
Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

"Three feet have a spirit, heaven and earth testify, you are my wife, Liu Yuru."

"Sun and moon Zhaozhao, mountains and rivers as a matchmaker, you are my husband, Gu Jiusi."

Who watched "Changfeng Du" Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru drinking a glass of wine above the city tower and dying generously, without crying? Who saw the picture of Gu Jiusi driving straight in alone and taking the first rank of King Liang in exchange for peace, and it was not burned?

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

At this moment, Gu Jiusi was no longer a gentleman, no longer a dashing young man, but a parent official who kept Yicheng safe, a warrior who was not afraid of life and death, and completed his self-transformation in an extremely tragic way.

Bai Jingting, who plays Gu Jiusi, has also ushered in a period of rapid career rise, and the new blueprint of his actor is slowly unfolding.

  "Three consecutive successes"  

From 2022, Bai Jingting has set off a splash in three consecutive dramas.

 "The Beginning", as the opening of 22 years of domestic dramas, also gave Bai Jingting himself a New Year's gift. This online drama was produced by Noon Sun, which had attracted much attention, and because the "time loop" theme involved was ahead of its time at the time, it broke through the audience circle after it was broadcast and caused widespread discussion on social media. "The Beginning" is considered a very important play for him. "The level of attention it gets, the opportunity that arises in my career, is very important to me."

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

And Bai Jingting himself has a sense of networking, at that time the audience called for "plus more", he said, "Do I QQ three solar energy talk to your high-level?" And took the initiative to @Tencent Video's official Weibo, making himself the "own person" in the game between the audience and the platform's "plus more", narrowing the distance with the audience, and transforming the "urge change" into a successful event marketing, staging a hot search "serial".

The "Xiao Heyun" played by him is calm and reasonable, complementing the more sensual and kind Li Shiqing character and has the same goal. If he only had "little love" at the beginning, in the race against time again and again, he gradually learned "big love" from Li Shiqing, such a character setting has both a realistic side and a growth side, and gradually perfects the character arc. Bai Jingting's interpretation of "Xiao Heyun" also allows the audience to see the possibility of him in more serious dramas.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

"Qing Qing's Daily" is completely different from the theme of "The Beginning", and completely subverts the reality and depressing background of the original novel, and adapts it into a light comedy style. The core of the series is not to criticize the feudal system with the plight of women being tamed, but to inject modern concepts into the perspective of advanced women, and explore women's power and survival value.

The light comedy style and avant-garde female perspective of this drama present a fantastic family scene for the audience, which has become a well-deserved "dinner drama". And the easy-to-understand value output has also made this drama pay attention to the audience in the sinking market, making this drama have a huge voice whether it is on the broadcast platform or the second creation platform.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

Bai Jingting's "Yin Zheng" has less room to play than female characters, but his career line from an unfavored prince to the next Xinchuan lord has a cool male protagonist temperament, and in a high position, he adheres to the concept of "one life and one couple", which is also in line with the fantasy of male characters in love drama audiences. So this character is also loved by audiences of different orientations.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

"Changfeng Du" has been identified as the "Heaven's Chosen" Gu Jiusi since the beginning of preparation, whether it is the side of "Qiao" or the side of "rebuking Fang Xuan", it seems that he can find a shadow from Bai Jingting, and he himself believes that this is a role relatively similar to his personal personality, so the audience is better adapted to Gu Jiusi played by him.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

But this drama is not only a love or house fight drama, it also has a strong sense of home and country, Gu Jiusi, as one of the superiors with wealth and power, does not covet things outside his body, but really considers the country and the people, donates family property, guards the city gate, and strives to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. The "purest and best" in the early stage and the "sense of responsibility" in the later stage are coherent and progressive, and the blessing of excellent characters makes the audience have more "character filters" for Bai Jingting, which to some extent allows him to also eat "character dividends".

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

However, the popularity of "Changfeng Du" is not only in the main plot, the joyful love story of Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru in the play is touching after marriage, soul mate, and the tacit "real CP" outside the play makes the audience repeatedly "snort" among real people and characters, making the attention of the drama climb day by step.

"The Beginning" is the first online explosive drama in 22 years, "Qing Qing Daily" has become the first popular drama on the platform in 2022, and the popularity of "Changfeng Du" has broken 10,000 rapidly, which is the fastest drama on the platform to break 10,000 so far, and the three dramas have good results, proving its influence in the drama circle in 90 lives.

"It's time for transformation"

Counting Bai Jingting's acting experience, he followed the growth path of most young actors and successfully seized the opportunity of transformation. He is not an actor from a science class, at first he just liked the sense of achievement brought by acting, "If you really acted (you will understand), if you act a play very smoothly, the sense of achievement is completely different." ”

What really brought him into the entertainment industry was the youth drama "The Year in a Hurry", in the era when the youth drama was not yet blowout, he took the lead in interpreting "Qiao Ran", such a near-perfect male number two, although he was not with the heroine Fang Ani, but became the initial "white moonlight" of many early school drama audiences.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

The next vocal character is also the male number two of the school drama, that is, Lu Zhiang of "Summer Solstice". Bai Jingting has an unrestrained youthful feeling, which just fits Lu Zhiang's cheerful personality. This is why his role as the gentle and introverted Hatsuhara Senior Brother in "Whirlwind Girl" will be a little unsatisfactory, but Lu Zhiang, who plays him, will be loved.

And the side line CP "Beauty Couple" between him and Keiko Zheng in "Summer Solstice" is different from the overall depressed and sad plot in the form of joy and wrongdoing, bringing a different viewing experience to the audience. Then Lu Zhiang was imprisoned for hurting people, Yan Mo firmly waited for him for many years to finally become a dependent, and also gave this relationship more dimensional growth, the phrase "There are a thousand kinds of waiting in this world, the best kind is called the coming day" is still a memorable film and television golden sentence to this day.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

Although most of the roles he played at the beginning were male number two, through his unconventional interpretation and the blessing of the "halo" character, to some extent, these male number two he played were not inferior to the male protagonist, and the audience popularity brought to him by these roles also made him gradually become the male protagonist.

After becoming the male protagonist, he did not continue the route of youth dramas, but sought transformation, and constantly explored the diversity of themes in the film and television drama market that pays more and more attention to realism and professional themes, and the workplace drama "Ordinary Glory" and the sports drama "Glory Ping-Pong" were his choices at that time.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

These roles fit with Bai Jingting's own temperament, but they are not the same, Sun Yiqiu in "Ordinary Glory" has no halo as a workplace white, he is more to let the audience enter from his own perspective to feel the tension of the workplace. And Xu Tan in "Glory Ping-Pong" is more shy and obedient. But they all have the vitality and persistence of young people in essence. This type of role is undoubtedly a kind of development and exercise in performance for Bai Jingting, who needed to change the track at that time.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

The urban drama "You Are My City Stronghold" is a drama that he truly accepts the results of the audience, and the special police captain Xing Kelei he plays is quite typed, with a strong appearance and force value on the outside, and focusing on responsibility and the overall situation internally, which is the backbone of the organization. Compared to his previous roles, this role can make the market and the audience feel his plasticity.

In a sense, "You Are My City Stronghold" is the drama that adds the most to Bai Jingting in the transformation stage.

Before that, his performance in variety shows was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but as an actor, he did not have a heavy out-of-the-loop work, and he did not rush to the head camp in his 90 lives, and he needed to take another step forward. And the appearance of this drama not only allowed him to interpret more diverse characters, but also brought him a well-known male protagonist masterpiece.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

And then to the successful three consecutive after 2022, Bai Jingting has gained a firm foothold in 90 lives. Standing at this time node to look back at his past performance experience, it can be called step by step, first received the right role at the corresponding time, and then did not hesitate when it was time to open up the track, although there were no ups and downs in the middle, but in the end there was a good result.

「 Unique Progression Path 」

Bai Jingting has always been a unique existence in his 90 lives, and this sense of existence is reflected in his existence as both a certain degree of national popularity and high popularity, and is one of the so-called recognized "wall heads", both of which are rare among young male artists in domestic entertainment.

If we talk about his popularity and popularity, we can't fail to mention his performance in variety shows. At the beginning, he was only a flying guest in "Star Detective", but his reasoning ability and sense of variety show made him one of the permanent guests and veterans of this variety show, and at the same time created a hot meme such as "this is another price".

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

The performance of stars in variety shows has a very great role in promoting the establishment of the audience's own image, so Bai Jingting, who showed his sense of variety through "Star Detective", received a number of variety show invitations within a period of time, becoming a resident guest of many variety shows focusing on variety show effects such as "24 Hours" and "Let's Fight", and also received variety shows such as "Log in to Yuanyuzhou" that focus on showing reasoning strategies, making his "smart" and "funny" characters in variety shows clearer.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

However, variety shows will have a certain impact on the establishment of the actor's image in the performance, and the audience will pay more attention to the actor than the character itself, which is a dilemma for both the actor and the character. Therefore, it can also be seen from the frequency of recent variety shows that he is deliberately shifting the audience's attention to him to the character itself.

It is worth mentioning that Bai Jingting's vision for drama selection has become more and more prominent, and the themes of the dramas he has recently starred in are relatively novel, and even have the forward-looking of the industry, eating the theme dividend. And the role he plays not only has a character arc, but also meets the aesthetic needs of the audience for these male characters, which is the drama and role that the audience will take the initiative to raise their interest in chasing dramas, coupled with his own strong network sense and publicity, so there is a "successful three-in-a-row".

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

And most importantly, his acting skills are recognized by the public, and his own youthful sense makes him very suitable for interpreting hot-blooded sunny or dashing and wild roles, and his own meticulous thinking logic allows him to show a quiet and calm state when playing suspense-themed roles.

Although he is not from a professional background, he has thinking and output in performance, which makes him not incompatible when playing roles that are completely different from his own personality. It can be said that his online business ability has brought him national popularity and passers-by's goodwill.

Bai Jingting's career is good, and the good popularity of passers-by will also cause a problem, the fan base is not large enough, and there are not too many fans with real purchasing power, the reason may be that the attention of the work is often greater than the attention of the character itself, and it is necessary to convert the "drama fans" into their own fans. His route is not the traffic path of other 90 lives, so he only needs to perform each role steadily, and broaden his acting path through the role.

Bai Jingting, a solid "wall"?

「 Conclusion 」

At present, Bai Jingting's period drama "South to North" has been completed, this drama is directed by Zheng Xiaolong, and it is still a period theme work produced by the drama industry, and the lineup of old drama bones is very luxurious. Playing the male protagonist of this series, Bai Jingting's future path planning is self-evident. Once this drama can also achieve the expected broadcast effect, then he will further consolidate his performance track and advance to a better actor.

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