
24 words about Xiaoxiao!

24 words about Xiaoxiao!

(Photo courtesy of Xinhuanet Ningxia Channel)

1. Today, Little Summer!

2. At 16:31 on July 7, 2023, the sun reached 105 degrees of ecliptic longitude, and we ushered in the summer solar term.

3. The "Seventy-two Collections of the Moon Order" contains: "Summer, heat, is divided into large and small in the heat, small at the beginning of the month, large in the middle of the month, and now the heat is small." ”

4. Small summer heat, steamed up and boiled, Lu You was so hot that he shouted: 10,000 watts of scales like a fire dragon, and the Japanese car does not move and sweat beads; Dai Retro, who is also a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, described it even more: a large kiln in heaven and earth, and Yang charcoal cooking in June.

5. "Festivals to the small summer into the day", the ancient calendar of the mainland on the calculation of the "three volt days" is still used, the third "Geng day" from the summer solstice is the "first volt", so after the small summer summer will be "into ambush".

24 words about Xiaoxiao!

6. The lotus flowers that bloom under the scorching sun are the well-deserved "flower gods" of this season, emerging from the mud without being clean, and have been regarded as a symbol of elegance and purity for thousands of years.

7. In the hot summer, people lose their appetite due to the heat and often lose weight than usual, which is called "bitter summer".

8. There are three treasures in Xiaoxiao: yellow eel, lotus root, and mung bean sprouts.

9. People in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province love to "eat fuyang", sweating like rain in large chunks, "Pengcheng fuyang a bowl of soup, no need for a divine doctor to prescribe medicine".

24 words about Xiaoxiao!

10. In the summer season, rain and heat help all things grow rapidly: corn joints, peanut needles, soybean pods.

11. "Plum" is an important climatic feature of Xiaoxiao, and the rainy season in the Jianghuai River Basin is finally coming to an end.

12. But don't be too happy, after all, "a thunder in the summer heat, reverse to do yellow plum", if there are many thunderstorms before and after the small summer, then it may indicate that the rainy season will be visited again, commonly known as "pouring yellow plum".

24 words about Xiaoxiao!

13. There is a custom of "eating new" in the folk summer, where people grind the harvested rice into new rice, cook it and sacrifice it to the gods of grain and ancestors, and then taste it and pray for smooth weather and better days.

14. Due to the high temperature and strong sunshine in the summer, people will also "sunbathe" on this day, and hang the clothes, calligraphy and paintings in the cabinets outdoors to remove moisture and moth.

24 words about Xiaoxiao!

Now in the Zhenjiang Museum, the "Exposed Book Map" painted by Shi Mingjian in the Qing Dynasty truly restores the scene of publishing books.

15. At 4:07 a.m. on this year's summer day, the Earth reaches its orbital aphelion, the farthest time of the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, and the "smallest Sun of the Year" appears.

16. Venus will celebrate the brightest moment of the year as a long-gung star on this day, shining in the western night sky.

17. There are three seasons in the summer: the first is warm and windy, the second is the cricket living in Yu, and the third is the eagle and the first owl.

24 words about Xiaoxiao!

18. "Swallowing the smoke and fire, and making the sound of ice and snow when it enters the teeth", the most common way to beat the heat, is to drink the melon and drink cold, and the Weiwen Emperor Cao Pi once "floated sweet melon in clear springs, sinking Zhu Li in cold water".

19. The rich Tang Dynasty people would use chiseled ice cubes to lay the bottom, drip the heated "crisp" on it to make a mountain shape, and then add flowers after freezing and setting in the ice cellar, which made their own "ice cream" - "crisp mountain".

20. In addition to ice cream, the ancient version of the "air conditioner" - "Ziyu Pavilion" also appeared, this water-cooled building uses the technology of water wheels to direct living water to the roof and use the water flow to take away the heat, which makes people feel the wisdom of the ancients.

24 words about Xiaoxiao!

21. "Quiet and naturally cool" is most respected by the literati Yashi, and the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi said the true meaning of cooling the heat: "Heat dissipation is calm from the heart, and coolness is born into emptiness." ”

22. "Don't sit on stones in winter, don't sit on wood in summer", after a small summer, the air humidity is high, and people sitting on wooden chairs or beds for a long time are prone to moisture, it is recommended to move around more.

23. "Everyone is bitter and hot, I love the long summer", it is the summer vacation, why not meet three or five confidants, follow the custom of "wandering", listen to the Yan language, and watch the lotus wind rippling.

24. Treasure youth may you: find a pure heart, find a cool!

Source: Xinhuanet Treasure Youth Studio

Curator: Liu Hong

Executive Producer: Mou Yanqiu Liang Tiantian

Supervisor: Huang Linhao

Coordinator: Dong Jingxue

Editors: Zhang Linglin, Yan Hai, Wang Jiezheng (Intern)

Proofreader: Li Tong, Han Chong