
Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Mandarin ducks play in the water, full of passion." This kind of poetry describing the intimate time between husband and wife can't help but remind people of those warm and beautiful pictures. Mandarin duck bath, as a way of intimacy between the sexes, undoubtedly adds a lot to the life of couples.

However, in the process of enjoying the Mandarin duck bath, how can it be both passionate and conducive to the health of both sexes? This article will reveal this mystery in a humorous way.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

Mandarin duck bath, as the name suggests, refers to the process of both husband and wife bathing together. Since ancient times, mandarin duck baths have been a way for couples to strengthen their relationship and eliminate fatigue. So, in this seemingly simple process, what secrets are waiting to be discovered?

Water temperature is crucial to the quality of Mandarin duck baths. Too high a water temperature can cause the body's blood vessels to dilate, increase the burden on the heart, and may even cause discomfort such as itchy skin. And too low a water temperature can make the body feel cold, affecting the mood and comfort of the reproductive organs.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

So, how to choose the right water temperature? Experts recommend that the water temperature of the Mandarin duck bath should be between 36-38 degrees Celsius, which is comfortable and conducive to blood circulation in the body.

The environment of the Mandarin duck bath plays an important role in stimulating romantic emotions. Imagine a dark, damp bathroom where the couple bathed in water, and the mood may not be pleasant. Therefore, it is important to create a warm and comfortable bathroom environment.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

First of all, the light in the bathroom should be soft. Use candles or warm-coloured lighting to create a relaxed, romantic atmosphere. Secondly, keep the bathroom tidy and dry.

A clean bathroom is not only good for relaxation of the body and mind, but also reduces the chance of bacteria growing. In addition, the appropriate addition of some bath salts, essential oils and other fragrance products can also make the Mandarin duck bath more pleasant.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

During the mandarin duck bath, the husband and wife can help each other to bathe and massage, which can not only enhance the relationship, but also help the body and mind to relax. However, in this process, care needs not to be too hasty.

Proper speed and force to make both sides comfortable. The massage starts with the head and gradually works downwards, then the neck, shoulders, back, waist and legs.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

The pressure should be moderate to relieve muscle tension without causing pain to the other person. In addition, some light communication can be carried out during the massage process to enhance mutual understanding.

During the bath, both parties share the same bathtub or shower, so personal hygiene is particularly important. Before bathing, make sure that both bodies, especially the reproductive organs, have been cleaned to avoid cross-infection. In addition, after bathing, it is also necessary to clean the bathtub and shower room in time to maintain a hygienic environment.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

Although Mandarin duck bathing has many benefits, it is still important to treat it with caution in some special cases. It is recommended to temporarily avoid Mandarin duck baths in the following situations:

During the physiological period, the resistance of the female genital organs is weaker and they are susceptible to bacterial infection. At the same time, mandarin duck baths can cause bacteria in the water to enter the vagina, increasing the risk of infection. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid mandarin duck baths during the menstrual period.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

Skin infectious diseases and diseases of the reproductive system are easily transmitted in water. During the mandarin duck bath, both parties share the same bathtub or shower, which is prone to cross-infection. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to temporarily avoid Mandarin duck bathing and wait until the condition is healed.

Bathing in a state of excessive fatigue may lead to a decrease in blood pressure, increased burden on the heart, and may even trigger a heart attack. Therefore, it is recommended to take a mandarin duck bath when fatigue is light.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

People with heart disease and high blood pressure need to pay special attention to controlling the water temperature when bathing in the Mandarin duck. Too high a water temperature can cause blood vessels to dilate, blood pressure drops, and the heart is burdened, which can lead to a heart attack.

Therefore, such patients should avoid excessive water temperature or moderate mandarin duck bathing under the advice of a doctor. By following these recommendations, you can ensure that Mandarin duck baths are safer and healthier.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

Mandarin duck bathing can not only enhance the relationship between husband and wife, but also have many benefits for the health of both sexes. Here are some of the benefits for your reference:

Relaxing: Mandarin duck baths soothe tense muscles, promote blood circulation and help eliminate fatigue from the day. At the same time, moisture in the bathroom can also help improve symptoms of respiratory diseases.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

Promote metabolism: Proper water temperature can accelerate the body's metabolism, help detoxification, and lose weight.

Improve immunity: Mandarin duck bath helps regulate the internal environment of the human body, enhance immunity, and prevent diseases.

Improve sleep: After the mandarin duck bath, the muscles of the human body are relaxed and the mood becomes pleasant, which helps to improve the quality of sleep.

Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out

Mandarin duck bathing, this ancient and beautiful way, has become an important intimate way in modern couples' lives. Through this article, we learned about the correct way to bathe, precautions, and benefits for health for both sexes.

In the process of enjoying the Mandarin Duck bath, as long as you pay attention to personal hygiene, proper water temperature and massage techniques, you can make this wonderful time both passionate and conducive to the health of both sexes.

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Taking a "Mandarin Duck Bath" in this way is both healthy and helpful! Don't be shy, both men and women can find out