
#Micro Headline Creation Plan #Sweet potato germination can be eaten, but potatoes can not be eaten when they sprout. I bought a box of sweet potatoes and put them there and forgot, but today I took it out and looked at it, and all of them sprouted. I don't know

author:Elegant breeze A1

#Micro Headline Creation Project#

Sweet potatoes can be eaten when they sprout, but potatoes can't be eaten when they sprout.

I bought a box of sweet potatoes and put them there and forgot, but today I took it out and looked at it, and all of them sprouted. I don't know if I can eat it, so I quickly check the information, it turns out that the germination of sweet potatoes is a very normal phenomenon, and sweet potatoes themselves are alive. If the moisture in the air is sufficient, the temperature is suitable and it is easy to germinate, sweet potatoes will not produce harmful ingredients to the human body like potatoes after germination, as long as the buds on the sweet potatoes are removed, you can eat, and there will be no symptoms of poisoning.

Since you can eat it, pull out the buds and put the hollow fryer to bake sweet potatoes at 200 degrees and 40 minutes, and the strong aroma of roasted sweet potatoes wafts all over the house.

#The unchanged taste in the memory# Baked sweet potatoes are still the unchanged taste in the memory, the child likes to eat it the most when he is a child, and every day on the way home from school, he will buy a roasted sweet potato, fragrant and can like to eat.

[Courgette] [Courgette] [Courgette] [Courgette] [Courgette]

Breakfast 🥣 today

🌻 Baked sweet potatoes

🌻 White boiled eggs

🌻 Dragon fruit milk bird's nest


#Micro Headline Creation Plan #Sweet potato germination can be eaten, but potatoes can not be eaten when they sprout. I bought a box of sweet potatoes and put them there and forgot, but today I took it out and looked at it, and all of them sprouted. I don't know
#Micro Headline Creation Plan #Sweet potato germination can be eaten, but potatoes can not be eaten when they sprout. I bought a box of sweet potatoes and put them there and forgot, but today I took it out and looked at it, and all of them sprouted. I don't know
#Micro Headline Creation Plan #Sweet potato germination can be eaten, but potatoes can not be eaten when they sprout. I bought a box of sweet potatoes and put them there and forgot, but today I took it out and looked at it, and all of them sprouted. I don't know

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