
【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

author:Fengxian Technology released

What is the best match for a hot summer day? Ice cream, beer, watermelon? When it comes to hot days, many people like to chill things

After another breath of "dazzling", although this feeling is "cold immersion", it will cause a lot of damage to the body

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

in life

There are also many misconceptions about relieving the heat

Ice water relieves the heat better than hot tea?

The longer mung bean soup is cooked, the better?

Drink Huo Xiang Zhengqi water if you suffer from heat stroke?

Let's see if you stepped on the pit

Ice water relieves the heat better than hot tea?

And it didn't!

A large number of iced drinks that people drink need to be diluted with water in the body, and cold drinks enter the body, resulting in a sharp drop in body temperature, and the accumulation of heat heat cannot be dispersed, which will increase the risk of heat stroke.

Moreover, cold food can easily cause spastic contraction of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in abdominal pain, bloating and other symptoms; Affect digestion, cause nausea, vomiting and other reactions; It also increases the burden on the heart.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

So, trying to beat the heat with a glass of ice water won't work! The hotter the weather, the more you should drink tea, especially hot tea, which is the real magic weapon to relieve the heat.

Drinking hot tea can promote the secretion of sweat in the skin and open pores. When sweat evaporates, it also dissipates heat from the surface of the body.

At the same time, the blood flow of the human body is greatly increased, sweat secretion will also increase, and the heat in the deep part of the human body will gradually be dissipated.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

It should be noted that it is advisable to wait for the temperature of the tea soup to drop to about 40 ° C, and then sip slowly.

If you don't like hot tea, have a cup of room temperature tea. Caffeine and other ingredients in tea can also regulate body temperature and have a cooling effect.

Tea polyphenols, pectin, amino acids, sugar and other substances in tea can react with saliva in the mouth, moisturize the mouth, and make people feel cool.

Therefore, in terms of the effect of relieving heat, hot tea is better than ice water!

The longer mung bean soup is cooked, the better?

Mung bean soup is a heat tool for many Guangdong grannies, and most people's standard is to boil mung beans until they bloom. It is said that the longer it is cooked, the better the effect on relieving heat, is this true?

Kong Xiangwen, chief pharmacist of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, said: The heat-relieving effect of mung beans comes from mung bean skin, and the polyphenols in mung bean skin are the main components of heat relief, which have antioxidant activity. Generally speaking, when mung beans are boiled for about 10 minutes, the content of polyphenols is the highest, its antioxidant activity is also the highest, and the function of relieving heat is also the best.

When mung beans are boiled for a longer time, the weaker its antioxidant activity and its effect on relieving heat is relatively weak. And when the mung bean soup is boiled until it turns red, its heat-relieving effect is greatly reduced.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

All heat strokes can be used

Lotus fragrance positive qi water to soothet?

Lotus fragrance zhengqi water or ten drops of water is more suitable for summer due to the cold caused by the heat and cloud.

In the view of Chinese medicine, heat stroke is divided into yang heat and yin heat, and yang heat is a series of symptoms that appear after being exposed for too long in a high temperature environment. Heat and shade refers to the symptoms of cold and dampness caused by the cold and humid season, such as blowing air conditioners, sleeping on cool mats, and eating cold drinks.

If it is a hot and sunny drink of Huo Xiang Zhengqi Water or ten drops of water, it will play a bad role.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

These "summer relief tools" should be restrained

1 Watermelon: Eat in moderation

Watermelon scoop has a high water content, up to 93.3%, and eating watermelon can replenish water for the body. But don't ignore the energy contained in watermelon, half a watermelon is about 5 pounds, the energy contained is as high as 360kcal, equivalent to 6 taels of rice.

Therefore, although watermelon relieves the heat, it should also be in moderation, and it is good to eat two or three pieces a day.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

2 beer: relieving heat is not a risk

Beer is made from malt, water and hops, and its energy is also quite a lot. The energy content of a 600ml bottle of beer is about 190kcal, which is equivalent to more than 3 taels of rice.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

In addition, a 600ml bottle of beer contains about 20g of alcohol. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese residents recommend that the daily alcohol intake should not exceed 25 grams for men and 15 grams for women.

For those who easily drink 3 or 4 bottles, whether from the perspective of controlling weight or reducing the harm of alcohol (liver damage, gout, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, etc.), they should drink less beer, let alone use beer as a summer drink.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

3 ice cream: limited moisture, high in calories

The main raw materials of ice cream and ice cream are milk or dairy products, drinking water, white sugar, edible vegetable oil and then added to egg products, fruit products, soy products, chocolate, etc. The net weight of ordinary ice cream and ice cream is about 70-80g, and the moisture that can be provided is limited, about 40-70ml, which is not suitable as a summer relief food.

For example, an old popsicle (80g) contains about 40kcal, while an ice cream (80g) contains about 180kcal, which is equivalent to 3 taels of rice.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

These soups are the best way to relieve the heat!

1 honeysuckle mint tea

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

Ingredients: honeysuckle, mint, mung beans.

Operation steps: take 6 grams of honeysuckle, 6 grams of mint, 10 grams of mung beans boiled water for tea drink.

Efficacy: Honeysuckle has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, evacuating wind and heat; Peppermint also has the effect of evacuating wind heat and clearing the ringhead; Mung beans have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat.

2 hawthorn soup

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

Ingredients: some hawthorn slices, some white chrysanthemums, 50 grams of sour plum.

Operation steps: add water and boil, put in white chrysanthemums, boil and then put in an appropriate amount of sugar, let cool and drink.

Efficacy: It can eliminate food and strengthen the stomach, activate blood circulation and remove stasis.

3. Porridge with lotus leaves

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

Ingredients: 1 lotus leaf, 50g poria, 50g glutinous rice or millet, sugar to taste.

Operation steps: first remove the residue of lotus leaf decoction, add poria, washed glutinous rice or millet to the medicinal soup, cook it as porridge, and put white sugar into the pot before leaving the pot.

Efficacy: Clear heat and relieve heat, calm the mind and calm the mind.

4 lemon tea

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

Ingredients: lemon, honey.

Operation steps: Select a medium-sized lemon, wash it and cut it into several pieces, put it in water, add honey according to the sense of personality, boil for 3~5 minutes and drink.

Consumption effect: lemon warm and bitter, into the liver, stomach meridian, has the function of dispelling heat and stagnation, strengthening the stomach and so on; Honey promotes digestion and has a regulating effect on gastrointestinal function.

Three volts are coming

These cooling measures should be done well

It will officially enter the ambush on July 11 this year for 40 days. The next weather theme is one word: hot! So, what should be done to cool down and relieve heat?

1. Drink plenty of water

It is best to use plain water, and it is recommended that the daily water intake should reach 1500-1700 ml, a small amount many times, do not wait until you are thirsty before drinking water. For adults, tea and unsweetened mung bean soup are also great choices.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

2. Light diet, eat more vegetables, fruits and grains

In summer, the climate is hot, the diet should be light and not fat, and it is necessary to eat more grains to chill the body, and do not eat hot food too much, so as not to help heat; Cold melons and fruits should be stopped in moderation, not overeaten, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

3. Drink some sports drinks when sweating a lot

When sweating more in high temperature or strenuous exercise, the sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals in the body are also lost to a certain extent, and it is recommended to drink some sports drinks to supplement minerals in moderation.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

4. The living environment should be cool

The color of summer clothes should be mainly light colors, and the fabric of clothes should be cotton and linen as much as possible. The room should be cool, the indoor temperature is low in the morning and evening, and the doors and windows should be opened for ventilation. At noon, the outdoor temperature is higher than indoors, so it is advisable to close the doors and windows tightly and draw the curtains.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

5. Bathe in warm water

Warm water shower can reduce the excitability of the nervous system, expand blood vessels on the body surface, accelerate blood circulation, improve the nutrition of skin and tissues, reduce muscle tone, eliminate fatigue, improve sleep and enhance resistance.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

6. Exercise properly

The time of exercise is best to choose early morning or evening, when the weather is cooler, the venue can be selected in the river, lake, park courtyard and other places with fresh air, the exercise items to walk, play tai chi, do radio gymnastics as well, strenuous exercise should not be done.

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

7. Take sun protection measures when going out

At this time, you should avoid exposure to strong sunlight, and when you go out, you should take sun protection measures, such as umbrellas, sun hats, sunscreen, etc.

Reprinted from|Guangdong Science Popularization

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

Fengxian Technology

【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

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【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks

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【Popular Science】Hot tea or ice water, which is more relieving the heat? The right way to relieve the heat! Comes with recommended → for refreshing drinks