
Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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There is such a young newlywed husband named Xiao Zhang. One day, he stumbled upon a phenomenon at home that he never noticed: his wife Xiaoyu always wiped it off with toilet paper after going to the toilet.

This made him wonder, why do girls use paper to wipe after urinating? He asked some friends around him and found that most men were also curious about it. The question kept haunting his mind and made him wonder.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

Is it necessary? This question may not seem important at first glance, but in fact, understanding this issue can help us better care for the women around us and improve their quality of life.

So, is it necessary for girls to wipe with paper after urinating? Let's explore this together.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

Here, I would like to share some real data to help you understand this issue more deeply. According to a survey of women worldwide, about 80% of women wipe with toilet paper after urinating.

This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in developed countries, where almost all women do it. So why do women have such habits?

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

In fact, the main reasons why women wipe with paper after urinating are as follows:

1 Anatomy of the female reproductive and urinary systems: Unlike men, women's genitals and urethra are relatively close, which makes women more susceptible to bacterial infections when urinating.

Therefore, wiping after using the toilet can effectively remove residual urine and reduce the risk of infection.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

2 Female physiological characteristics: During menstruation, the skin around the genitals is easily irritated by urine, resulting in local skin itching, redness and swelling. Wipes can reduce these discomforts.

3 Maintain hygiene and dryness: After wiping, the skin around the genitals becomes dry and clean, which helps reduce the possibility of bacteria growing and maintains genital hygiene.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

4 Avoid odor caused by urine residue: urine contains ammonia, urea and other ingredients, if not cleaned up in time, it is easy to produce peculiar odor on the skin around the genitals and underwear.

Women wiping after urinating can effectively remove the urine remaining around the genitals, reduce the production of odors, and make women feel more refreshing and comfortable.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

With the above data, we can find that it is indeed necessary for women to wipe after urinating. But in the process of wiping, we also need to pay attention to some things to ensure women's reproductive health. Here, I would like to give you some advice:

1 Use soft, non-irritating toilet paper: Women have sensitive skin around their genitals, so when choosing toilet paper, choose soft, non-irritating products. At the same time, avoid using toilet paper with fragrance or added chemicals to avoid irritation to the skin.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

2 Wipe direction should be correct: The correct wiping direction is to wipe from the front to the back, that is, from the urethral opening to the anus. This avoids bringing bacteria from the anus to the genitals and reduces the risk of infection.

3 Don't wipe excessively: Excessive wiping can cause injuries to the skin around the genitals, itching, and even infection. Therefore, wipe gently and do not use too much force.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

4 Use wet wipes or water if available: In some cases, it may be more hygienic to wash the skin around the genitals with wet wipes or water. However, pay attention to choosing unscented, non-irritating wet wipes, and avoid excessive water flow when washing.

5 Change underwear regularly and keep them clean: Women should also pay attention to the cleanliness of their underwear while wiping after urinating. It is recommended to change underwear every day, choose breathable, moisture-absorbent cotton underwear, and avoid using non-breathable chemical fiber underwear.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

Based on the above recommendations, many women experience a significant improvement in their quality of life after improving their toilet habits. They are no longer constantly plagued by urinary tract infections, itching and other problems, and their lives are more comfortable and healthy.

This also fully illustrates the importance of wiping women after urinating and the key role of the correct wiping method in women's health.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

In addition, understanding why and how women wipe after urinating also has certain significance for men. As a woman's friend, partner, and relative, men can care about women's needs in their lives and provide them with more intimate care.

When shopping, you can choose toilet paper that is more comfortable and suitable for women; When setting up a toilet at home, consider installing a water-spray toilet lid that is convenient for women. The attention to these details helps to improve the quality of life of women.

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer

Back to our original question: is it necessary for girls to wipe with paper after urinating? The answer is yes. Swabbing after a woman urinates helps maintain genital hygiene and reduces the risk of infection.

For men, understanding this need of women and caring for the details of their lives is also a way to show love and care. I hope that through the interpretation of this article, everyone can better understand the reasons why women wipe after urinating, and cherish and care for the women around them.

What are your thoughts on women's health? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Men will wonder if girls will wipe with paper after urinating, is it necessary? The doctor tells you the answer