
Li Meng's first 500,000 bonus arrived, and social media posted a post thanking him for the controversy, without mentioning Yao Ming!

author:Happiness explains sports

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated the Japanese women's basketball team in the 2023 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, once again topping the top of Asia after 12 years. This game is of great significance to the Chinese women's basketball team, not only breaking its own losing streak, but also winning glory for Chinese basketball. In this game, Li Meng's performance was particularly good, and her explosion in the second half became the key for the Chinese women's basketball team to reverse the opponent.

Li Meng's first 500,000 bonus arrived, and social media posted a post thanking him for the controversy, without mentioning Yao Ming!

After the competition, when Li Meng and other teammates were waiting for the award ceremony, she suddenly lost control of her emotions and covered her eyes and cried into tears. This scene also allows us to see the pressure and emotional release she is under. At this moment, her tears are not only a way to release pressure, but also her desire to win the game and the maintenance of team honor.

Li Meng's first 500,000 bonus arrived, and social media posted a post thanking him for the controversy, without mentioning Yao Ming!

However, in March this year, Li Meng and former Chinese women's basketball team leader Zhang Long were exposed to a lot of "negative information", and Li Meng became the target of public criticism and received a lot of doubts and criticism. In such a public opinion storm, Yao Ming, the head of the Chinese Basketball Association, did not choose to remove Li Meng or ban her from participating in the Asian Cup. Instead, they chose to respect the decision of head coach Zheng Wei and let Li Meng continue to play for the team. Such a choice also paid off, as Li Meng played an important role in the game. Many have called on the Chinese Basketball Association and Yao Ming to remove her from the Asian Cup and prevent her from participating in the Asian Cup. However, the Chinese Basketball Association did not make such a decision, but chose to support the decision of head coach Zheng Wei. Zheng Wei resisted the pressure and continued to reuse Li Meng, and this decision eventually paid off.

Li Meng's first 500,000 bonus arrived, and social media posted a post thanking him for the controversy, without mentioning Yao Ming!

Regarding Li Meng's victory on the field and falling into public opinion outside the court, reporter Jia Lei believes that in competitive sports, the winner is king. Only by proving everything through the strength on the field can the doubts disappear.

Li Meng's first 500,000 bonus arrived, and social media posted a post thanking him for the controversy, without mentioning Yao Ming!

For Li Meng's performance after the game, reporter Jia Lei said that the winner is king in competitive sports, and only through the strength on the field can everything be proved. And Li Meng proved this with his performance. She scored 12 points in the game, and her performance in the final quarter was even more remarkable. Her performance proved that she is an important member of the team and the key to the Chinese women's basketball team's victory over the Japanese women's basketball team.

After the competition, Li Meng published a thank you article on his personal social media. She thanked a lot of people in the article, including her teammates and coaching team. However, in this thank-you article, she did not mention the Chinese Basketball Association and the head of Yao Ming. This approach has also caused controversy, because without Yao Ming's support, Li Meng may not be able to continue to represent the Chinese women's basketball team in the Asian Cup. However, it is worth noting that shortly after Li Meng thanked her parent team, Sichuan Yuanda Meile Basketball Club announced that she and Han Xu, Wang Siyu and Gao Song would each receive a bonus of 500,000 yuan. It was the first prize they received. However, fans also expect the Chinese Basketball Association to respond.

Li Meng's first 500,000 bonus arrived, and social media posted a post thanking him for the controversy, without mentioning Yao Ming!

After the award ceremony, Li Meng published a text of thanks on his personal social media. Although she did not mention Yao, her gratitude drew controversy. Because if Yao Ming listened to the voice of public opinion from the outside world and chose not to use Li Meng, she might not be able to represent the Chinese women's basketball team in the Asian Cup, nor would she have the scene of tears of excitement. Overall, the Chinese women's basketball team scored an important victory in this game.

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