
How to deal with the encrypted data of .360 ransomware?|. 360 ransomware virus data decryption recovery

author:Ransomware data recovery research
How to deal with the encrypted data of .360 ransomware?|. 360 ransomware virus data decryption recovery

The .360 ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the user's computer files and demands a ransom payment to decrypt the recovered data. Known for its widespread spread and severe destruction, this ransomware virus has brought great distress and loss to individual users and businesses.

A medium-sized manufacturing company, called XYZ Manufacturing Ltd., relies on its own enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to manage its critical operations such as production, inventory and supply chain. Their ERP system is hosted on a powerful server to ensure the security and reliability of the data.

One day, the company's IT department received an emergency alert that their ERP server had been attacked by the .360 ransomware. All employees were told to stop using the ERP system immediately to avoid further damage to the data. The IT team urgently convened and began to respond to this emergency.

First, the IT team immediately quarantined the infected server to prevent further spread of the virus. They disconnected the server from the network and worked urgently with 91 Data Recovery to conduct an in-depth analysis of the virus. The analysis results show that the .360 ransomware virus has successfully encrypted important data files on the server and left the ransom message.

In the face of this emergency, XYZ Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has taken the following steps to process and recover data:

Security team works with data recovery experts: The company urgently contacted a professional 91 data recovery services company to work with their security team to develop a detailed response plan. Data recovery experts conduct a comprehensive assessment of the compromised server and provide recommendations for scenarios to decrypt and fully recover the data.

Restore backup data: Fortunately, XYZ Manufacturing Co., Ltd. regularly backs up their data (a critical act that provides an important foundation for data recovery efforts), which provides them with a foundation for recovering their data. Using recent backup data, the IT team quickly restored most of the ERP system's functionality and ensured business continuity.

Strengthening cybersecurity: To prevent similar ransomware attacks from happening again, XYZ Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has conducted a comprehensive review and improvement of its cybersecurity measures. They strengthened firewall settings, updated security patches, encrypted sensitive data, and provided employee training to raise cybersecurity awareness.

Plan to deal with future threats: Through the lessons learned from this incident, XYZ Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has developed a comprehensive response plan to deal with future ransomware and other cyber threats. The plan includes regular data backups, strong security measures, continuous monitoring of network activity, and regular security audits and drills.

In the face of .360 ransomware, business users can take the following steps to process and recover data:

Quarantine infected systems: The first task is to isolate infected computers to prevent further spread of the virus and damage to other files. Disconnect from the Internet and immediately notify your network administrator or professional security team.

Seek professional data recovery services: When facing data loss from .360 ransomware, seeking professional data recovery services is the best choice. Professional data recovery service providers with advanced technical knowledge and sophisticated data recovery solutions can help quickly recover encrypted files.

If you need technical support when facing data file encryption problems caused by ransomware virus attacks, please contact our technical service number (shujuxf) and we can help you find the best solution for data recovery.

Importance of data backup: To avoid the risk of data loss, it is essential to make regular data backups. By regularly backing up data, users can restore to the latest backup version in the face of ransomware attacks, reducing the impact of data loss.

In the process of data recovery for dealing with .360 ransomware, professional data recovery service providers can help users decrypt and recover data through the following methods:

Encryption analysis: Data recovery experts analyze the encrypted files, crack the encryption algorithm of the ransomware, and try to restore the original state of the files.

Key recovery: By analyzing how ransomware works and key management methods, a professional team can try to recover the key and thus decrypt the encrypted files.

File Reconstruction: In some cases, professional data recovery service providers can use advanced techniques and tools to try to recover part of the data from the corrupted files, even if the files cannot be decrypted.

The data recovery process for the .360 ransomware virus can take time and expertise. Therefore, when attacked by this ransomware, users should seek professional help as soon as possible and work closely with data recovery experts to maximize the recovery of affected data.

Data recovery cases encrypted by .360 ransomware:

How to deal with the encrypted data of .360 ransomware?|. 360 ransomware virus data decryption recovery
How to deal with the encrypted data of .360 ransomware?|. 360 ransomware virus data decryption recovery

The following are the most commonly circulating ransomware viruses in 2023, indicating that ransomware is diversifying and variants are rapidly developing.

suffix .360 ransomware, halo ransomware, .malox ransomware, maloxx ransomware, maloxx ransomware, faust ransomware, .kat6.l6st6r ransomware, ransomware data recovery, lockbit 3.0 ransomware, eight ransomware, lockedransomware, locked1ransomware,. [[email protected]].mkp ransomware, mkp ransomware, [[email protected]].mkp ransomware, milovski ransomware, milovski-v ransomware,. [[email protected]].makop ransomware, makop ransomware, devos ransomware, . [[email protected]].eking ransomware virus, eking ransomware virus. [[email protected]].eking ransomware, Globeimposter-Alpha865qqz ransomware, . [[email protected]]. Elbie ransomware virus, . Elibe ransomware virus, . [[email protected]]. Devos ransomware, . [[email protected]]. Devos ransomware, . [[email protected]]. Devos ransomware,[[email protected]]. Devos,. [[email protected]].faust ransomware,. [[email protected]].faust ransomware, faust ransomware, etc.

These ransomware viruses often attack and invade the server of the Windows system, including some common business application software on the market, such as: Kingdee software database, Yonyou software database, housekeeper software database, Speeda software database, Kemai software database, Haidian software database, Sixun software database, OA software database, ERP software database, self-built website database, etc., are the common target files for their attack encryption. Therefore, servers with these business application software should pay more attention to server security reinforcement and data backup.

You can also follow "91 Data Recovery" to quickly learn more about the latest development of ransomware and related decryption recovery trends.