
People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

author:Fuyi descendants

The law of the jungle accompanies people throughout their lives, and it can be said that since ancient times, the law of the jungle has been the survival of the fittest, and it is understandable why fairness and justice are difficult to achieve.

Life is like a fall of grass and trees, and finally dust returns to dust.

All of you don't care what happens to you in the future, the most important thing is to value how you feel now. In other words, we should all be happy to have met each other. Imagine that if everyone knew that their death was approaching before the end came, then I can guarantee that everyone would have this open-minded attitude of putting life and death aside (i.e., the end will be taken lightly).

People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

Death is not as scary as you think, especially if you are reborn after experiencing despair. If people are lucky enough to survive the ravages of doom, it is a new beginning, and all those who are lucky should look at each other and laugh. And vice versa, if you fail to save your life, then parting from this world is already a fate and fate. An accident is an accident, and no one can stop it, which can be understood as life has an opinion on you.

Therefore, you don't need to get lost and blindly follow for the eyes and comments of others, you are you, don't bend your heart, let alone follow the crowd and follow the flow.

Fate is already thin, and even if it is short, it is extremely grateful. Nothing is set in stone, and no one can always be with anyone. As long as it is happy when we meet each other, it is a good encounter, and it does not matter how you get separated. There is a good saying, if you are lucky enough to meet and have love, then your heart will blossom. If people are cold as soon as they are in love, then keep their hearts warm.

People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

You are you, be a unique you, be a real you with personality, be a free and free mood you.

People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

People are social animals, personal existence and social value are very important, to be recognized and recognized by society and to be respected by everyone is the psychological positioning of most people.

The ideology that people's social status is only related to the economic base and not to the character has become customary. The pursuit of maximizing economic interests is the will of the people, and having money means everything is not an exaggeration, but a last word.

Human life expectancy is related to genetics, do not deliberately pursue the length of life, but should care about the living environment and quality.

It does make sense to live, to have the opportunity to improve the quality of life, to live to see the future, and to live meaningfully.

And without a certain amount of money savings and material foundation, it is difficult to survive, especially in old age, because the older everyone gets, the more they need both material and spiritual civilization.

As an ordinary person, you should think about how to meet the future of old age, everyone will gradually get older, it is necessary to prepare for old age life in advance.

It is not easy for a person to manage the relationship between society and family, and it is not easy to make oneself dependent and happy. Who does not know that it is better to age gracefully and decently, but there are a few people who can do it.

I think the most important thing for people is to have a healthy body, followed by a rich accumulation of money, if you can't do these two things, then don't expect the happiness of old age.

No matter how you want to retire, first solve the material conditions and then consider the way and method of old-age care.

Some people say: people are getting old and feel more and more that it is not interesting at all, wake up at four or five o'clock every morning, sometimes depressed and do not want to get up, sometimes lie on the bed to brush the headlines, but most of the time in a daze and cranky, sometimes do not want to speak, sometimes open the mobile phone to find that there are a lot of information are too lazy to reply to one, really not clear what is the meaning of living.

Some people say: When I was young, I knew that I would earn more money, I wanted to work several jobs, and I left early and returned late every day, and I felt that I had endless energy at that time. But when the children are married and start a family, their bodies are not as good as before, their arms and legs are not as good as before, and their memory is not good, sometimes they open the refrigerator door but don't know what to take, and sometimes they are looking for a mobile phone with a mobile phone in their hands. What to do when you are old is a problem that everyone has to face eventually, and different incomes and different families will face the problem of old-age care.

The problem of old-age care has also become a social problem, for high-income elderly, the pension does not seem to be too big a problem, please nanny home care or stay in a high-end nursing home can enjoy the old age.

People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

Therefore, the key to the pension problem is to rely on yourself, you must work hard when you are young, when you need care for people with mobility difficulties, as long as you have savings or a pension, you have basic security, and you can also reduce the burden on your children.

No matter how the elderly lived in the first half of their lives, they hope that their later life can be happy and comfortable. Why do you say that? In fact, the reason is very simple, because when people are young, even if life is not satisfactory, they can probably endure it. But in their old age, even the slightest wind and rain will make them unbearable, after all, their physical and psychological aspects have long been inferior to when they were young.

I haven't updated the headlines lately because I love a new activity and I've started to enjoy studying how older people live.

Therefore, whenever I have time, I will go to the elderly apartment or nursing home, I have visited a lot of elderly people, and also learned about their pension life. One is out of curiosity and exploration, and the other is to speculate about my future by understanding the lives of the elderly, and today I will share my own feelings.

First of all, I deeply feel that the current elderly must not all rely on the care of their children, because many elderly people spend their old age in nursing homes.

So what kind of existence is the elderly living in a nursing home? What about their world?

To be sure, the living conditions of the elderly in nursing homes depend on how much you save, and it can also be said that the amount of your savings determines your decency.

Because nursing homes are a kind of institution to earn money, nursing homes need to invest in construction and hire people to serve the elderly, which all cost money.

It takes money to recoup the investment and keep the job running, and this money is basically paid by the elderly who live in nursing homes.

How much money you pay determines your food and housing grade in the nursing home, and the living conditions of the rich elderly are relatively better.

And if you don't have much money, then you are a despised existence, and the old people with less money can only barely survive without dignity.

If you go to a nursing home, you can see that the poorer elderly are very miserable, and their old age life is simply sad and pitiful.

For example, due to economic constraints, these elderly people who pay less can only share a room with several people, and their living environment and atmosphere are very bad.

A room in a nursing home often has multiple elderly people, all of whom are over 80 years old.

I saw a room where four elderly people were huddled together, only one of whom could take care of themselves, while the rest were bedridden and could not take care of themselves, which meant that they were fed by caregivers or family members.

The elderly can only lie in bed at the mercy of others, due to poor health, they can not solve the problem of eating by themselves and need a caregiver to feed, usually before feeding, the caregiver has to send dentures to them for them to put on themselves to feed.

I once saw the scene of the caregiver sending the denture to an old man with closed eyes and a shriveled face, only to see that the female old man tried to put the denture in her mouth many times, but the strength was not strong enough, she could not do it at all, because her hands were shaking and weak, so half of the denture sleeve was always hanging outside her mouth, because there were outsiders on the scene, the nurse finally impatiently helped her complete the installation of the denture. Of course, in the process of helping the installation, there was some impatience and criticism, and the service staff reprimanded the old man, and the tone was quite unfriendly. At the time, I really wanted to vent my anger for this old man, but I held back. Because I know very well that I can't make decisions for these elderly people every day.

People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

In front of outsiders, the nurse said that the old man was not good to eat, and impatiently began to feed the old man, and even I found that the old man was not ready, because dentures need to be run in order to chew food.

If it weren't for the presence of someone, you can imagine what the scene would be, even if someone was present, it was such an attitude, it was all so hasty. It can be seen that the service staff has not waited for the old man's dentures to grind well, and began to feed urgently, and the old man is not a soft persimmon, only to see her angry attitude and close her mouth, she is stubbornly resisting, she is silently refusing to eat.

The nurse did not change her attitude, she forced feeding, while still criticizing the elderly for not eating well, and saying that she did not cooperate with work and did not obey management.

As far as I secretly know, this old man just now, when she first came, it was called a spirit. When I first arrived, I used to be smiling and bright-eyed, but after only a year, I was served as I am now.

One year is not a long time for this old man, now look at the judgment of the two, and the mental state when they first arrived at the nursing home is not the same, the taste of this is everyone's own taste, are well known.

Although the old man kept saying that he did not want to eat, the caregiver forcibly delivered food to the old man. Finally, seeing that the old man had refused to open his mouth, the nurse also lost patience and turned to another bedridden old man, and the result was a similar scene, all miserable cold mixed life.

People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

In order to pretend to be in front of the camera, a nurse was forcibly feeding an elderly woman, and I saw her constantly saying while feeding: Don't look at her not hungry, but people are doing well, she will eat as much as I feed her.

Watching the nurse start feeding while straightening the old man's head, I saw the old man constantly moving his mouth and chewing the food. The nurse wiped the vegetable juice from the elderly from time to time with paper, and when he saw the old man's head tilted to one side, the nurse quickly straightened and continued to feed. What quality is there in this way of dining, it is purely alive, dignity and decency are lost.

Of course, some children also come to visit the elderly when they have time. I also saw the daughter of an old man in another room feeding her mother herself, and her daughter's attitude of service must have been better.

I asked this daughter about how to pay for her mother's nursing home, and she said that she would first pay with her mother's savings, and if the old man's money was not enough, then several children would need to discuss it, and finally the children would share the money to pay together.

In addition to these old people who cannot take care of themselves, there are also some old people who can take care of themselves, why do old people with self-care ability come here, after asking them are all a tone.

That's all because the children have their own homes and careers, and they don't have the time and energy to accompany them, so they can only come to live in a nursing home.

Although they are trying their best to excuse and cover up their children, they cannot hide the truth because their tears are talking.

I saw their tears, and they said while secretly wiping the tears from the corners of their eyes with their hands, which were a moist liquid that couldn't help but flow and couldn't help but wipe away.

People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

I also couldn't control the tears [tears], I could see how reluctant they were, but how helpless and speechless they were...

People are not afraid of death but old age, people are not afraid of old age but only afraid of disease, and I hope you do this for the sake of decent aging.

There is an elderly man in his nineties who can still take care of himself, because his children do not have time, he also chose a nursing home.

He chose a separate room, saying that his children would make something delicious to bring when they had time. Of course, if he wants to eat, he can also solve it himself, because as long as he pays more money to the nursing home, he can eat a small stove.

This is the nursing home life of the elderly, thinking that they may also live in a nursing home in the future, and their hearts are like knocking over the five-flavor bottle.

People from birth begin to age and death, everything is a natural law, aging and death are not terrible, each of us can only face calmly.

So I said, it's scary not having too much money.

But even more frightening than the lack of money is the loss of self-care in the elderly.

There is no happy life without a healthy body, and if you do not have health and no financial foundation, it is simply an unimaginable disaster.

Therefore, I hope that everyone must reserve two strengths for themselves before aging, one is a healthy body, the other is enough money, and both are indispensable.

Only in this way can you be regarded as a wise person, and only in this way can you age gracefully and decently, and leave this world with dignity.

Health is so important that no matter what stage of life you are in, it is a primary condition to pay attention to your health. As long as you are healthy, nothing is a problem, no matter how big the difficulties are, you will not be afraid, and a little patience will pass. Having health is equivalent to having savings, having health can greatly reduce the cost of living, and with health you can live with confidence in old age.

If you don't have health, even if you live longer, you are suffering. Not only will your children suffer, but you will suffer even more, and in the end, you will lose all your dignity and leave this world helplessly and painfully, so health is the most important.