
Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

This summer, the middle-aged CP engaged in love to make "Shine Her" out of the circle quickly.

At the end of the membership, the drama continued to dominate Maoyan, Lighthouse, Sina Hot List, Weishi, Toutiao and other data lists, and the popularity of Tencent Video exceeded 27,000, quickly soaring to Tencent Video's TV series hit list Top1, winning the top position of Tencent Urban Drama List, TV Series Soaring List, and TV Series Women's Love List, and the hot search on the whole network was as high as 536+.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

The chemical reaction between different CPs in the play not only makes the 30+ middle-aged people look at it, the extreme pull of Guan Wen (played by Qin Lan) and Ding Ning (played by Wang Yang), the husband and wife game between Jing Zhiqiu (played by Zhang Meng) and Wang Liren (played by Zhang Duo), Chen Xuanxuan (played by Liu Yun) and Lin Hao (played by Wei Qianxiang)'s phoenix male appearance... "Xueba love locked up", "broken mirror reunited underground love" "away from the phoenix man" and other topics are constantly hotly discussed, "Shining Her" makes everyone chase until they can't stop.

Admittedly, it is actually a pity to only use it as a middle-aged idol drama, once you follow Guan Wen to open the crazy career mode of women, you will find that this is indeed an underrated "excellent workplace model of the year".

Fancy career and serious self-being is the "shining place" of "Shining Her".

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

"Her" rules of workplace survival

From migrant worker to entrepreneur, "Shine Her" interprets the wonderful contemporary workplace life.

Professional ability, workplace experience, and entrepreneurial laws are shown one by one in the play, vicious competition in the workplace, the living environment of female professionals, and the struggle at different levels within the company makes everyone who has had similar experiences shout "real".

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

A play in which Guan Wen and Lydia compete for customer resources is also a dinner with partners, and Lydia tries to "sell hue" in exchange for cooperation, such unspoken rules in the workplace reflect the harsh living environment of women in the workplace in reality, and the public's stereotypes of them. Guan Wen breaks this impression with different treatments on the same matter, providing another option for women in the workplace.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Mrs. Lin, Guan Wen explained the purpose of the meal between the two without humility, and took out the cooperation materials that had been prepared long ago to explain, and at the same time gave Mrs. Lin brand discount benefits. On the one hand, it dispelled Mr. Lin's possible "misunderstanding" of his cooperation intentions, and also left a good impression on the wife group with family voice.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

Guan Wen and his boss Peter's discussion on promotion issues presents the workplace ecology from different levels of perspective. In fact, both Peter's choice of Lydia and Zheng Dong's favoritism of Rexon show that there is a certain insurmountable "injustice" in the workplace: many times, one subordinate who is incompetent but obedient is better than a hundred subordinates who are capable but disobey discipline.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

Such restoration and details of workplace ecology are not uncommon in "Shining Her": Lin Hao, the male representative of the phoenix who was frantically strafed by the barrage area, his love and care for Chen Xuanxuan is more based on the other party's father who can quickly promote and promote himself; Because of endless overtime and meetings, he was forced to sleep in the study night and night, and Wang Liren, who had physical problems caused by overwork, is a portrayal of the life of countless rising business owners; Chen Xuanxuan, who has a straightforward personality and has been repeatedly frustrated in the workplace, finally found the trick to make the coffee shop profitable after selling lessons at a loss in the early stage of entrepreneurship.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

In "Shining Her", whether you are a workplace novice, a career expert who is trying to be promoted, or an entrepreneur who wants to work hard, everyone who is "trapped" by work can find their own answer. The workplace solution ideas provided by "Shine Her" are not standard answers, but require everyone to make choices worthy of themselves after listening to their hearts.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

"Her" choice

In the play, Guan Wen, Jing Zhiqiu and Chen Xuanxuan's three girlfriends have completely different personalities and life choices, but they are equally pleasing.

This kind of pleasing comes not only from their friendship of mutual support and mutual support, but also from their strong self-awareness and career decisions. Guan Wen is undoubtedly the most representative of women in the workplace.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

When many drama fans are in love with the pulling between Guan Wen and Ding Ning, the pair of broken mirrors and reunion CP and middle-aged people, more people are being swept by Guan Wen's charm circle fans in the workplace. It is no exaggeration to say that Guan Wen almost used his workplace highlights to write a cool article for women's workplaces: dedicated, have a career bottom line, should move from time to time, and adjust strategies and mentalities at any time according to changes in the workplace environment...

When she was asked by her boss Peter to be "obedient", she resolutely gave up the position she had worked for many years and chose to jump to Party A to start over; When she first arrived in Wanli, she encountered the disgrace brought by her subordinates, and she used three morning meetings and one dismissal to quickly rectify the team and turn a plate of loose sand into an elite investment promotion team; Good at integrating the resources around him, and always holding a "win-win" attitude and goal in the process of cooperation.

In fact, Guan Wen's career path has not been smooth. Because she was "not obedient enough" and was squeezed out by the company that had worked hard for many years, such a "reputation" put her at a disadvantage when she was originally quite competitive in the Liepin market. Wanli, who is already an abandoned son of the group, is a superior choice for her, entering Wanli, she has to reverse the thinking of Party A and Party B, let go of the self-esteem and pride of the big brand BD, and play a campaign to sign a brand to the point of pain, but also face the pressure of the probation period and ubiquitous group infighting.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

How does Guan Wen who does not admit defeat win?

Not fighting unprepared battles is one of the rules of Guan Wen's workplace, she will pull the entire department to prepare a comprehensive and meticulous plan overnight for a small problem from her boss; Even if it is a meeting of non-departmental departments, she will be familiar with the plans of all departments, and win the praise of the audience with accurate and effective opinions when she is named "distracted" in response to the message.

After rekindling his love with Ding Ning, Guan Wen still maintains the qualities that a professional should have: doing business at work and keeping a safe distance from each other. It is also this good-natured middle-aged love that allows everyone to see non-love brain-style love: adults play straight balls to eliminate misunderstandings, and do not drag their feet in the name of love at the threshold of the other party's important career choices, but give rational advice while calmly analyzing. Needless to say, Guan Wen's body has too many shadows of hard work and enterprising in the workplace, and it is also a good learning model for many beginners.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

Unlike Guan Wen, Jing Zhiqiu and Chen Xuanxuan represent another female portrait of finding balance in marriage and family, and seeking self in personal career. Jing Zhiqiu, once a famous actor, retired to become a full-time wife for love, and her body was not separated from society and was "captive" face-shaped. Playing with a third party who destroys the family, a mother-in-law who is pressing to give birth to a second child step by step, and a husband and wife relationship full of dangers, Jing Zhiqiu shows a pattern and temperament different from ordinary cognition. In the face of her husband's intention to ascend to the top of the secretary, she did not cry, make trouble and hang herself three times like other housewives, but responded by chance encounters, sending beauty cards, and designing headhunting poaching; Discovering that her husband had physical problems, she silently sought help from friends to help her husband maintain his body on the grounds of improving immunity.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

In Jing Zhiqiu, we see the hard work and struggle of full-time wives, as well as the "worry" that they constantly avoid but cannot resolve: how to find the lost self in marriage and family? When Jing Zhiqiu returned to the stage, enjoyed the flowers and applause, and heard her husband's recognition and affirmation of her full-time wife's identity, the full-time wives finally had their own highlight moment.

Chen Xuanxuan is probably the most loved and hated of the three girlfriends. Some commentators said that although the whole love brain watched people angry, she also let more people see the "dangerous" side of women in love and life. Whether it is a father or a husband, the last thing women should choose is to rely on each other unconditionally, listen to the opinions of others in all choices and lose their opinions.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

Fortunately, Chen Xuanxuan such a "fool" who devoted herself to love finally ushered in her own silly luck, at first in order to make the family affordable entrepreneurial project, under the reality of encountering people and the support of sisters, Chen Xuanxuan, who staged a wonderful over-the-shoulder fall against the scumbag, finally found her long-lost self and announced to everyone with her own experience: women, you must first love yourself, believe in yourself, and then have happiness.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

"Her" shines more than love

At the end of the membership, "Shining Her" ushered in a happy ending, and also outlined one touching growth story after another.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

Guan Wen's growth comes from her rapid self-positioning in different workplace environments, solving problems in a strange manner, and polishing her heart in this process to find a way to coexist with all forces in the workplace; Jing Zhiqiu's growth comes from her finding her original dream, standing on the stage for a long time to shine again, and better balancing the relationship between personal dreams and family harmony; Chen Xuanxuan's growth comes from finding entrepreneurship, a workplace environment that is more compatible with herself, learning to think of ways for revenue, and getting rid of the negative emotions of habitually denying herself.

Middle-aged idol drama? It's really underestimating "Shining Her"

Everyone in the play is growing, and Ding Ning's growth is to be honest with his heart and bravely pursue the love in his heart; Wang Liren's growth is to learn to withdraw from busyness and return to family and affection... Including the Renaissance Merchants Department, which was once scattered sand, it also has its own growth: Da Luo, a determined woman who can also shine in the workplace, Jacques, who gave up being a workplace spy and rehabilitated, and even Guan Tengfei, a "waste wood brother" who can finally make some contributions to the housekeeper at a critical moment.

With the end of the series, the reputation of "Shining Her" continues to rise. The sweet but not greasy middle-aged love is just the icing on the cake for this drama, the rich and diverse female workplace portraits in the play, the workplace principles that benefit both workers and entrepreneurs in reality, and the growth experienced by different characters in life decisions, is the most touching "her" story this summer.