
Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party

author:Sanjin is a big attraction

"I wish our party eternal youth and vitality! May our motherland be prosperous and strong! I wish our enterprise prosperity! I wish our employees happiness and well-being! In the warm speech of Chen Xifeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huaihai Group, Huaihai Group celebrated the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC, "Concentrate on Forging Soul and Follow the Party, Unite and Strive for a New Journey" staff literary and artistic evening kicked off, and all employees of Huaihai Group presented their most loyal and sincere wishes on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the great Communist Party of China with their full enthusiasm.

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party

Chen Xifeng pointed out in his speech that the grand blueprint drawn by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is becoming a reality step by step, making the party flag fly high on the front line of production and scientific research, and we have fought side by side to overcome difficulties, showing the responsibility and responsibility of soldiers and workers in the new era. We firmly believe that although the road ahead is tortuous, our future is infinitely bright, and Huaihai Group will surely get better and faster development.

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party

Under the command of Zhou Jianmin, a deputy to the 18th and 19th CPC National Congresses, an outstanding Communist Party member of the whole country, and a craftsman from a major country, all members of the leading body of the Huaihai Group, officers and soldiers of the Military Representative Office of the Military Representative Bureau of the Army Armament Department stationed in Changzhi Prefecture, and all the employees present jointly sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and "Unity is Strength" to greet the party's birthday and cheer for the Huaihai Group.

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party


Singing and dancing

"Sing a Mountain Song to the Party"

Performance Unit:

Retirement Management Office, Special Car Company,

Energy Branch

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party



"The Boat of the South Lake"

Performer: Sixth Branch Wu Haixia

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party


a cappella

"On the Taihang Mountain"

Performance Unit:

Security Department, 15th Branch Factory, Inspection Management Department

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party



"Anthem of Heroes"

Performance unit: Second branch factory

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party



"In Pursuit", "The Internationale"

Performer: Li Jie

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party


Singing and dancing

"I Love You China"

Performance unit: Energy Branch Zhang Meirong, etc

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party


Sound and dance poetry

"All for the Frontline"

Performance Unit:

Retirement Management Office, Energy Branch,

Six-branch plant, industrial company

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party



Calisthenics Show

Performance Unit:

Huaihai Research Institute, Process Technology Department,

Department of Science and Technology Management

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party



"Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again"

Performance Unit:

Third Branch, Special Vehicle Company,

Energy Branch, Metering Management Department

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party


Instrumental soloist

"Red Song Legato"

Performer: Li Li

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party


Allegro dance

"Youth Heart to the Party, Sonorous Bamboo Rhyme"

Performance units: Youth League Committee and other units

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party



"China Moves Forward"

Performer: Zhang Limei

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party



"Labor is the Most Glorious"

"We Workers Have Power"

Performance units: labor unions and other units

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party



"Everyone Paddles the Big Boat"

Performance Unit:

Aosheng Company, Molding Branch, Fifth Branch

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party


Singing and dancing

"100,000 Miles of Spring Breeze"

Performance Unit:

Special car company Li Jie Inspection management department Yang Hui

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle on a new journey Huaihai Group celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party

All cast and crew took a group photo

{Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party, unite and struggle for a new journey}

Text/Xiao Meng Photo/Yang Jun Xiao Meng

Editor: Xiao Rui