
Tangled! In the era of thousands of yuan of dental implants, do "rotten teeth" still need to be treated?

author:Health Hangzhou
Tangled! In the era of thousands of yuan of dental implants, do "rotten teeth" still need to be treated?

A few days ago, 26-year-old Xiao Li (pseudonym) ate an ice cream and had a toothache for two days, but he couldn't stay up firmly, and came to the stomatology department of Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital early in the morning.

Tangled! In the era of thousands of yuan of dental implants, do "rotten teeth" still need to be treated?

After the examination, Dr. Wang Guiling found that the tooth had decayed to the nerve and needed root canal treatment, which is often called "nerve killing" treatment by ordinary people.

After inquiring about the number of visits and the cost before and after, Xiao Li couldn't help but ask: "The cost of my tooth treatment is basically the same as that of implanting a tooth, so I might as well extract it!" ”

The "thousand-dollar era" of dental implants has arrived

With the advent of the "thousand-dollar era" of dental implants, stomatologists often encounter similar questions from patients.

As the "third pair of teeth" of human beings, dental implants have always been daunting because of the expensive price, and the treatment cost after the collection of dental implants has dropped from thousands or tens of thousands to half or less, greatly benefiting the people.

Tangled! In the era of thousands of yuan of dental implants, do "rotten teeth" still need to be treated?

In addition to some patients who have missing teeth can choose dental implants without hesitation, some patients are also more inclined to extract a new tooth when their teeth are "still salvaged", after all, "simple and affordable" is once and for all.

Is that really the case? When the teeth are "sick", should they be "rescued"?

Let's get to know first

What is the difference between dental implants and natural teeth

Tangled! In the era of thousands of yuan of dental implants, do "rotten teeth" still need to be treated?


Like natural teeth, dental implants are composed of multiple parts, and the parts of natural teeth are organically combined, while dental implants are generally connected by screws or adhesives.

The biggest difference between the two is the way they integrate with the alveolar bone. Natural teeth are combined with alveolar osseosion through periodontal membrane, and implant teeth do not have periodontal membrane and are osseoized directly with alveolar bone.

The periodontal membrane cushions the chewing pressure and has a protective effect on the alveolar bone. When natural teeth are subjected to chewing pressure to do downward movement, periodontal membrane is like a hammock, undertaking and buffering part of the force, which can stimulate and maintain the health of the jaw, promote bone stability and prevent bone resorption.

The periodontal membrane also contains tactile receptors and proprioceptors, which make us more "feeling" when chewing, can feel whether the food we eat is hard or tough, and can also sense whether the force during chewing is too large and feedback adjustment to prevent tooth "overload" damage.


The attachment between natural teeth and soft tissues such as gums is denser and stronger than dental implants, and the blood supply source is also abundant, which is more resistant to foreign factors. Natural teeth interact with bacteria and saliva in the mouth, maintaining a relatively healthy oral environment.

Tangled! In the era of thousands of yuan of dental implants, do "rotten teeth" still need to be treated?

Dental implants require more and more careful maintenance, and doctors will generally explain that patients need regular re-examination of dental implants.


Natural teeth can move as adjacent teeth move, always with forward, inclusal movements, constantly adjusting to maintain the balance of the occlusal system.

Dental implants, on the other hand, lack the driving force of these two oriental movements. Therefore, dental implants should be treated regularly in the hospital to adapt to the changing occlusal relationship.


Both natural teeth and dental implants can lead to root exposure due to periodontal disease, and natural teeth can still be firmly present when most of the root is exposed, as long as periodontal inflammation is controlled in time. Dental implants, on the other hand, are more likely to loosen and fall out due to exposed roots.


At present, the general warranty period of collective dental implants is only one year, which is also considered. In addition, there are many elderly patients who cannot tolerate tooth extraction and dental implant surgery due to physical reasons, and need to spare no effort to treat their natural teeth.

Treatment or extraction

All factors need to be considered holistically

Tangled! In the era of thousands of yuan of dental implants, do "rotten teeth" still need to be treated?

Figure | Dr. Wang Guiling in the daily outpatient clinic

"If our teeth are just 'sick', we still hope that patients will not give up easily and listen to the doctor's advice for active treatment."

Dr. Wang Guiling also mentioned that clinically there will be a type of patients who resolutely do not extract teeth, firmly believe that natural teeth are the best, think that their bones will be loosened after tooth extraction, and even for some teeth that have no preservation meaning, they still require treatment, which is to go to the other extreme.

Whether to treat teeth or extract teeth, doctors often need to give a perfect treatment plan according to the specific situation of the patient and comprehensively consider all factors.

· END·[Useful to forward] contribution丨Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital reprint, please indicate "healthy Hangzhou"

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Tangled! In the era of thousands of yuan of dental implants, do "rotten teeth" still need to be treated?