
The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

author:The scroll was speechless
The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China
The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

Text | The scroll was speechless

Edit | The scroll was speechless

★ Preface ★

In order to curb the development of the mainland, the United States even put 240 nuclear bombs at the door of our country, and judging from the attack speed of this batch of nuclear bombs of the United States, it can cover half of China in 5 minutes!

An agreement was reached between South Korean President Yoon Seok-hyeol and the President of the United States that the United States will deploy an Ohio-class nuclear submarine in South Korea, carrying 240 nuclear warheads, more than enough to destroy a medium-sized city!

The United States deployed 240 nuclear bombs in South Korea in order to target which country, the whole world knows!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

★ The United States deployed 240 nuclear bombs against China ★

After South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue visited the United States, the two countries issued the Washington Declaration!

The United States claims: In order to deal with North Korea's potential "nuclear threat", the United States will send a nuclear submarine to South Korea to help South Korea enhance its "extended deterrence" and avoid a possible nuclear strike by North Korea!

What the United States says that it sent nuclear submarines to help South Korea deal with the North Korean nuclear threat, this is just bullshit!

The whole world knows the wolf ambition of the United States, and the deployment of nuclear submarines in South Korea is not to threaten China with force and curb China's development?

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

For today's United States, Russia is held back most of its energy by Ukraine, and the United States has spent tens of billions of dollars to support Ukraine and let Ukraine continue to bleed Russia.

As long as the Russian-Ukrainian war does not stop, Russia's strength will inevitably be seriously weakened!

As Russia's overall strength continues to weaken, there is only one country in the future biggest enemy of the United States, and that is - China!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

After explaining the stakes, everyone should understand why the United States deployed a nuclear bomb in South Korea!

While the United States is now dealing with Russia by supporting Ukraine, it is also trying to win over South Korea and encourage Taiwan independence elements to clamp down on China's development.

According to reports, the Ohio-class nuclear submarine deployed by the United States in South Korea can carry 24 intercontinental missiles, each of which can carry 10 W88 nuclear warheads.

From this, an Ohio-class nuclear submarine is enough to carry 240 nuclear bombs.

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

According to calculations, the power of each W88 nuclear warhead is 31.6 times stronger than the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. A single atomic bomb can plunge a city into hell on earth.

The United States has deployed 240 such nuclear warheads at the door of the mainland, and the threat to the mainland is unparalleled!

How abominable! The United States dares to boldly deploy a nuclear threat on the mainland's doorstep.

Coincidentally, in the last century, the United States also had a plan to "bomb China".

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

★ The US "bombing China" program ★

Since China's rapid development, the United States has been trying to nip China's development in the bud through nuclear strikes.

The psychology of the United States is very clear, China's future is definitely the number one enemy of the United States, because China is a socialist country, using a completely different development model from the United States, the United States absolutely does not want a country in the world that is more powerful than the Soviet Union and a greater threat to the United States!

Therefore, the United States has been doing its best to try to weaken China's strength through political pressure, financial sanctions, military threats, etc.!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

It is true that the United States once launched a nuclear strike program, and the main target of this plan was China!

At that time, China was just emerging in the world, and American leaders feared the re-emergence of China, once the "world's number one hegemon", so they wanted to eliminate China's living forces.

At that time, the United States expected to drop 870 nuclear bombs on the mainland, and the main target of the United States in the plan was shown in the figure below.

If the United States really carries out nuclear strikes on these cities on the mainland, then China may really collapse!

Next, I will explain to you in detail the US nuclear strike program in the last century!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

U.S. nuclear strike plans against China

Time came to the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, when the United States claimed to be the world's number one military power, but when facing the mainland People's Liberation Army, the "eagle" of the United States was completely beaten down!

Hundreds of thousands of US troops were beaten by the mainland People's Liberation Army, and in the end, they had no choice but to sign an armistice agreement and withdraw their troops from North Korea.

The face of the United States is rubbed on the ground by the mainland!

How could the United States, which has a strong sense of self-esteem, swallow this breath, and soon the United States began to develop a nuclear retaliation plan against China, and even against the USSR at that time!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

In 1950, the United States only had about 200 nuclear warheads, and by 1960, the number of nuclear warheads in the United States had soared to a terrifying 18,000!

It is no exaggeration to say that the United States in 1960 already had the power to destroy the core development areas of the world!

After careful consideration, the US military formulated a nuclear retaliation plan, which is expected to use 870 nuclear bombs to carry out nuclear strikes on major cities on the mainland, especially Shanghai, which was China's economic center and trade center at that time, so the United States decided to use 82 nuclear bombs to raze Shanghai to the ground!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

Let's think about it, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, causing more than 300,000 casualties, and countless Japanese still have the sequelae of nuclear radiation!

At that time, China did not even develop a nuclear bomb, and if the United States was really mad enough to retaliate against the mainland with a nuclear strike, we really could not resist!

So why did the United States cancel the plan?

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

America's wolf ambitions

No matter what the US plan is, we must always understand that the United States has made its fortune from World War I to World War II!

The United States is a "military-industrial complex country", not only does it have the world's top military technology, but the United States desperately hopes to make another windfall by selling arms all over the world!

For the United States, the world's largest arms dealer, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are long-term "meal tickets", these countries and regions not only buy a large amount of arms here in the United States every year, but also can contain China's development.

For the United States, it's a good thing to kill multiple birds with one stone!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

Both the South Korean authorities and ordinary South Koreans believe that only by holding the thigh of the United States can South Korea's status be preserved.

Because South Korea and North Korea have a deep hatred, South Korea and Japan are not very harmonious relations, as the younger brother of the United States, South Korea and the mainland do not deal with each other, so South Korea is the most urgent need to get "American love" in the world.

Therefore, the United States pushed the boat along the water and sent its own nuclear submarine to South Korea to support South Korea and make South Korea more determined to be the little brother of the United States.

Of course, the wolf ambitions of the United States have long been exposed, and the real purpose of nuclear submarines is to arm and deter China!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

In terms of the strike capability of the US Ohio nuclear submarine, it can attack the Yangtze River Delta region of the mainland in 5 minutes, and if it is not effectively intercepted, the effective attack range of the US nuclear submarine is enough to cover most of China!

The threat to the mainland is great!

Although the mainland also has the ability to block a nuclear strike, no one dares to gamble on this thing, and if you accidentally lose the whole game!

Even if we know that the United States cannot launch a nuclear bomb attack for no reason, as long as the US nuclear submarine is at the gate of the mainland for a day, we will not be at peace for a day!

On the side of the bed, you can't allow others to snore!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

A nuclear submarine wants to force China to bow down? The United States has also played this abacus too loudly!

The only thing to worry about is whether this move of the United States will be a blow to the east? Will it have a great impact on the mainland's recovery of Taiwan?

In the event that when the mainland is dominating Taiwan, the US nuclear submarine suddenly jumps out and wants to interfere with the mainland's armed actions, which is also a huge threat to the mainland!

How can we counter the threatening behavior of US nuclear submarines?

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

★ China's countermeasures ★

In any case, China should continue to increase the number of strategic weapons!

Although we are a peace-loving country, we can only have peace if we are strong enough!

A weak country is not worthy of peace!

There should be no objection to this!

The truth is only within the range of the cannon!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

As the saying goes, the best defense is to attack! When the United States cannot intercept China's weapons one day, when the day Chinese weapons can be unimpeded in the United States, the United States will honestly trade with the mainland!

Chairman Mao said that if we are afraid of the prestige of the United States, then the United States will inevitably further gain an inch, and this move by the United States is nothing more than a paper tiger showing its fangs in an attempt to scare off China!

Our country has always been not afraid of power or threat!

The United States that could fight the Korean War roared, and now we can still fight the United States screaming!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

Nuclear bombs are not terrible, no nuclear bombs are terrible!

For China, the United States and Russia, nuclear bombs are just props to balance the final bottom line of the two sides! No one dares to push the other into a corner.

Take Russia as an example, if the United States dares to drive Russia to a corner, then Russia will dare to hold the determination to die together and pull the whole world to be buried together!

Then in the same way, the United States only dares to show its fangs in front of the mainland, and really wants to do it, even if the mainland is seriously injured, it will break up all the US leadership team!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

★ ★ Conclusion

No matter how belligerent the United States is! No matter how much the United States wants to contain the development of China and Russia, one thing must remain constant: the American leadership must be desperate!

Maybe China does not have many nuclear bombs, but China has the world's top "Dongfeng Express", maybe the number of nuclear bombs we have cannot destroy all important cities in the United States, but as long as we can make the decision-makers of the United States disappear from the earth, the United States will never dare to play nuclear strikes with us!

If the United States cannot move itself into outer space, then the United States will always be within the range of a nuclear strike on the mainland!

The earth is so big, the United States dares not let China live well, then the United States should not think about it!

The United States is completely out of the box! Put 240 nuclear bombs at China's doorstep, and in 5 minutes you can cover half of China

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