
Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

author:Refreshing cheese 3aE

6 July is World Kissing Day. Kissing is a classic and popular way to show affection and an act of showing intimacy. It is scientifically proven that kissing can make cardiovascular stability more stable, promote blood circulation, and increase the level of oxygen supply in the body.

However, there are more and more rumors that kissing can transmit Helicobacter pylori, is this really the case? Is Helicobacter pylori really that scary? How exactly does it spread? Let's find out together!


What is Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium, a micro-anaerobic bacterium that has a great relationship with gastric mucosal damage and can cause gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer, etc. Bacteria have multiple killing and damaging effects on the gastric mucosa. Bacteria have flagella that can attach to gastric mucosal cells, impairing gastric mucosal cell integrity. The bacteria are also able to secrete vacuole toxins, which damage the gastric mucosa. In addition, it secretes urease and damages the gastric mucosal barrier.

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?


Common symptoms of Helicobacter pylori infection

When Helicobacter pylori invades your body, you will feel symptoms such as stomach pain, heartburn, fullness, acid reflux, indigestion, bad breath, etc.


Route of transmission of Helicobacter pylori

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

Humans are the only confirmed source of Helicobacter pylori infection, which is mainly hidden in saliva, plaque, stomach and feces.

1. Oral-to-oral transmission: transmission from person to person through saliva;

2. Fecal-oral transmission: spread through fecal contamination of water sources;

3. Gastro-oral transmission: transmitted through gastroesophageal reflux or vomit;

4. Iatrogenic transmission: spread through medical devices that are not cleaned thoroughly.


Can kissing transmit Helicobacter pylori?

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

The old belief is that Helicobacter pylori is also in the mouth. Wrong, Helicobacter pylori in the mouth is very small, and the disease is inactive, only accidentally came to the mouth, and is not infectious.

Studies have shown that Helicobacter pylori is a microaerobic bacteribula, so it is like a fish in the stomach with little oxygen, and the oral environment is not suitable for them to survive.

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

In the past, it was mistakenly thought that only Helicobacter pylori could produce urease, so when urease was detected in the mouth, it was believed that Helicobacter pylori existed. But today we know that these ureases are produced by other bacteria, such as Streptococcus salivari, not Helicobacter pylori.

Therefore, although kissing provides the oral transmission route of Helicobacter pylori, it is also necessary to consider that the adult who kisses is not susceptible to Helicobacter pylori in the first place, and the number of Helicobacter pylori in the mouth of infected people may be insufficient, so kissing may be difficult to cause Helicobacter pylori infection in adults.


How to prevent Helicobacter pylori

1. Adopt a split meal system and use male chopsticks;

2. Wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet;

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

3. Food should go through high temperature;

4. Mouth-to-mouth feeding is prohibited;

5. Change the tooth tool regularly;

6. Less irritation of the stomach.


How to screen for Helicobacter pylori

1. Antigen assay;

2. Antibody assay;

3. Invasive examination - gastroscopic biopsy;

4. Non-invasive examination - carbon 13 urea breath test method, which can be completed by blowing breath, with the characteristics of no pain, high sensitivity, high detection rate and compliance rate.

Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Spleen and Stomach Disease and Geriatrics can provide you with Helicobacter pylori detection and treatment services, if necessary, welcome to the first floor of our hospital Spleen and Stomach Disease and Geriatrics Outpatient Consultation, consultation (Tel: 023-63560935), medical staff will serve you wholeheartedly!

Department Profile

Established in 2010, the Department of Spleen and Gastroenterology and Geriatrics of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a GICC clinic awarded by the National Center for Gastrointestinal Cancer Prevention and Treatment, which is a comprehensive department integrating medical treatment, teaching and scientific research, providing integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment services. The department has a specialist outpatient clinic, a specialized outpatient clinic, an endoscopy room, and a ward. The department has imported Fujifilm 7000 electronic gastrointestinal scope, Erbo VIO 300S electrosurgical working system high-frequency electric knife, argon knife, Fujifilm SP900 ultrasound endoscope, colon spa/dialysis machine, carbon dioxide pump, endoscopic water pump, integrated endoscopic washing workstation, 13 carbon breath test detector, gastric function detector, nasal high-flow humidified oxygen therapy instrument, Philips V60 non-invasive ventilator, German imported invasive ventilator and other advanced equipment.

The department carries out 13 carbon breath test, gastric function test, colon hydrotherapy, painless gastrointestinal endoscopy, gastric function test, various gastrointestinal endoscopic treatment procedures all year round, such as gastrointestinal foreign body removal, various gastrointestinal bleeding hemostasis, gastrointestinal stricture dilation, stenting, nutrition tube placement, percutaneous gastrostomy, minimally invasive surgery for hemorrhoids, various digestive tract polypectomy, mucosal resection EMR, gastrointestinal early cancer submucosal dissection ESD, gastrointestinal benign tumor submucosal excavation ESE, etc.

Geriatrics: diagnosis and treatment of common diseases, critical diseases and difficult diseases in various geriatric internal medicine, and is good at combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat elderly respiratory diseases, elderly digestive diseases, elderly cardiovascular diseases, elderly neuropsychiatric diseases, elderly endocrine and metabolic diseases, elderly tumor diseases, elderly multi-organ failure, etc.

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

Zhou Hongshan is the director and deputy chief physician of the department

Member of Gastroenterology Management Committee of Chongqing Hospital Management Association; Member of Early Cancer Group of Chongqing Medical Association Society of Digestive Endoscopy; Member of the Spleen and Stomach Disease Committee of Chongqing Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been engaged in internal medicine clinical work for more than 20 years, and has participated in training and advanced training for many times, and published several papers. He has rich experience in the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of acute and critical diseases and geriatric diseases in internal medicine, especially good at gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

Wang Mian attending physician

He has been engaged in internal medicine clinical work for more than ten years, and has rich clinical experience, and is good at the diagnosis and treatment of digestive, respiratory and senile diseases, especially the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of critical diseases such as respiratory, digestive neuroendocrine tumors and other critical diseases in the elderly. Proficient in digestive endoscopic diagnosis and treatment, good at early cancer screening of the digestive tract, endoscopic polyp removal, endoscopic foreign body removal, endoscopic hemostasis, percutaneous gastrostomy, endoscopic minimally invasive treatment of internal hemorrhoids, etc.

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

Feng Xiao attending physician

Graduated from Chongqing Medical University, engaged in clinical work for nearly 10 years, has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequent diseases in internal medicine, and studied in the Department of Gastroenterology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, especially good at comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases, geriatric diseases and endoscopic diagnosis and treatment. consult

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet, only for health transmission, if there is infringement, please leave a message in the background, we will delete it as soon as we receive it!


Author: Gou Xiaorong | Choreography: Li Meng

Preliminary judge: Zhou Hongshan | Final judge: Wang Xinyu

Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

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Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

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Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

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Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

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Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?

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Can Nap really infect Helicobacter pylori?