talked about their emotions, they broke out of the boundaries of male and female communication and had the most intimate relationship. Change a man, change a taste, Pan Yumei tasted freshness and excitement, much better than with her husband.

At this time, Pan Yumei realized the true meaning of life, love is the biggest lie, there is no existence at all, the best relationship between men and women is mutual benefit. She said to Zheng once: "You also know my husband's current physical condition, and our marriage will break up sooner or later, so I have to plan for my future." I also like to be with you, and when I get divorced, we'll be ...

Zheng was very happy, thinking that Pan Yumei really liked him. As a village cadre, his identity is still a farmer, and he can get the goddess in his mind, which is called a successful man. He was willing to give everything for himself as the goddess in his eyes.

Because the husband's health has not improved, the relationship between the husband and wife has not been eased, and the two finally went through the divorce procedures.

Pan Yumei soon colluded with Hong Kong businessman Kang who was engaged in real estate development in Nanjing. Kang is also divorced and has expressed his affection for Pan Yumei many times. He said that regardless of whether Pan Yumei is divorced or not, being able to be with her is the greatest happiness. Later, the man and woman also had their most intimate relationship.

She used her body to bribe leaders at all levels who could help promote her, and she recruited 15 officials to serve as her backers. With a backer, she became more and more bold, not only to make money and benefits, but also to start playing with men, and she was out of control. She likes the young, good-looking "little fresh meat" the most, feeling that these men are strong and can make her find a sense of youth. After many people knew that she was a good mouthful, they asked her to help with things, and took the initiative to introduce her to the tall and handsome "little fresh meat" to her, and Pan Yumei was also a person who did not refuse, smiling every time and sharing the joy of fish and water with the young men she fancy.

Those female corrupt officials who are crazy in the sea of lust (10)

Over the years, a total of more than 180 small fresh meat fell under her pomegranate skirt, fell in love with her, and enjoyed the pleasure and excitement of carnal desire! Perhaps this joy and excitement is too strong, and she also recorded the process and feelings of her every date Xiao Xianrou, and the words were full of pride. If it weren't for her autographed diary, if she hadn't admitted it in court after she was caught, who would have thought that she could play 180 men! I estimate that her sexual partner has long surpassed the female emperor Wu Zetian.

She recorded the name, height, weight, appearance, contact information, length of time, and service level of these little fresh meats. According to the overall score, the top scorer is her favorite object. If the service is good and the level is high, she will mark the key symbol and continue to let him serve next time.

It is said that when she makes out with these little fresh meats, she likes to take the position of female and male, she rides on men to master the beat of love, like a clever artist conducting an orchestra, she is free and conducting; She is like a powerful conqueror, and the men below her body are her defeated generals.

Don't look at her 50s, she and men are happy like drunk, shouting loudly, feeling the infinite beauty of life, feeling the incomparable joy of sex.

04 fell into justice and went to jail,

When Pan Yumei indulged in the happiness of being a two-faced person, she forgot the truth that things must be reversed, and she got carried away. In 2007, when the Nanjing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was investigating a corruption case, it found Zheng, who had given Pan Yumei a gift, and found that Pan Yumei had committed serious violations of law and discipline.

In 2007, investigators discovered a surprising secret at Pan's residence. Pan Yumei's family has a total of 530,000 US dollars and 1.7 million yuan in cash, which weighs 26 kilograms! It was found that Pan Yumei had accepted more than 11.9 million yuan of other people's property and made a profit of 4.25 million yuan from illegal investment.

Those female corrupt officials who are crazy in the sea of lust (10)

In 2009, the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court sentenced Pan Yumei to death in the first instance, suspended her execution for two years, and confiscated all property. But Pan Yumei soon appealed, and in May 2015, the Jiangsu Provincial Higher People's Court commuted Pan's sentence to life imprisonment. Later, Pan Yumei's sentence was commuted to 25 years in prison and deprived of political rights for 10 years for her good behavior.

Those female corrupt officials who are crazy in the sea of lust (10)

After reading Pan Yumei's story, I think it will give us at least the following inspirations:

First, the traditional virtues of the mainland are still very important in today's society, and people should be vigorously provided with the promotion of traditional virtues and the restraint of people's daily behavior with etiquette, righteousness and shame. Even if these female corrupt officials have a little bit of etiquette and integrity, they will not become so bottomless, so inferior to animals!

Second, our supervision mechanism is not perfect, there are still many loopholes and disjoints, and correspondingly breeds a political ecology in which officials protect each other, resulting in some officials openly violating the law and discipline without any worries. Corrupt officials have relatively high IQs, and they all know that what they do is not sunny, and they all believe that the network is protecting them and they will not be held accountable.

Third, the general environment of officialdom is bad, which has led to the transformation of clean officials like Pan Yumei into big corrupt officials, and good women have degenerated into big prostitutes, which is a pity. After all, there are not many grassroots cadres like her who have a sense of justice and ability, and our officialdom should be thoroughly improved, forming a mechanism in which good cadres do not degenerate, and bad cadres are influenced and become better.

Anti-corruption is always on the way. It is gratifying to note that the party and government have recognized the arduousness, complexity and long-term nature of anti-corruption, and are stepping up efforts to fight corruption and promote clean government.