
People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!

author:Jiang Cheng, a Chinese medicine practitioner

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Lao Zhang and his wife have been together for 50 years and have deep feelings. Lao Zhang is physically strong and his legs and feet are numb, while his wife is sick all year round and is sick in bed, and most of the time needs Lao Zhang's care.

Everyone thought that his wife would die earlier than Lao Zhang, but the reality was that Lao Zhang died first, and after the age of sixty, it is often easier for women to maintain a long life!

People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!

According to doctors, there are four reasons why women are more likely to maintain a long life, so what are these four reasons?

First, men's lives are stressful

According to the results of the survey on the average life expectancy of Chinese people, the average age of mainland men is 73.64 years, but the average age of women has reached 79.43 years.

Women live longer than men because women and men have different responsibilities in life and in the couple's relationship, and thus suffer unequal pressures.

People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!

Nowadays, there is a focus on equality between men and women, and men and women enjoy equal rights and perform the same obligations, but in the last century on the mainland, there was a strong traditional concept that men were often responsible for providing for the family, and women were responsible for taking care of the housework and teaching their husbands and children.

Therefore, men and women bear insufficient life pressure, and men and women think differently.

Men need to consider a lot of money to make money, deal with some major decisions, support parents of two families, etc., and the mental pressure is huge.

Women often deal with firewood, rice, oil and salt at home, what to eat at each meal, manage children's education, and maintain hygiene conditions at home, so they have less physical and mental pressure and are more likely to live long and healthy.

People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!

Second, men and women are engaged in different jobs, and men have higher physical overdraft

As men and women get older, their physical functions begin to have problems, and a large number of organs are at risk of failure, increasing the chance of disease.

In the past, the mainland was in the initial stage of social development, which led to the fact that the mainland needed a large number of labor to engage in manual labor, and men were often the main body of manual labor.

Manual work is paid more and therefore mostly for men. For example, construction sites, porters, most of them are men.

Long-term physical labor will cause serious burdens to the body, such as frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, etc., and affect people's health in later years.

People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!

Outbreaks of diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease are also because the seeds of pain have been planted in the work of young people.

For example, in order to take care of the family and children, women will engage in more 9-to-5 work, generally handing over careful work to women, such as accounting, clerical and other office work, women have less physical wear and tear, and are more able to maintain health and longevity.

Third, the difference in living habits

In addition to the physical wear and tear of work, a large number of men have poor living habits, which increases the chance of disease.

People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!

For example, most of the male groups will have the habit of smoking and drinking. For example, traditional cigarettes, which contain a lot of nicotine, can cause irreversible damage to the brain.

The harmful substances of cigarettes will also erode the lungs, resulting in irreversible differentiation of the alveoli, and eventually causing lung diseases.

Alcohol is the same, the human body can not complete the absorption of alcohol, but needs to be converted into acetic acid through the liver for absorption, a large amount of drinking increases the load of the liver, improves the incidence of alcoholic liver, liver disease.

People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!

Men are also prone to overeating, eating a lot of foods high in oil and salt, and eating habits are not good, so they destroy the body, resulting in early decline of the digestive system and increasing the chance of disease.

Fourth, the concept of health preservation is different

Both elderly men and women face aging in their physical functions, but there are deviations in the concept of health preservation.

Men do not believe in so-called maintenance products, and there will be no changes in their daily diet, and it is even more difficult to get rid of smoking and drinking.

People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!

Men are often visibly resistant to requests for medical examinations from their children, which increases the risk of illness.

Women are different, no matter what age women are, they pay more attention to the maintenance of their own appearance. Therefore, many elderly women still maintain the habit of losing weight and ensuring a balanced diet.

In the face of the requirements of physical examination, he is very enthusiastic, keen to check the hidden dangers of the body, to achieve early detection and early treatment of diseases, and under comprehensive habits, women often live longer than men.

People over sixty, husbands generally leave earlier than wives, most of them have to do with these 4 reasons!


Different living habits and treatment of health concepts lead to different life expectancy between men and women, and men have a more serious body wear and tear because of the pressure of life, so that life expectancy is generally lower than that of women.

Both older men and women need to strengthen the formation of good habits and maintain a healthy diet in order to live a long life.

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