
Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

author:Zichen's father scientific parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Zichen's father~

If there is one of the happiest things in my childhood in summer, what I remember is watching TV with a few friends, eating cold drinks, and the sweet and cold feeling of popsicles, which is still hard to forget.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

However, as people get older, their minds have changed, and they pay more attention to "wellness".

Not long ago, I invited a few friends to dinner at home, and they all brought their children, some more than 4 years old, some five or six years old. Some of the children watch TV, some read picture books, and some play with toys, which is very lively together.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

After playing enough, because the weather was too hot, I took out a bunch of cold drinks from the refrigerator and prepared to distribute them to the children, who knows, my friends saw that they came to block me, making me look confused. My friend took out his phone and showed me a picture and said, "You don't know yet?" Don't give your child a cold drink, it will hurt your child!

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Looking at the longing eyes of the children, I was really speechless. Indeed, some children's stomach is relatively delicate, eating cold drinks will cause stomachache or diarrhea, but in fact, this is only an isolated phenomenon, our stomach can be more "strong" than we think.

Some scientists have done special experiments, even if we eat 500 grams of ice cream at one time (about 8 sweet cones), the temperature of the spleen and stomach has only dropped by 0.8 °C, which shows that our spleen and stomach will adjust their own temperature, so the statement that cold drinks will affect body temperature is untenable.
Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Moreover, there will be 4 big gaps between children who are restricted from eating cold drinks from an early age and those who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Parents love their children very much, and they are afraid that their children's eating cold drinks will damage their bodies, which I can understand. However, I have consulted a lot of information, and also observed many cases around me, and found that those children who were allowed to eat cold drinks from childhood and children who were restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up, I hope parents can take a serious look.

1. Gaps in emotional management

Cold drinks are sweet and cold, children will feel happy and happy when eating cold drinks in summer, and often feel happy and happy emotional words, children's emotional self-control will be stronger. Children with strong emotional self-control will also have particularly high emotional intelligence, and they will feel very comfortable in dealing with others, and will also make a lot of friends and be popular.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

And children who have been restricted from eating cold drinks since childhood, because they were unable to resist when they were young, or they would rely on dropping toys and losing their temper to vent their emotions, and it was easy to develop an irritable personality when they grew up, and they would explode at one point; Or it will be silent and accumulate negative emotions in the heart, affecting mental health.

2. The gap in self-control

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks since childhood, because of the supervision and education of parents, will be more modest, will have self-control over eating cold drinks, and will not eat a lot at one time to cause harm to their bodies.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

And children who have been restricted from eating cold drinks since childhood, due to the "asking for it" when they were young, after growing up and leaving the sight of their parents, they will "desperately" eat more cold drinks to make up for the regret that they could not eat their mouths before, which is "compensation psychology".

There is a child in our community, because when he was a child, his parents did not let him eat cold drinks and the like, and as a result, after he went to junior high school, he bought cold drinks every day, even if he had diarrhea, he had to eat, and finally his teeth were rotten, and he unfortunately had diabetes.

3. Social gaps

Parents want their children to make more good friends, after all, multiple friends have many paths. Parents who have been in school basically know that children should "lecture morality" and know how to share.

Other children eat cold drinks, so you will resolutely not eat them; Other children share cold drinks with you every day, but you don't have pocket money to buy them because your parents control them strictly, so it is difficult to integrate into the children's circle.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

Therefore, children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age are more likely to make more friends and have a more cheerful and confident personality.

Children who have been strictly restricted since childhood are basically difficult to make friends, and the child's personality will become very withdrawn and inferior.

4. The gap in parent-child relationship

For children, parents are the closest being, and it is their heart to make needs to parents and get recognition.

When the child repeatedly puts forward the desire to eat cold drinks, but every time is severely rejected by the parents, this must be a heavy blow to the child, over time, the child will doubt whether the father and mother still love themselves, and in the long run, the child's heart will become inferior and depressed.

Slowly, children will not express their needs to their parents and will not communicate with their parents, which will seriously affect the parent-child relationship.

Moreover, when they grow up, children will also have complicated thoughts, such as thinking, "My needs to my dearest parents have been rejected, let alone others?" ”。 They will lack the courage to express their right needs for fear of rejection.

Children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age and those who are restricted from eating cold drinks have a big gap in 4 aspects when they grow up

And children who are allowed to eat cold drinks from an early age will feel happy and happy in the process of eating with their parents, the parent-child relationship will be better, and the child's psychology will be healthier.


Cold drinks are not "flood beasts", children can taste them occasionally is no problem, parents just need to "keep it off".

For example, you can only eat cold drinks under the premise of good physical condition, eat cold drinks in moderation, do not eat cold drinks immediately after strenuous exercise, remember to brush your teeth after eating cold drinks, and so on.

Parents cannot watch their children for a lifetime, and instead of letting their children "compensate" unrestrained in the future, it is better to guide slowly from the beginning. What's more, eating cold drinks is also part of children's beautiful childhood memories, do not deprive them of the right to enjoy cold drinks and happiness.

Some pictures come from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Holding a family counselor certificate and a national three-level psychological counselor certificate, he focuses on family education and children's mental health, and shares modern scientific parenting knowledge and experience every day.
