
Wumei, a fruit that is very afraid of diabetes (this article is shared from online media)

author:Director of Chinese Medicine Qu Bing

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic, lifelong disease caused by a series of metabolic disorders such as sugar, protein, fat, water and electrolytes caused by absolute or relative insulin secretion and reduced sensitivity of target tissue cells to insulin. ㅤ

Wumei, a fruit that is very afraid of diabetes (this article is shared from online media)

In the prevention and treatment of diabetes, traditional Chinese medicine has a long history, and the research on the use of astragalus plum soup to treat diabetes has a significant effect.

It is introduced as follows. ㅤ

Clinical data:

All 60 cases were hospital-admitted patients with type 2 diabetes, including 30 males and 30 females; Age 52~78 years old; The course of the disease is 9 months ~ 9 years; Blood glucose (9.61±1.64) mmol/L; The triglycerides were (2.41±0.83)mmol/L; fasting blood glucose 7mmol/L; Blood glucose 11.1mmol/L 2 hours after meals; Clinical symptoms include polyphagia, red tongue and less jin, palpitations, insomnia, upset, hot hands and feet, and Chinese medicine distinguishes that it belongs to the two deficiency types of qi and yin. ㅤ

Conditioning method:

Astragalus plum decoction is given on the basis of conventional Western medicine treatment. Prescription: Astragalus 50, Ume 15. Usage: Divided into 3 warm servings, 1 dose per day. A total of 3 months of treatment. ㅤ

Efficacy criteria:

Effective: The patient's blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin decreased significantly.

Effective: The patient's blood sugar is controlled within a certain range, and glycated hemoglobin is reduced.

Ineffective: the patient's blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin have not decreased or even worsened. ㅤ

Therapeutic Effects:

There were 20 cases of apparent effectiveness, 36 cases of effective and 4 cases of ineffectiveness, and the total effective rate was 93.3%. ㅤ

Wumei, a fruit that is very afraid of diabetes (this article is shared from online media)

With the continuous improvement of living standards, people's living and eating styles have also undergone great changes, and the number of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing year by year.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the craving for fat and thick taste is the main cause of diabetes, and most people suffering from diabetes are deficient in qi and yin. In order to improve the quality of life of patients, it is necessary to implement targeted treatment.

Clinically, Astragalus Wumei decoction is commonly used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, which contains prescriptions such as Wumei and Astragalus, which can not only quench thirst, but also invigorate qi and nourish yin.

Among them, Umei can collect lung vitality, while astragalus can reduce swelling, replenish qi and raise yang, and the combined application of astragalus and Ume can effectively improve the clinical symptoms of patients and ensure the treatment effect of patients.

Wumei, a fruit that is very afraid of diabetes (this article is shared from online media)

The results of this study showed that the application of Astragalus Wumei decoction could improve the overall treatment efficiency of patients, effectively reduce patients' fasting blood glucose and blood sugar two hours after meals, and improve patients' depression, anxiety and insomnia.

Astragalus plum decoction is used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, and its efficacy is definite and worthy of clinical promotion.

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