
Tips for mosquito control for domestic plants in summer

author:Liuzhou Forestry and Garden Bureau

In the hot summer, the trouble of increasing mosquitoes in the humid and hot environment will follow, we may wish to plant some anti-mosquito aromatic plants at home, which not only plays a role in beautifying the environment, but also reduces the trouble of mosquito bites. Here are a few aromatic mosquito repellent plants suitable for home cultivation.

Insect catcher

Pansy is a carnivorous plant of the genus Pansy of the Utricularia family, is a perennial herb, the flower stem is erect, 5~15cm high, the leaves are arranged in a rosette, purple-pink flowers are very similar to pansies, generally blooming in spring and summer, the leaf surface of the insect catcher is densely covered with glandular hairs that can secrete mucus that sticks to insects.

Tips for mosquito control for domestic plants in summer


Geranium itself will emit a fragrance rich in citronellal, the higher the temperature, the stronger the fragrance, the better the effect of mosquito repellent. The fragrant pelargonium flowers are beautiful and can be both insect repellent and ornamental. Because it is a light-loving plant, it is recommended to place it on a balcony or terrace.

Tips for mosquito control for domestic plants in summer


Basil is known as the "king of spices", the taste is like fennel, the plant is small, the leaves are emerald green, the flowers are bright, there is a high ornamental, its branches, leaves, flowers are fragrant, containing a variety of essential oils, among which eugenol has the strongest taste and the strongest mosquito repellent effect. Basil loves the sun, and placing a window sill or yard can be a good way to repel mosquitoes.

Tips for mosquito control for domestic plants in summer


Lavender is known as the "king of herbs", the aroma is fresh and elegant, not only can drive away moths, mosquitoes and other pests, but also beautify the environment, lavender flowering period in June-August, lavender is a full-sun plant, light love, not like water and moisture, placed on the balcony or terrace should pay attention to avoid the sun, proper shade and ventilation.

Tips for mosquito control for domestic plants in summer


Lemongrass is a plant of the grass family Citronella, the leaves are rich in citral, DEET, lemongrass, eucalyptus and other substances, in many mosquito repellent drugs contain lemongrass ingredients, dried lemongrass hanging on doorways, windowsills, also has the effect of mosquito repellent.

Tips for mosquito control for domestic plants in summer


Jasmine has high ornamental value and fragrant smell, and placing jasmine indoors can prevent tuberculosis, dysentery, diphtheria bacillus, and also repel mosquitoes well. Jasmine prefers ventilated environments and semi-shaded humid environments, and needs frequent fertilization and pruning. It is suitable for placing in the study, the fragrance refreshes the mind, and it can also repel mosquitoes for health care.

Tips for mosquito control for domestic plants in summer


If you want to create a unique botanical landscape at home, try Nepenthes hogpenthesis. Nepenthes is a tropical carnivorous plant, able to prey on insects, like a humid semi-shaded environment, remember not to be exposed to the sun in summer, can be moved to a sunny place in winter, the growth temperature is 25-30 °C, not hardy, maintenance of pitcher plants need timely watering.

Tips for mosquito control for domestic plants in summer

For friends who raise flowers at home, the most troublesome thing in summer is the breeding of mosquitoes, insects, germs, indoor flower raising does not advocate spraying, you can use some ecological and environmentally friendly insecticidal methods:

1. Soak the onion in water

Cut the onion into small pieces, soak in water for about a day, and then remove the clear liquid above and use it for watering the flowers or spraying the roots and using them once a week. It has a good killing effect on aphids, red spiders, shell insects and other pests and diseases, and can also play a role in preventing diseases and pests.

2. Soak the garlic in water

The smell of garlic is more special and has a good bactericidal effect. Mash a few cloves of garlic and soak them in about 500 grams of water. Soak for about half a day and filter out the above clear liquid for spraying the plant leaf surface. It also has a good prevention and killing effect on some aphids, red spiders, small black flyers, etc.

3. Soak the grass and wood ashes in water

Grass ash is a good potash fertilizer. Soak the grass ash for about a day, take out the clear liquid above and spray the leaves directly. It can have a blocking effect on the mouthparts of aphids, can kill aphids, red spiders and other small insects, pour into the soil, and can also increase the resistance of plants, reduce bacterial infections and increase the effect of potassium fertilizer.

4. Soak in water with tobacco

Soak the tobacco in water, and when the water is brown, filter out the juice. If there are already local insects or small insects in the pot, water the flowers with tobacco water, and the insects will be quickly eliminated.

5. Wind oil essence soaked in water

Wind oil essence is a common mosquito prevention item in daily life, directly dripping wind oil essence into water and stirring it to spray leaves and irrigate roots can prevent diseases and pests. For aphids, red spiders, small black flyers, etc., spraying also has a good expulsion effect.

If you are worried about small bugs, then try it with the above remedies and use your little hands to clean up for a summer!