
From the student's point of view: Why can't Qingbei students go abroad for further study?

author:Sensual people under rational thinking

Recently, the Internet has become more and more controversial about "Qingbei and other famous school students love to go abroad", and even many people have condemned the failure of Qingbei schools to patriotism for students and demanded a significant reduction in the education funds of famous schools.

1. Qingbei is a top institution representing China's higher education level, ranking in the top 30 in the world, ranking first and second in China, there is no doubt about this Is this right?

2. Is it true that China's best middle school students are the first choice for universities and are willing to choose famous schools such as Qingbei? And it is also a fact that parents see that their children are even more willing and proud than their children if they are admitted to Qingbei (of course, people who cannot be admitted to famous schools such as Qingbei and their children can complain about the famous school)? What does this mean? It shows that the choice and initiative of student flow is not in prestigious schools, but in children and parents!

3. Regardless of primary school, middle school, or university, excellent students must be competed for by excellent schools, right? Why? Because it is easy to improve the school's visibility, competitiveness and commercial content is one of them; The second and most important thing is to create a better learning atmosphere among students (this is also the biggest headache for school leaders and teachers at the average level); Third, it is easy to produce results, good results, good scientific research opportunities to find and succeed, high intelligence and high self-discipline ability of talents is the key to success! In this way, it is easy to become a talent and produce results quickly!

It is an objective fact that the above three points have been operating in this way in the world, including China's excellent academic circles. Understanding this, then I ask you, what will you or your child choose?

4. Students from famous schools such as Qingbei are more willing to go abroad (not only Qingbei), I think there are five reasons:

4-1. The excellent ability characteristics of students in famous universities determine that they are more suitable for scientific research education and easier to produce results;

4-2. China's scientific research and education level has always been in the position of "following" the world trend (including institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions, and powerful large enterprises).

Starting from the late Qing Dynasty, follow and learn from Europe, the United States and Japan;

The 50-70s followed the Soviet Union, and the 80s have been following the United States and the West, and teachers from famous schools who have achieved their qualifications as professors who are mostly returnees or refer to and study foreign literature are good examples. And if the outstanding students who have studied hard for more than ten years have economic and academic strength, who is not willing to study directly in foreign countries with the most developed science and technology education?

4-3. Objectively speaking, there is still a relatively obvious gap between the current domestic talent mechanism and academic atmosphere and the United States and the West, and the price is the low efficiency of research and development, which makes young people unable to delay;

4-4. The contrast between the "large" number of domestic outstanding talents and the attractive scientific research projects and the "small" amount of funds is huge, while there may be more opportunities abroad, and everyone cannot afford to wait (especially from the perspective of a single local project in a single field, especially high-tech and forward-looking projects, large-scale and large-scale projects with large concentration of manpower are not included in this list, because the former has a much larger number of projects and opportunities, and the latter is relatively small and not easy for individuals to show ———this is from the perspective of students);

4-5. Other personal interests of outstanding students.

Compared with the United States and the West, the internal friction of domestic education and scientific research circles is relatively serious; The proportion of personal salary income relative to the cost of housing, marriage, children's education, etc. is low, which is the second; The energy invested in personnel and interests after work is relatively high compared with the energy invested in scientific research and education, which is the third, and this last point is the field that most talents are most unwilling and least good at;

5. For the choice of students to go abroad, in fact, no matter how many famous schools such as Qingbei have induced education, in fact, I think the decisive role is not very large, and there will be a greater waste of talent resources!

5-1. Whether talents are willing to go abroad or whether they can go abroad lies with the individual student, not the school, even if someone is sent to supervise and educate and indoctrinate every day;

5-2. If it has to be controlled, it should also be a policy change at the national level, such as mandatory stay in China after graduation (then there will inevitably be a situation where the state bears the distribution of the package, otherwise there is no way to restrict going abroad); For example, the state has issued the policy of "college students pay compulsory education training fees and college education compensation during primary and secondary schools before going abroad", and these universities cannot solve it.

5-3, if you have to control, many excellent students have to choose schools with relatively low teacher training ability or go to poor scientific research units and jobs after graduation, in fact, resulting in a waste of human resources, not to mention children, I as a parent is not willing to ah! How much youth do people have to waste!

6. Does going abroad necessarily mean not contributing to the country?

After the founding of New China, China's key science and technology and education projects, which did not have the figure of returned scientists and educators and key figures who carried the beam? "Sanqian, Yang Zhenning, Li Zhengdao" and other scientists are typical representatives! Some of these people directly plunged into the tide of motherland construction, and some used their vision and influence abroad to directly support the great development of China's science and technology education.

And now many overseas students, from the so-called "never returning" in the 8th and 90s, to the current large number of continuous return contributions, this proportion has been continuously increasing (from 2016 to 2019, the proportion of mainland students studying abroad returned to China was 79.9%), and who knows how many will return to China in the future, or have been supporting the motherland in various ways "overtly" and "secretly"?! And most of them actually played the role of the motherland in "foreign reserves of science and technology, education and even capital, politics and other links of energy storage pool"!

To sum up, if the economic strength is enough, it is also necessary to let the child receive higher education and scientific research development, going abroad in middle school can avoid the huge continuous pressure of the college entrance examination, and can be admitted to a higher international ranking university with relative ease, and can also learn more authentic foreign languages, and broaden the child's horizons, of course, it is better to go abroad;

After graduating from university and going abroad, it is easier to contact the world's top universities and scientific research institutions, with a higher level of education and training, more leading scientific research projects, and a higher success rate. After graduation, the salary income covers housing, marriage, children's education, medical pension security and other costs and expenses of the proportion, higher ability, more scientific research vision, less internal friction, purer mentality advantages, why parents and children can not choose?

Therefore, it is wrong to blame prestigious schools such as Qingbei (and even some brick houses are making a lot of noise) for students' love of going abroad, and it is the key to analyze the causes and the right ways to improve governance, and this phenomenon has been going on in China for 40 years, have our experts and policymakers been unable to see clearly? What is the root of the problem?

If the domestic policy level, talent and scientific research supporting mechanism level can solve the problem of "letting children take the initiative to stay and serve the motherland", then which parent will spend tuition and living expenses tens of times higher than the annual cost in China to let their children go abroad?

I am not a flattering outsider, my purpose in writing this article is actually to present to you the results of my great effort to understand and analyze, and I hope that the national decision-making level will see and use this to understand the current practical key problems in the domestic education and scientific research circles, introduce policies that are more in line with human nature and solve the problems of educational stubborn diseases, and let more people understand the reasons why students from famous schools love to go abroad, so that our country's outstanding students can stay in China to study and work safely and proudly contribute their own value!

——— hope that readers will exchange comments rationally after reading and understanding! People who make malicious and arbitrary comments or can't understand it will quickly cross it, don't waste pen and ink!