
Documentary: 21-year-old girl with abdominal pain, only to know that she gave birth? Hack to death with a machete and throw it in the trash

author:Yidan Downtown

21-year-old Xiaole has always been a girl who loves to laugh, but now she has a painful expression on her face. The pain in her abdomen made her unable to sleep, and she worried about what disease she had, but she never imagined that there was an unimaginable secret hidden behind it.

As the severe pain hit again and again, Xiao Le felt as if his body was about to be torn apart. Finally, in a sharp pain, her legs trembled and could not support themselves weakly, and she fell on the toilet.

She was stunned, and the sight in front of her completely stunned her. In the toilet, a little baby boy curled up and looked at her, staring innocently and incomprehensibly. Xiao Le's heart beat violently, and her thoughts fell into chaos.

"What's going on? Why is there a child in my body? How could I not have known I was pregnant? Xiao Le's heart was full of panic and unease.

She quickly realized that she had to make a decision. The existence of children is a fact that cannot be ignored, but Xiaole is not ready for the responsibility of being a mother. She is young and ignorant, and her future is full of too many unknown possibilities. She didn't know what to do with this child.

Xiao Le fumbled with his trembling hands and took out a sharp kitchen knife from the kitchen drawer. This kitchen knife used to be her right-hand man in cooking, but now, it has become a symbol of her inner death.

Her hands trembled, and tears blurred her vision. She took a deep breath and stared at the child in front of her. He is innocent, he does not understand anything. However, Xiao Le knew that she could not take on the responsibilities of her mother.

"I'm sorry, kid." Xiao Le's voice trembled, and she couldn't control her emotions. The kitchen knife slashed through the air, with a sharp cold light, and swung towards the innocent child.

Documentary: 21-year-old girl with abdominal pain, only to know that she gave birth? Hack to death with a machete and throw it in the trash

On a clear spring day in April 2015, the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau received a heinous police call. The report was made at a neighborhood garbage station where a baby covered in blood was allegedly found.

In an emergency, the police quickly arrived at the scene and saw a garbage can pushed aside, while nearby, a newborn baby lay on the ground. The sight was gruesome because the baby's body was covered with dense knife wounds.

This innocent child was coldly abandoned next to the garbage can, and the police had to carefully check the relevant items in the garbage can, hoping to find some clues.

Soon, they found a courier slip on the plastic bag that wrapped the child. Through the information on the courier bill, the police launched an investigation of the users of the entire residential building, and finally determined the baby's mother, her name is Xiaole (pseudonym), only 21 years old.

However, it is incomprehensible that 21-year-old Xiaole has always been single. When the police were about to arrest Xiaole, her mother unexpectedly expressed unacceptable emotions: she firmly believed that her daughter was afraid of taking a knife on weekdays, how could she do such a cruel act?

The police continue to interrogate Xiaole, hoping to unravel this harrowing mystery. Soon, Xiaole confessed to his criminal behavior.

Xiaole confessed that when she saw the child, she slashed for the first time, and after hearing the child's voice, she slashed three times in a row, causing a total of four wounds to the child.

However, according to the autopsy report, the number of wounds for the child may be much more than four. According to the forensic medical examiner, the cause of death of the baby boy was a sharp stab wound to his head, face, neck and back.

This raises a confusing question: Since Xiaole doesn't want this child, why did she give birth to him? What is even more puzzling is why she ended her child's life in such a cruel way? Moreover, Who is the father of the child? Did Xiao Le know of his existence?

Xiaole confessed that after four o'clock in the afternoon on the day of the crime, she began to feel severe abdominal pain and always wanted to go to the toilet. Because of the abnormal pain, she called her mother for help. However, the mother only thought that her daughter was in her physiological period and did not care too much, only persuading her to drink more brown sugar water.

The abdominal pain did not decrease, but became more and more intense, Xiaole could hardly take care of himself, and even had to support the wall to go to the toilet. While she was sitting on the toilet, she suddenly felt something fall from her lower body.

Then she heard the cry of a baby coming from the toilet, which frightened her and found out that she had actually given birth to a baby.

Documentary: 21-year-old girl with abdominal pain, only to know that she gave birth? Hack to death with a machete and throw it in the trash

This bizarre story, the child's mother was unaware of the entire pregnancy?

Xiao Le's experience is really strange, which also caused many people to be surprised. She was ten months pregnant and brought the child into the world without noticing. She used to be so ignorant and unconscious that it wasn't until that moment that she discovered that there was an unimaginable secret hidden in her body.

Xiaole blamed her parents for everything she did, and she felt that if they hadn't divorced, she wouldn't have become what she is now.

The police learned that Xiao Le's father seemed to be a liar. He often secretly sold his belongings, had an affair with a barbershop, and rented out a house. This behavior made Xiaole's mother unbearable, so she raised Xiaole alone after the divorce.

Xiaole's mother kept telling her that her father was a bad person, had not taken care of her since she was a child, and restricted her right to make friends. She even deleted all the male classmates in Xiaole QQ, if Xiaole did not delete it, she would delete it personally, and did not allow Xiaole to talk to the boy.

Under such strict control, Xiaole became more and more silent, unwilling to share his thoughts with his mother. Despite being closely supervised, Xiaole still fell in early love. She confessed that her boyfriend met through WeChat Shake.

After Xiaole contacted her boyfriend on WeChat, they quickly met and confirmed their relationship. However, Xiaole's mother is opposed to her boyfriend, believing that he has a poor family and runs a chess and card room, like a gangster.

Despite her mother's objections, Xiaole was unimpressed and even took her boyfriend home for the night. This angered Xiao Le's mother, who immediately called the police to accuse her boyfriend of theft.

Xiao Le resolutely packed his luggage and moved into her boyfriend's house. No matter how much her mother called, she remained unmoved and persisted for three months.

The mother is unwilling to lose her daughter and tries to save Xiaole with the threat of severing the relationship. But in the end, Xiaole chose to return home. However, her return did not bring peace to the family, as she soon found out that she was pregnant.

Everyone wondered if this child was Xiaole. When the mother learned of her daughter's pregnancy, she couldn't wait to call the man's family and try to ask for emotional damages. However, the man's mother did not agree with her daughter's behavior, insisting that nothing had been done between them.

Documentary: 21-year-old girl with abdominal pain, only to know that she gave birth? Hack to death with a machete and throw it in the trash

All this made Xiao Le's mother extremely angry. As a mother, she lost respect and understanding for her daughter, insulted Xiaole without saying a word, and even viciously asked her why she didn't make chicken.

Xiao Le's heart was in pain, and her mother's indifference and insults made her unbearable. She felt trapped in endless isolation and helplessness, unable to find someone to talk to.

Xiao Le eventually miscarried the baby, and her mother told her that if she had another relationship with another man and became pregnant, she would definitely be thrown out of the house.

Xiaole couldn't convince her mother to change her mind, and she didn't get more love and support from her boyfriend.

In this story, Xiaole is hurt by her parents' divorce, she grew up in a restricted environment, and her mother's control over her is strict and unhealthy.

Driven by a desire for love and freedom, she started a forbidden relationship with her boyfriend, but this relationship was strongly opposed by her mother.

Faced with the lack of family affection and her mother's accusations, Xiaole gradually lost herself and was lost in pain and helplessness.

Her children fall victim to this unhealthy family, and Xiaole also commits terrible crimes in ignorance and fear.

The winter chill shrouded Xiao Le's heart, and she silently endured loneliness and helplessness. Xiao Le's gradually bulging stomach aroused the suspicion of her stepfather and grandmother, and they asked Xiao Le's mother if she was pregnant, but her mother replied in a negative tone that Xiao Le was just getting fat.

Despite the increasingly obvious changes in Xiao Le's body, her mother still insists that she is only fat and tries to convince Xiao Le of this explanation. Xiaole also began to think that she was just fat and not pregnant at the insistence of her mother, although she had doubts about this in her heart.

As the seasons progress, the stomach gradually bulges, and Xiaole's body gradually cannot hide this secret. But her mother has always remained silent in front of Xiaole, unwilling to face reality.

Documentary: 21-year-old girl with abdominal pain, only to know that she gave birth? Hack to death with a machete and throw it in the trash

On a cold winter night, Xiaole felt severe pain hit her, and she realized that the child was coming. Xiao Le, who was alone, could only endure this unspeakable pain silently, with no one to rely on, and no one to help her.

Finally, the child was born in the silent bathroom. The darkness of Xiaole's heart is ignited by innocent lives, and she witnesses her first cry in the cold, a child born to her and her former colleagues.

A former colleague confessed to Xiao Le, who frankly told him that he already had a boyfriend, but he said that he did not care, and the temporary confusion between the two led to the birth of this child, and this irresponsible man had long left Shanghai without leaving a trace.

Xiaole is overwhelmed by this harsh reality, she is afraid of her mother's reproach and anger, and she is afraid of a lonely future. In the midst of endless despair, she made the harrowing decision to end her child's life with her own hands.

The reason why Xiaole embarked on this road of no return is closely related to her family education. Although Xiaole made mistakes, her mother should reflect on her own behavior.

During Xiaole's growth, she lacked correct guidance and communication, which restricted Xiaole's freedom and rights, resulting in her inability to express her heart and needs normally.

The family's story reveals the importance and impact of homeschooling. It calls for more attention and understanding of the relationships between members of the family in order to create a healthy and harmonious environment for growth. At the same time, it also reminds people that when facing similar difficulties, they should seek appropriate help and support as soon as possible to avoid going to extreme and irreversible paths.

The winter chill penetrated Xiao Le's heart, and she wandered alone on the road to find love and care. Living from an early age in an environment full of obscenities and indifference, she longs to be loved and to find someone who can heal her childhood wounds.

However, fate is not tolerant of Xiaole. Her father died early, and she was suffocated by her mother's control and indifference to her. Xiaole longs for her mother's love and attention, but she is disappointed to watch her mother exclude herself from the edge of life again and again.

On this long road to love, Xiaole met a man who was slightly better to her. He gave her warmth and care, making her feel the beauty of being loved. In her heart, this man seems to be able to fill the missing fatherly love in her childhood and become her lifelong partner.

However, this love is not without obstacles. Xiaole's family environment and mother's control made her feel constrained and unable to breathe. She longs for independence and freedom, and this man seems to be an opportunity for her to pursue freedom.

Documentary: 21-year-old girl with abdominal pain, only to know that she gave birth? Hack to death with a machete and throw it in the trash

Her mother's anger and accusations make Xiaole feel desperate, and she is forced to leave her mother's home and choose to find her own happiness. However, when she became pregnant with this man's child, she felt helpless and confused. She didn't know how to face the coming of this life, or how to create a safe environment for herself and her children.

The arrival of the child made Xiaole deeply aware of the impact of her loveless childhood on her. She hopes to break this vicious circle and allow children to grow up in a warm and loving environment. She vows to give her children the love and care she never had.

This story is a journey of growth and self-redemption. Xiaole gradually grew from an injured child to a strong mother, she learned self-love and protection of herself, and also learned how to give love and care to her children. She hopes that such tragedies will not be repeated,

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