
Huawei Pangu Model 3.0 Released, Leading the New Trend of Artificial Intelligence Development

author:Shangwu Society

Shogosha July 6

Huawei Pangu Model 3.0 Released, Leading the New Trend of Artificial Intelligence Development

Ken Hu, Huawei's rotating chairman, delivered an anticipated speech at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, announcing that Huawei will soon release the Pangu Model 3.0. This move means that Huawei will continue to make efforts in the field of artificial intelligence and lead the development of artificial intelligence applications.

Huawei Pangu Model 3.0 Released, Leading the New Trend of Artificial Intelligence Development

In his speech, Ken Hu reviewed the huge boost that the advent of ChatGPT brought to artificial intelligence at the end of last year. The emergence of ChatGPT has made artificial intelligence technology more mature, which is of great significance for changing everything around us. As a leading global technology company, Huawei is actively deploying the field of artificial intelligence and is committed to promoting the in-depth application of artificial intelligence.

Ken Hu introduced Huawei's layout in artificial intelligence, including deep cultivation of computing power and the transformation from a general-purpose large model to an industry large model. As the core foundation of artificial intelligence applications, the improvement of computing power is crucial to promote the development of artificial intelligence technology. Huawei will continue to invest resources to strengthen computing power research and development to provide stronger support for AI applications.

Huawei Pangu Model 3.0 Released, Leading the New Trend of Artificial Intelligence Development

In addition, Ken Hu also emphasized Huawei's efforts in the industry's big models. Industry big models refer to the further optimization and customization of generic AI models to meet the specific needs of each industry. Huawei is committed to providing customized AI solutions for various industries, helping different industries achieve digital transformation and intelligent upgrading.

Most notably, Ken Hu revealed in his speech that Pangu Grand Model 3.0 is about to be released. The Pangu model is one of Huawei's core products based on artificial intelligence technology. It has not only made important breakthroughs in language understanding and logical reasoning, but also demonstrated broad application prospects in many industries. The release of Pangu Model 3.0 will further promote the application of artificial intelligence in various fields and inject new impetus into the innovation and development of the industry.

As a leading global technology company, Huawei has maintained strong innovation capabilities and technical strength in the field of artificial intelligence. The release of Pangu Model 3.0 will further consolidate Huawei's leading position in the field of artificial intelligence and contribute more to the development of artificial intelligence technology.

With Huawei's continuous efforts and innovation, it is believed that AI will be deeply applied in more fields and bring more convenience and value to society. We look forward to the release of Pangu Model 3.0 and believe it will open a new chapter in the development of artificial intelligence and lead the industry to a higher level.

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