
Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

author:Nong'an release

A few days ago, Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The whole performance comprehensively uses a variety of art forms such as music and dance, opera performance, video and video, vividly showing the glorious course of leading the people to a happy and beautiful life since the founding of the Communist Party of China over the past 100 years. The century-long journey pursues the road of dreams, and the mountains and rivers are unharmed and praises the party's kindness. Nong'an County celebrates the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Nong'an County CPC Committee, and co-organized by the Nong'an County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Nong'an County Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, and Nong'an County Media Center. At 2 p.m., the atmosphere of the Yellow Dragon Art Theater was festive and warm, and the performance officially began.

Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The first chorus "Jiangshan" is majestic and beautiful, urging people to forge ahead. "Jiangshan is the people, and the people are the rivers and mountains..." As soon as the melodious melody sounded, the high singing echoed on the scene, singing the loyal mission and responsibility of the communists, and even more singing the original faith of the communists.

Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The song and dance "China in the Lights" shows the beautiful life in the lights, affectionately praises the magnificent and beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland and the ever-changing brilliant development, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the mountains and rivers of the infinite charm of Greater China are unharmed, and the people are happy and healthy.

Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The male solo sang "The Voice of All Hearts" and "Goodbye, Dabie Mountain", the girls' solo sang "The Brightest Flame" and "There Are Many Good People", the chorus sang "Wish", "Longing, Because of Faith", the male and female duets "Spring Breeze 100,000 Li", "Mother is China", dance "My Motherland" and other series of programs highlight the artistic atmosphere, literary and artistic fan, sense of the times, while leading the audience to recall the past glory years, but also strengthen the determination and confidence to forge ahead today, and sing the main melody of the times of loving the party, the country, the people, and the hometown.

Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The creative program "People's Public Security Advances" fully expresses the infinite love and good wishes of the people's public security team for the party, the motherland and the people, and shows the high fighting spirit and vigorous spirit of loyal defenders.

Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

In the dialogue "The Motherland Has Me", the children used their clear voices to tell the extraordinary achievements made on the road of the 100-year journey, and extended their best wishes to our great and flourishing Communist Party of China.

Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The Yellow Dragon Opera performance singing "Gazing at the Pagoda for a Thousand Years" debuted on stage in this performance, and the centennial journey coincided with the millennium of Liaota, with rich characteristics, high-pitched singing and vivid interpretation, presenting everyone with an audio-visual feast of opera art, pushing the performance atmosphere to a climax.

Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The sickle and axe adorned the party flag, and the gold-red flashed with the rock-solid faith of the communists. Since the liberation of the nation, communists, listening to the voice of the party's banner hunting, have led the masses to overcome difficulties and forge ahead. Finally, the performance ended successfully with the dedication "Red Hearts to the Party Chasing Dreams Ahead."

Nong'an County held a theatrical performance entitled "Always Follow the Party and Strive for a New Journey" to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Learn from the past and create the future. This theatrical performance showed the achievements of the cultural activities of the rural security masses in the new era, further strengthened the confidence and determination of the cadres and masses of the county to always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey, injected fresh vitality and provided a strong spiritual impetus for accelerating the implementation of the "Fifth Five-Year Strategy" and building the "five rural security". Leaders at the county level of Nong'an County, responsible comrades of various townships (sub-districts) and departments (units), representatives of Party members, "good people of Nong'an" and some representatives of the masses attended the theatrical and artistic performance activities.

Source: Nong'an County Rong Media Center

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