
Manuscript writing "eight taboos and eight suitable"

author:Look at Fugong
Manuscript writing "eight taboos and eight suitable"

There are many "doorways" in manuscript writing, these "doorways" are its intrinsic characteristics and laws, that is, its unique methods and functions, understand and master these characteristics and laws, familiar with and use these methods and functions, you can write the manuscript with both appearance and connotation, both beautiful and easy to use, both meaningful and interesting, so that people can "understand, remember, use, spread", really into the eyes, into the brain, into the mind, into the heart.


"Broken and dispersed"


The form is scattered

Manuscripts are valuable in thought. What to advocate and oppose, what to praise and what to spur on, we should take a clear stand and a clear attitude, and we should not dodge and be ambiguous. Prominent central ideas and clear and concentrated themes are the most basic requirements for a good manuscript. Manuscript writing should not have no stance and lack of ideological views.

Where did the idea for the manuscript come from? From the "research thing". As Comrade Mao Zedong said in "The Eight Shares of the Opposition Party": "Articles are a reflection of objective things, and things are tortuous and complex, and must be repeatedly studied in order to reflect appropriately; To be careless here is to not know the minimum knowledge of making a fuss. Just as Comrade Li Ruihuan said in "Studying Philosophy and Using Philosophy," "Some of our articles are not written well, not because we do not have enough vocabulary or beautiful sentences, but because there are problems in motivation, content, and method, and we spend too much time on tinkering with words, and too little effort on research." ”

The key to manuscript writing lies in the intention, and with the intention and then like casting a net to fish, spreading and closing together, closely focusing on the theme of the idea, on "what, why, how, who will do it", like peeling bamboo shoots layer by layer, like matryoshka doll. A good manuscript seems to believe in the reins, but the reins are tightly held in the hand; It's like flying a kite, but the rope is firmly in your hand. "Scattered and not dispersed" is the first important thing in manuscript writing.


"Crooked dates"


Eyebrows are clear

Manuscripts are written for people to see, and they need to be "thoughtful".


Eyes should be bright

The topic is the eye, and the topic should be eye-catching, eye-catching, and catchy. Half of the text, Comrade Mao Zedong said: "It is very important that the title should attract people's attention" and "The title must have content." "Title party" is not desirable, good titles are expressive, appealing, and impactful.


The head has to live

The beginning should be vivid, substitutionary, fascinating and exciting.


Hair to be smooth

It is clear and organized, the text is smooth, the text is smooth, and it is combed in an orderly and meticulous manner like human hair.


Ears to ride

"Ear" is like the paragraph level of an article, which should not be particularly long and short, but equal in length and left and right.


Mouth clear

Do not put the words in your mouth, say half and keep half, become "the foot will then rush, the mouth will speak", swallowing, slurred.

A good manuscript should be "bright in the eyes, smooth in the ears and clear in the mouth", so that the eyebrows are clear, refreshing and refreshing, concise and clear, clean and neat, and looks like a good "show outside the wisdom".


Cast a mist before somebody's eyes


Explain the profound in simple terms

Some people like to write articles around and around, or instigated, chatter, and sometimes like to use some unfamiliar words, deliberately written so that people are very incomprehensible and incomprehensible, as if it is not enough to show the level. Why do we write articles? There are many reasons that can be said, but the ultimate goal is to show people, and some people just want to screw it, and the article written hard just doesn't want people to see it, and the result is that people can't watch it.

A good manuscript should be straightforward, concise and clear, long if there are words, short if there are no words, concise and concise, and the intention is exhaustive. Depth is popular, and simple is vulgar. A good manuscript is popular, should not only read but not read, read it again, everyone can hear it clearly is a good manuscript. In other words, a good manuscript that not only has no doubts about oneself but can withstand the needs of others.

Ye Shengtao said: "Writing articles and talking are the same thing, using the mouth to express is called talking, and using the pen to express is called writing articles." What comes out of the mouth is the sound, and the pen is out of the text. "To write a manuscript, you have to put down your body to speak, "how to say how to write, how to say it smoothly", which is real and not flashy, and straightforward.


Disease-free moaning



General Secretary Xi Jinping once said: "Writing documents, making reports, and publishing articles are all to solve problems." "Manuscript writing is not writing for the sake of writing, that's called disease-free moaning." Articles are written for the times, songs and poems are written for things. "The biggest feature of a good manuscript is that it is targeted, it is a feeling and has something to say.

Writing manuscripts is to solve problems, including ideological understanding, career development, study and life, etc., for a problem that has been exposed or emerged, timely express ideological views, opinions and suggestions, which is where the life, strength and value of manuscript writing lies.

Every time I write a manuscript, it is like a target in front of my eyes, every sentence and every word is an arrow shot, that is, to aim at the problem, to go to the problem, to lay out the problem, to list it, to check the pulse, and prescribe medicine. As Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out: "If an article or a speech is important and instructive, it is always necessary to raise a problem, analyze it, and then synthesize it, indicate the nature of the problem, and give a solution." "Disease-free moaning manuscripts are listless and sick, and targeted manuscripts are full of spirit and energizing.


air castle


"Standing tall against the sky"

Some people are accustomed to standing in the air and waving, hanging in mid-air, empty and ethereal, giving people the feeling that they are all talking about it in the air, and there is nothing in the whole text.

Writing manuscripts should have the consciousness and mind, perspective and vision of "standing up to the heavens and the earth". There is not only the air of looking at problems "standing on the upper floor of Tiananmen Square", but also the pragmatism of handling affairs "standing on the countryside and fields".

"Topping the sky" is also called "connecting the antenna", that is, the route, guidelines and policies of the center of the head at all times, the instructions, tasks and requirements of the superior above the head, often check the benchmark, the table, to see if it is right; "Standing ground" is also called "grounding", that is, always down-to-earth, often check whether it is in line with reality, whether it has earthy smell, dewdrops, and steam.

The antenna is connected to the top, the ground gas is down, the "two ends" are accurately eaten, they are all facing each other, and the manuscript stands up and stands.


Make a mountain out of a molehill


Make a big fuss

A matter that is not big in the first place, or a topic that is not big in itself, but it has been opened up in the past and present, and the stalls in ancient and modern China and abroad have been spread out to write, and the result is a general, big and empty.

Small things should be done small, so that it is easy to control. Even for big topics, you have to learn small incisions and micro-narratives. Once it is specific, it must be deep, and if it is to be deep, it must be specific. Good manuscripts often use a case, a story, an experience, etc. to elicit and explain profound truths. Such manuscripts are generally eloquent and engaging, which is the benefit of small cuts and micro-narratives. Do small things with half the effort, and do small things with half the effort.




The title matches

When writing a manuscript, you should not write for half a day without entering the topic, giving people the feeling that "you only hear the sound of the stairs, and you don't see people coming down". It is necessary to "blow the chaff and see the rice", cut the topic as soon as possible, solve the problem and answer the question, so that people can "bite into the filling".

A manuscript must pay attention to how to "cut into", how to "break the problem", and how to "lead". The words of "leading" are often highly condensed and play a good role in transition or starting and turning. Refinement, induction and generalization are often the highlights of the manuscript. The content of the manuscript is a specific elaboration of large and small topics, that is, to answer "what, why, how to do", you can't talk for half a day without answering the question, or even don't know what it is, so that people are confused and can't understand.


Only broken, not standing


There is a break and a stand

A good manuscript often talks about the wind, and whether it can discuss the style depends on whether it can be broken, can be broken, and stand while breaking. Comrade Mao Zedong said: "If it is not broken, it will not stand." To break is to criticize, to revolutionize. To break is to be reasonable, and to be reasonable is to stand, and when the word is broken, it is in it. He also said wittily: "The first way to reason is to give the sick a heavy stimulus, shout to them, and say, 'You are sick!'" 'Startle the patient, sweat it, and call them well.' ”

The pertinence and vividness of the manuscript is often reflected in the combination of breaking and standing. Of course, relatively speaking, it is easy to break and difficult, it is easier to say problems, and it is not easy to come up with countermeasures, get methods, and prescribe medicines.

The most basic things work the most, and the simplest things are the most profound. Only when you "figure it out" can you "explain it clearly"; Only when "clear" can we "write thoroughly" and "write in place".

Source: Secretarial work

Typesetting: Feng Youna