
When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

author:Dr. Lee, ultrasound room
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When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Summer is the hottest season of the year, especially the three-volt days, when the temperature, humidity and muggy air make people feel uncomfortable.

For people with high blood pressure, summer is even more of a test.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

High temperatures not only cause sweating, dehydration, and increased blood viscosity, but also stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, causing increased heart rate, vasoconstriction, and increased blood pressure.

If hypertensive patients do not pay attention to medication, it is easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, such as angina, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc., which are life-threatening.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Therefore, patients with hypertension must correctly use antihypertensive drugs in high temperature weather, control blood pressure within the normal range, and prevent and reduce the occurrence of complications. What are the precautions for patients with high blood pressure to take medication in hot weather?

Hot weather and high blood pressure

The effects of high temperature weather on hypertensive patients mainly include the following aspects:

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

· Increased blood pressure: High temperatures stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), resulting in increased heart rate, increased cardiac output, peripheral vasoconstriction, and sodium and water retention, resulting in increased blood pressure.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

According to statistics, for every 1°C increase in temperature in summer, the average systolic blood pressure can increase by 0.25mmHg.

· Increased blood viscosity: High temperature will cause the human body to sweat more, dehydrate more, and lose more water, resulting in blood concentration and increased viscosity.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

This increases the burden on the heart and vascular resistance, and reduces the perfusion and oxygen supply capacity of tissues and organs.

· Increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: Due to the influence of the above two factors, patients with hypertension in high temperature weather are more likely to develop cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Such as angina, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc. In addition, other diseases such as heat stroke may occur.

Therefore, in hot weather, it is important for hypertensive patients to strengthen self-protection and adjust medication strategies.

Here are some specific recommendations:

· Avoid outdoor activities:

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Try to avoid going out at noon or the hottest time in the afternoon, and if you must go out, pay attention to sun protection, shading, cooling, and avoid sun exposure or heat stroke.

· Keep the room ventilated:

Try to choose a place with air conditioning or fans, keep the indoor temperature at about 27~28 °C, and avoid too large or too low temperature difference.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Keep indoor air circulating to avoid air pollution or infection.

· Dietary modification:

Pay attention to a light, low-salt, low-fat, multi-vitamin diet, eat more fruits, vegetables and other foods rich in water and fiber,

Avoid spicy, fried, high-sugar and other irritating and high-calorie foods.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Also control alcohol and smoking, as these can affect blood pressure and heart function.

Precautions for three-volt days

Sanfutian is the hottest period in summer, and generally the first Geng day counted from the third Geng day after the summer solstice is the day when the first volt begins;

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

The tenth day after the first volt is the day when the middle volt begins; The tenth day after the middle volt is the day when the last volt begins.

The characteristics of the three-volt day are:

· High temperature:

Sanfutian is the hottest period of the year, with an average temperature of more than 30°C and a maximum temperature of more than 40°C.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Such high temperatures can make the human body feel uncomfortable, sweat more, dehydrate more, increase blood pressure, etc.

· High humidity:

Three-volt days are the period of year when humidity is at its highest, with an average relative humidity of more than 80% and a maximum of 100%.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Such humidity will make the human body feel stuffy, sweat is not easy to evaporate, heat dissipation is difficult, body temperature rises, etc.

· Stuffy air:

Sanfu days are the hottest period of the year, due to the influence of high temperature and high humidity, the water vapor content in the air increases, the air density increases, and the air mobility decreases.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Such air can make the human body feel hypoxia, difficulty breathing, dizziness, etc.

· Yang Qi:

Sanfutian is the most sunny period of the year, because the sun is directly on the earth, the sunlight is strong, and the ultraviolet intensity is high.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Such sunlight can cause irritation in the human body, skin burns, pigmentation, decreased immunity, etc.

Therefore, during the three-volt period, hypertensive patients should pay more attention to the following:

· Proper avoidance of outdoor activities:

Try to avoid going out at noon or the hottest time in the afternoon, and if you must go out, pay attention to sun protection, shading, cooling, and avoid sun exposure or heat stroke.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

At the same time, pay attention to avoid unfavorable environments such as traffic congestion, loud noise, and air pollution.

· Keep the room ventilated:

Try to choose a place with air conditioning or fans, keep the indoor temperature at about 27~28 °C, and avoid too large or too low temperature difference.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain indoor air circulation to avoid air pollution or infection.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Equipment such as air purifiers, humidifiers, fragrances, etc. can be used to improve indoor air quality and comfort.

· Dietary modification:

Pay attention to a light, low-salt, low-fat, multi-vitamin diet, eat more fruits, vegetables and other foods rich in water and fiber,

Avoid spicy, fried, high-sugar and other irritating and high-calorie foods.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Also control alcohol and smoking, as these can affect blood pressure and heart function.

You can eat some foods that have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, such as watermelon, winter melon, mung bean soup, chrysanthemum tea, etc., to help cool down.

· Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration:

Since high temperatures will accelerate the evaporation of water and salt loss in the human body, pay attention to drinking more water to prevent dehydration.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Generally speaking, under normal ambient temperature, people need about 2300 ml of water a day, and the total amount of excreted water is about 2300 ml, and the amount of water in and out is balanced.

Drinking plain water or low-salt water with no more than 1% salt can effectively replenish water.

Of course, it can also be supplemented by eating fruits and vegetables.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

It should be noted that do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water, you should develop the habit of drinking water before you are thirsty; Drink water often in small amounts and multiple times, rather than in large quantities at once

· Timely adjustment of the dose of the drug:

Since high temperatures affect the body's water-salt metabolism and vascular tone, making it easier for blood pressure to drop,

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to adjusting the dose of the drug in time according to changes in blood pressure to avoid excessive blood pressure lowering or hypotension.

In general, if the systolic blood pressure is often lower than 120mmHg, you should go to the hospital to adjust the drug;

If you have symptoms such as weakness, weakness, dizziness and so on after taking medicine

· Enhanced monitoring of blood pressure:

Because high temperature will affect the body's blood pressure regulation mechanism, blood pressure is more likely to have large or irregular fluctuations between day and night peaks and valleys.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening blood pressure monitoring, recording blood pressure levels, and going to the hospital to adjust medications.

In general, systolic blood pressure should be less than 120 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure should be less than 80 mmHg when measured at home.

If systolic blood pressure is higher than 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure is higher than 90 mmHg, antihypertensive drugs need to be added or replaced;

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

If systolic blood pressure is less than 100 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure is less than 60 mmHg, antihypertensive drugs need to be reduced or discontinued.

Correct dosage

Correct use of medication is one of the key points for hypertensive patients to improve medication safety in hot weather.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Patients with high blood pressure need to follow their doctor's medication instructions and take their medications on time and in the right amount.

Do not increase or decrease the dose of the drug without authorization, so as not to affect the efficacy or increase the risk of adverse reactions.

In hot weather, some patients may experience a decrease in the efficacy of the drug because blood pressure tends to rise.

At this time, it is not advisable to increase the dose of the drug on your own, but should consult a doctor in time to adjust the medication plan according to the specific situation.

Check your blood pressure regularly and communicate with your doctor.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Fluctuations in blood pressure may require adjustment of the dose of the drug, and blood pressure levels can only be better controlled in close cooperation with a doctor.

Reasonable selection of antihypertensive drugs

In high temperature weather, patients with high blood pressure need to reasonably choose antihypertensive drugs to ensure the safety and efficacy of medication.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

At present, common antihypertensive drugs include diuretics, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARB, etc.

Different types of drugs have different mechanisms of action and indications, so the decision to choose a drug needs to be made based on individual circumstances and doctor's recommendations.

In hot weather, some antihypertensive drugs may increase the body's sensitivity to high temperatures, such as causing edema or reducing heat tolerance.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Therefore, patients with hypertension should follow the doctor's advice, choose the appropriate antihypertensive drug according to the specific situation, and closely observe the efficacy and adverse reactions of the drug.

Follow the doctor's advice to standardize the medication time

In hot weather, patients with high blood pressure need to follow the doctor's medication instructions and standardize the medication time.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Some medications need to be used before or after meals, while others are not affected by diet.

The correct timing of medication can ensure the absorption and efficacy of the drug, and avoid poor efficacy caused by too early or too late administration.

At the same time, patients with high blood pressure should develop good medication habits to avoid missing or repeating medications.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

You can set a reminder alarm clock, medication record book, etc. to remind yourself to take medication on time to ensure the standardization and accuracy of medication.

Reasonable diet combined with medication

Diet is one of the important factors affecting the occurrence and development of hypertension.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Improper diet can lead to weight gain, sodium and water retention, elevated blood lipids, etc., which can lead to increased blood pressure and increased burden on the heart.

In high temperature weather, patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to a reasonable diet and combine drug treatment to achieve the best effect of lowering blood pressure.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Here are some recommendations and examples for combining diet with medication:

· Limit salt intake:

Salt is one of the important factors affecting blood pressure.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Excessive salt intake can lead to sodium and water retention, increased blood volume, increased blood pressure, and the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs.

Therefore, in hot weather, patients with high blood pressure should limit salt intake to no more than 5 grams per day.

Pay attention to avoid eating pickles, pickled products, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and other foods with high salt content, try to eat less or no snacks,

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Processed foods such as instant noodles and canned food, eat more potassium-rich foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables to promote sodium excretion and lower blood pressure.

· Control fat intake:

Fat is another important factor affecting blood pressure.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Excessive fat intake can lead to weight gain, elevated blood lipids, atherosclerosis, etc., which can lead to increased blood pressure and increased heart burden.

In hot weather, patients with high blood pressure should control fat intake and not exceed 25% of total calories per day.

Pay attention to avoid eating animal oil, butter, cream and other foods high in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol,

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Try to eat less or no red meat such as pork, beef, mutton, and eat more foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, beans, nuts, etc., to reduce blood lipids and improve vascular function.

· Appropriate vitamin supplementation:

Vitamins are another important factor in blood pressure.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Vitamin deficiencies can lead to reduced elasticity of blood vessel walls, increased oxidative stress, impaired endothelial function, etc., resulting in increased blood pressure and increased burden on the heart.

In hot weather, hypertensive patients should properly supplement vitamins, at least 100 mg of vitamin C and 400 micrograms of folic acid per day.

Pay attention to eating more foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, green peppers, etc., to enhance antioxidant capacity and protect blood vessel walls;

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Eat more folate-rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, etc., to reduce homocysteine levels and prevent atherosclerosis.


In hot weather, patients with high blood pressure need to pay special attention to medication safety.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Correct dosage, reasonable selection of antihypertensive drugs, standardized medication time and reasonable diet combined with drug treatment are the key points to improve drug safety.

In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to properly avoiding outdoor activities, maintaining indoor ventilation and regulating diet during three-volt days.

To reduce the burden on the body and cope with the challenges of hot weather.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

High blood pressure is a chronic disease that requires long-term medication and lifestyle modifications.

Hot weather may pose additional risks to people with high blood pressure, but as long as we keep these four key points in mind,

Reasonably cope with high temperature weather and improve drug safety, we can maintain good health in the hot summer.

When the high temperature strikes on three volt days, there is a special attention to taking medicine for high blood pressure, keep in mind the 4 key points, and improve the safety of medication

Enjoy the good life. Remember to maintain close communication with your doctor and regularly review your blood pressure to better manage hypertension, stay away from risks, and live a healthier and happier life!
