
Blood Jianghu Mobile Game: Two development routes for archers and recommended qigong plus points

author:Assessment Specialist Xiao Wan

The archer's long-range output allows it to hit enemies from a distance, usually killing them on their way to get close! This also allows the archer character to brush the monster without injury as long as he controls the distance from the enemy. But this also makes the archer very afraid of being close to the monster, the archer class itself is not high in health and defense, once it is close by the monster, it is difficult to survive! However, the archer's skills can give the enemy a good control, making the enemy difficult to approach, and its qigong bonus points can also increase the archer's attack distance and attack power! With this super firepower, it is difficult for enemies to get close to the archer.

Blood Jianghu Mobile Game: Two development routes for archers and recommended qigong plus points

But it's also limited to wild monsters! Most boos-level wild monsters can still resist the archer's attack with their own super high HP! That's when you need the help of your teammates! Both the swordsman and the physician can provide a reliable front row for the archer and a safe output environment for the archer.

Blood Jianghu Mobile Game: Two development routes for archers and recommended qigong plus points

Archers are divided into two categories according to different qigong points, and the overall development direction! The first is a skill genre that mainly releases skills and has strong control and self-preservation capabilities! The second is to focus on general attack flat A and pursue the flat A flow that maximizes damage! Next, let the editor analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the two development schools and the direction of adding points in detail!

Blood Jianghu Mobile Game: Two development routes for archers and recommended qigong plus points

One. Skill Genre: Use martial arts for output

Because the archer's skill has a certain ability to control and slow down enemy monsters, this allows the archer to have self-protection ability even when he fights alone, preventing wild monsters from getting close! Also because they are all skill damage, they are not too demanding compared to the choice of weapons, but also because of the continuous high frequency of casting, the demand for drugs in the skill flow is huge. And because most of the qigong of the archer profession is mainly based on assisting the general attack to draw A, the attack method of the skill school can hardly be triggered, which also makes the archer of the skill school very limited in the qigong plus point.

Blood Jianghu Mobile Game: Two development routes for archers and recommended qigong plus points

Overall, in the early stage, only the concentration of energy that can increase the attack power is relatively useful. In the later stage, you can only add some original cultivation to improve survivability! In general, the archers of the skill school have a certain ability to protect themselves! But relatively, it also gives up higher output and the bonus of qigong attributes! In general, skill flow is also only used for transition when the early equipment is not strong, and it is suitable for newcomers who are just entering the pit!

Blood Jianghu Mobile Game: Two development routes for archers and recommended qigong plus points

Two. General attack genre: relying on general attack output

The archer's continuous general attack damage is very considerable, and compared to the skill flow, it does not require a large amount of blue medicine, and in the later part of the game, flat shooting combined with qigong "mental condensation" can deal explosive damage. Yes, for skill flow, the base damage of general attack is added based on weapons and equipment. Therefore, the requirements are higher than the equipment, and high-level qigong attributes are also required to match the output! The investment of resources is relatively large, in terms of qigong plus points, the early stage to improve the ordinary attack to trigger the killing of the killing is the main one, the main plus attack power of the concentration of qi and the increase of the attack distance of the falcon eye as a supplement. After the later transfer, there are more powerful qigong, and most of these can only have a big improvement when they are filled!

Blood Jianghu Mobile Game: Two development routes for archers and recommended qigong plus points

In general, the output of flat A flow can only have a good output after the equipment and qigong points are completed in the later stage. When novice, it is still developed with skill flow, and after the equipment and qigong are relatively perfected, players can gradually change to flat A flow. There is no static development path, and when the game progresses properly, change the development route to have a better game experience!

Well, about the development route of archers and qigong plus points are introduced here, if you want to know more about the game content, you can follow the editor, and partners who want to play into the pit can also send a private message to the editor to get the game link! More rich gameplay awaits you!