
Conduct self-inspection report

author:Template template sample assistant
Conduct self-inspection report

Wind self-inspection report Chapter 1

  Self-inspection report on political style and behavior

  In accordance with the requirements of the county party committee and government, our bureau actively carried out the work of evaluating political style and behavior, aiming to improve the political, professional and professional ethics of cadres and workers throughout the system and solve the outstanding problems existing in the national land contingent.

  Since the bureau held a mobilization meeting on September 6, through study, I have fully realized the importance of carrying out democratic review of political style and behavior in our bureau, and after in-depth analysis, I have found out the root cause of the problem, mainly including the following aspects:

  First, in terms of work style

  Solid work, excellent style, able to bear hardships and stand hard work, complete various work tasks without compromise. But sometimes you are not strict enough with yourself; There is more time to work in the unit, less time to go down to the grassroots level, and not enough time to talk with the people.

  Second, in terms of business learning

  Because he is usually busy with daily affairs in the office, his learning motivation is not enough, and the knowledge he has learned is not systematic and thorough; The consciousness of squeezing time to learn is relatively poor, and the perseverance and perseverance to learn and refine a line are not enough; In terms of learning, there are next corrective measures. Through the profound search and analysis, in view of my own problems and deficiencies, in the future study, work, life, I will strictly demand myself, and seriously do the following:

  1. Strengthen self-construction and improve quality. First of all, we should work the literacy of political theory, strengthen the improvement of the level of policy theory, and then strengthen the study of business, professional knowledge, laws and regulations, strive to improve our service ability and service level, and achieve comprehensive development by integrating theory with practice.

  2. Strengthen responsibility and improve efficiency. Pay more attention to my own work, use more brains, make good plans for the things assigned by the leaders and my own work, make them orderly, sometimes complete them step by step, establish a strong view of time, efficiency, and quality, and promote the smooth development of the work of the unit and the continuous improvement of their own capabilities.

  3. Pioneering and innovating to improve service level. In the work, observe and think diligently, think about what the leader thinks, be anxious about the leader's anxiety, do the work of the unit wholeheartedly, and be a qualified and excellent land and resources worker.

  Third, in terms of specific work

  I have a good sense of service, can start from the overall situation of serving the economy, indifferent to fame and wealth, and do my job wholeheartedly. However, most of them are acting according to orders and implementing tasks, unable to do what they want to lead, forward-looking, innovative enough, and not strong enough awareness of daring to try and seek innovation and change; The working methods are not flexible enough.

  In short, I will take this work of democratic appraisal of political style and behavior as an opportunity to strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, constantly improve myself, strive to serve the leaders well, serve the grassroots units well, serve the masses well, take the lead in establishing a good image of the office window, and take the lead in striving for a satisfactory land for the people.

Conduct Self-Inspection Report Part 2

  In order to further strengthen the construction of school style, comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching and service level, and strive to run an education that is satisfactory to the people, in accordance with the requirements of the "20xx Provincial Democratic Review of Primary and Secondary School Kindergarten Conduct Implementation Plan" (Su Jiaojian [20xx] No. 3), our school widely listened to the opinions and suggestions of the public through visiting communities and families, setting up suggestion boxes, complaint telephone calls and complaint SMS platforms in accordance with the five aspects of doing things according to law, standardizing fees, openness in handling affairs, service quality, honesty and integrity. Conscientiously find out the existing problems in the work style, and comprehensively carry out self-examination and self-correction.

   First, strengthen leadership, strengthen publicity, and enhance the "five kinds of awareness".

  The school organizes and carries out the work of democratic appraisal of political style and behavior, and implements a leadership system and mechanism in which the principal is responsible for the overall responsibility, the team members are responsible for the division of labor, and the teachers and staff are widely involved to ensure the high-quality completion of this work.

  (1) The school establishes a leading group and working body for democratic appraisal of political style and behavior. Responsible for the unified deployment of the review work, its implementation and decision-making on major issues in the construction of political style and behavior.

  Members of the Leading Group for Style Review:

  Team Leader: Z (Principal, Secretary)

  Deputy Team Leader: Z (Deputy Secretary) Z (Vice Principal)

  Z (Vice Rector) Z (Vice Rector)

  Z (Vice Principal) Z (Vice Principal) Z (Assistant to the Principal)

  Members: Leaders of the middle level and divisions, members of the trade union, representatives of the parent committee

  There is an office under the work of deliberating on business style, and Comrade Z, director of the Development Planning Department, is also the director.

  (2) Establish a team of supervisors for business style. The school will hire 10 volunteers as school style supervisors to conduct overt inspections and covert visits to supervise and evaluate the construction of school conduct.

  The school requires all groups to conscientiously perform their duties, take the lead in setting an example, and ensure that the "three are in place", one is that the organization is in place and the institution is sound; The second is to put ideas in place and strengthen learning. Third, measures are in place, responsibilities are assigned to people, and "who is in charge, who is responsible, who is in charge, who is in charge, who implements", and strengthen leadership over the evaluation of business style. Secondly, to strengthen the publicity of the school's work style construction, create a good public opinion atmosphere, and strive for the widespread attention and support of all sectors of society, we must enhance five kinds of awareness: First, enhance the overall awareness of leaders, make overall arrangements, and adhere to teaching and evaluation. The second is to enhance teachers' sense of subjectivity, participate in all staff, further clarify teachers' moral norms, and promote the fundamental improvement of teachers' style and teaching style. The third is to enhance students' awareness of participation, and improve the pertinence of the construction of business style through "discussion", "arrangement" and "mention". The fourth is to strengthen the sense of supervision of the "masses", actively adopt the method of "going out and inviting in", and hand over the right to know, supervise, and adjudicate to the masses to create "three satisfactions". Fifth, it is necessary to enhance the sense of participation of retired teachers, make full use of retired teachers, a rare educational resource, humbly listen to their opinions and suggestions, give play to their residual enthusiasm, and encourage old comrades to contribute ideas to the school. Establish a business evaluation model with full participation in the whole process, form a working mechanism that links up and down, and create a good atmosphere for industry evaluation.

   2. Strengthen team building, establish a good school spirit, and create a rigorous educational work atmosphere.

  1. Continue to carry out activities to build teachers' professional ethics, organize teachers to actively participate in themed educational activities such as "practicing teachers' morality, improving teachers' abilities, and doing a good job in education and serving the people", and further strengthen the construction of teachers' ideological style and professional ethics.

  2. The school spirit of the school is composed of party style, political style, teaching style and study style. In the construction of school spirit, we will also conscientiously organize party members to strengthen theoretical study, and organize party members to carry out activities such as self-examination and self-examination of their own party style and party member commitments.

   3. Adhere to the principle of treating both the symptoms and the root causes and correcting construction at the same time, and do a good job in self-examination and self-correction.

  (1) Make the following public commitments to parents and society on key rectification issues:

  There is a problem: there are not enough sports fields in schools. It is also necessary to further think deeply about the concept of "Aibo Education" to keep pace with the times. The number of leading teachers who enjoy a certain reputation and social influence in the field of education needs to be further increased.

  Reasons for the analysis of urban areas are restricted. Subject to school hardware facilities. There are many young teachers, and they need to be honed to build famous teachers.

  Rectification measures are being planned to start project renovation combined with the new three-year development plan to create a "reading environment learning community". Establish a working mechanism for building a contingent of teachers that meets the requirements of comprehensive implementation of quality education and is full of vitality and vitality. By the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the school should have a professional teaching team with "famous principals" as the leader, and backbone teachers such as "famous teachers" at all levels and subject leaders as the backbone teachers, with high morality, concept innovation and structural optimization.

  Responsible departments: District Government, School District Education, Culture and Sports Bureau, School Principal's Office, Teacher Development Department

  Deadline: End of August 20xx, end of September 20xx, end of December 20xx

  The above commitments are subject to parental and social supervision. If you have any comments and suggestions, please contact the school in time.

  (2) Create a "school satisfactory to the masses" public commitment letter from society.

  In order to further strengthen the construction of our school's business style, effectively improve the work style, standardize the school-running behavior, encourage teachers to strive to be teachers satisfied with the people, promote the school to strive for the people's satisfaction school, establish a good industry image and campus culture, improve the level of school-running and school-running efficiency, and serve the society, parents and students, combined with the actual situation of the school, we hereby make the following service commitments to the society:

  1. Act in accordance with the law.

  Our school will continue to strictly implement education policies and laws and regulations, establish and improve the management system with the school charter as the core, and ensure that words and deeds have a basis to follow and rules to follow. The school strictly enforces that the total amount of students' school time and homework complies with the regulations.

  2. Standardize charges.

  Implement a system of clearly marking fees and prices, and do not retain problems such as misappropriation of subsidy funds, increase of fee items, increase of fee standards, compulsory fees, and price gouging. Implement systems such as publicity, approval, fee collection permits, and bill management for education fees, and have no problems such as unauthorized project fees, over-standard fees, and expanded scope fees. Strictly implement the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education and Other Seven Departments on the Implementation of the Work of Controlling Arbitrary Fees for Education in 20xx and Standardizing Education Fees", and do a good job in collecting fees.

Conduct Self-Inspection Report Part 3

  In order to further improve the standardized management of medical waste in our hospital, prevent the spread of diseases, protect environmental safety, and protect the health of the people, conscientiously implement the "Regulations on the Management of Medical Waste" and other laws and regulations, effectively implement the management of medical waste, organize self-inspection of the collection, transfer, storage and treatment of medical waste in our hospital, rectify problems in a timely manner, and standardize the behavior of practitioners. No medical waste loss, leakage or spread was found during the inspection. The self-inspection situation is reported as follows:

  1. Improve the medical waste management team and improve the medical waste disposal system In 20xx, the leading group of medical waste management of Guangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine was adjusted and a leading group of medical waste management was established, with the president as the leader, the vice president as the deputy leader, the leading group has an office, and XXX is a full-time medical waste management personnel. The leading group formulated the medical waste management system and specific implementation plan, clarified the responsibilities and tasks, organized full-time staff to be responsible for the collection, transfer, storage and recording of medical waste in each department, and signed a contract with Guangdong Living Environment Harmless Treatment Center to recycle and treat medical waste in our hospital.

  2. Strictly follow the medical waste treatment process.

  1. Each department classifies medical waste in strict accordance with the "Classification Catalogue of Medical Waste".

  2. Full-time medical waste management personnel, directly to the place where medical waste is generated every day

  The sorted and packaged medical waste will be collected in order from floor to low, and transported to the temporary disposal room in the hospital by taking the designated medical waste transportation elevator; During transportation, the loss and leakage of medical waste should be prevented, and direct contact with the body should be prevented. After the daily delivery work, the delivery tools are cleaned and disinfected in time.

  3. Full-time medical waste management personnel, weigh and register the medical waste at the place of generation every day. The registration content includes the source, type, weight, handover time, person in charge, etc.

  4. The medical waste placed in the temporary disposal room shall be recycled and disposed of once a day by special personnel arranged by the Guangdong Harmless Treatment Center, and the storage time shall not exceed two days, and the hazardous waste transfer form shall be filled in.

  5. After the medical waste is transferred, full-time personnel shall clean and disinfect the temporary storage sites and facilities in a timely manner, and make records.

  3. Formulate emergency response plans.

  In view of medical waste accidents, the "Emergency Plan on the Loss, Leakage, Spread and Accidents of Medical Waste" is formulated, and corresponding safety emergency treatment measures must be taken for the leakage of medical waste during transit to prevent secondary infection and ensure safety.

  4. Proper management of information and records.

  Information such as the agreement on centralized disposal of medical waste, relevant government documents, daily medical waste registration books and hazardous waste transfer forms shall be kept by the Office of the General Affairs Division for a period of not less than 5 years.

  5. Problems and corrective measures.

  Through this self-inspection of our hospital's medical waste management work, we found some deficiencies, the main problems are:

  1. Lack of learning on laws and regulations related to medical waste for medical staff;

  2. Individual medical waste and household waste are mixed;

  3. The temporary storage points of medical waste in some departments are close to the activity area;

  In response to the above problems, we have made specific corrective measures:

  The responsibilities of each department were clarified, the staff was trained to strengthen training, relevant laws, regulations and systems were organized and learned, the familiarity of medical waste classification was improved, and specific measures were proposed for the next rectification. Standardize the operation process of medical waste disposal in various departments. Relocate temporary storage sites that are not suitable for medical waste, and ensure that there are clear warning signs at the immediate location of the temporary storage points. In the future work, we will find and solve problems in time through continuous inspection, and strive to do a better job in medical waste management.

  May 24, 2013

Conduct Self-Inspection Report Chapter 4

  Dear Party Organization:

  Teacher morality is the soul of teachers, is the premise guarantee for doing a good job in teaching, is the foundation of teachers, as teachers, as a party member, we must play an exemplary role in daily education and teaching work, pay attention to our own behavior, speech style.

  Every word and deed of teachers play a subtle role in students, so teachers should start from small things, take the lead in setting an example, and set an example. Infect people with noble personality, influence people with neat appearance, treat people with a kind attitude, guide people with rich knowledge, and love people with a broad mind. Only in this way can the effectiveness of teaching and education be guaranteed, and children will "be close to their teachers", "believe in their ways", and then "be willing to learn". In view of the study documents, I carefully analyzed and studied against myself, repeatedly compared the requirements of style and discipline, looked for reasons in thinking, and found lessons from work.

  I strictly implement the party's education policy, strengthen the concept of teaching according to law, conscientiously abide by the relevant regulations of the school, and do not see what should not be seen; Do not listen to those who should not be heard; Do not stretch out their hands, do not ask parents for property from students; The mouth does not talk nonsense; Don't be distracted, don't think about what you shouldn't think, stand your ground, so as to ensure that the work is in the right direction and consistent with the school.

  Teaching can be oriented to all students, respect students' individual differences, do their best and efficiently impart scientific and cultural knowledge, so that students can benefit for life, attract students with their own proficient knowledge, infect students with incisive language, influence students with noble morality, and become an example for students to learn and follow throughout their lives.

  Respect students, do not sarcastically ridicule students, do not corporal punishment or disguised corporal punishment of students. We should be meticulous in preparing for class and grading homework, correct problems in lectures in a timely manner, correct mistakes in students' homework, and patiently counsel students in difficulty to help them build confidence in learning.

  As a teacher, you should have a wide range of knowledge, broad. Vision, we must continue to read and study, cultivate sentiment. I am good at learning education and teaching theory in my spare time, mastering the concept of new curriculum reform, actively participating in teaching and research activities, and constantly summarizing and reflecting on teaching.

  Focus on cultivating students' abilities and guiding students to develop comprehensively on the basis of exploring their interests and potentials.

  Although I can study the documents as required, I always don't have enough ideological understanding, I always think that it is good if there is no accident, but I don't think about the details of weekdays, and some behaviors may not meet the requirements.

  Most of the students in the class are the children of migrant workers, and they may not be able to complete their homework on time when treating such students, although the teacher can teach patiently, but there are still such and such thoughts in their hearts, and they are still a little prejudiced against them in their hearts. When the top students contradict the poor students,

Conduct Self-Inspection Report Chapter 5

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  Self-examination and self-correction report on political style and behavior

  Work debriefing

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  Source: - Your Fanwen Center

  Since the launch of the work of reviewing political style and behavior in the science and technology system, under the meticulous guidance of the Municipal Bureau Review Office, and in accordance with the unified arrangements and arrangements of the Provincial Science and Technology Department, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and the City and County Rectification Office, the bureau leaders have attached great importance to it, acted quickly, meticulously planned, vigorously grasped implementation, persisted in highlighting the theme in publicity, made vigorous efforts in implementation, and strived for practical results in rectification and reform, so as to promote the development of science and technology work with review work. The relevant self-inspection situation is reported as follows:

  1. The main practices of the review work

  (1) Create a strong atmosphere of evaluation style with "three in place" and lay the foundation for the implementation of evaluation work

  First, propaganda and mobilization are in place. After the municipal bureau held a mobilization meeting on the city's science and technology system ** to review the political style and behavior work on July 3, our bureau immediately convened the overall cadres and staff union to convey, study and mobilize the deployment, and began to formulate the implementation plan for the review work, and held a mobilization meeting on the overall ** review of the political style and behavior on July 11 to remobilize and redeploy the overall political style and behavior review work. Deputy County Governor Yan Xiaoqing, Deputy Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau Hu Huijian, and comrades from the Municipal Bureau Review Office attended the meeting for guidance, and widely solicited opinions and suggestions from all walks of life through various methods such as holding mobilization meetings, announcing whistleblowing telephone numbers, setting up suggestion boxes, soliciting opinions face-to-face on the spot, questionnaire surveys, accepting complaints, holding symposiums, etc., and widely strengthening publicity efforts by using news media information, briefings, propaganda columns, slogans and other forms to create a strong atmosphere of conduct and evaluation. Four members of the political style supervision and appraisal committee have been hired to face the society, practice "open door evaluation style", and take the initiative to accept the supervision of the people. Second, organizational leadership institutions are in place. A leading group for the work of deliberating on political style and conduct has been set up, headed by the "number one" of the unit, an office has been set up, and the person responsible for the deliberation work of the unit has been established, providing an organizational guarantee for the overall deliberation work. Third, work responsibilities are clear and in place. In order to ensure that the work of appraisal and appraisal is not superficial, the "Implementation Plan for the Work of Reviewing Political Style and Conduct of Conduct" has been formulated, which arranges the work of reviewing political style and conduct to the day and the responsibilities are clearly assigned to the person, scientifically handles the relationship between the appraisal work and the professional work, finds the point of integration, and earnestly grasps both hands, makes no mistakes, and promotes both.

  (2) Use the "three improvements" to vigorously rectify and reform the political style and style and strengthen the new image of the department

  1. With the goal of improving the service functions of organs, continuously improve and improve the management system of organs. In order to plug the loopholes from the mechanism level and promote the standardization, institutionalization and scientific management of organs, we have seriously revised and improved the relevant rules and regulations, successively established and improved the "first question responsibility system", "time-limited handling system", "attendance assessment system" and other organ work systems, insisted on using systems to manage people, and used systems to standardize the words and deeds of organ cadres, further strengthened organ management, and improved the efficiency and service level of organs.

  2. With the goal of improving the overall quality of the cadre contingent, vigorously rectify the work style of organs. In accordance with the overall idea of "strengthening leading bodies, building contingents, strictly exercising discipline, and promoting leapfrogging," the bureau party branch started by strengthening education, strict management, and supervision, closely combined with the educational activities of rectifying the work style of party members and cadres and maintaining the advanced nature of party members, strengthened targeted and strong rectification and reform of the work style of organs, and effectively dealt with such problems as "instability" in political ideology, "sluggishness" in mental state, "untruthfulness" in work style, and "not hot" in serving the people in the past As a result, the cadres and workers of bureaus and organs have firmly established the awareness that "everyone is an image, each person is an object, and everything has an impact", and a gratifying change in work style has been presented: First, there are fewer people who do nothing and more people who are diligent in studying; Second, there are fewer "remote commands" sitting in the office, and more field investigations at the grassroots level; Third, there are fewer people who are perfunctory and more people who promise to serve; Fourth, there are fewer people who go their own way, and more people obey the arrangement and move in the same step. With the goal of building "four good leading bodies," the bureau's party and government leading bodies strictly abide by and implement a series of regulations of the central authorities, provinces, and municipalities on the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres, thoroughly promote openness in administrative affairs, consciously accept supervision by the masses, and build a solid ideological and moral defense line at all times.

  3. With the goal of improving the overall image of the science and technology sector, make every effort to rectify outstanding problems. In view of the situation of soliciting opinions from all walks of life in the form of issuing "consultation letters", low recovery rate and difficult feedback, in order to reflect our sincerity in soliciting opinions, from 6 to 8 p.m. on July 14, the director of the bureau led the team to set up a consultation desk of the Fengyi County Science and Technology Bureau in the county people's square, distributing more than 300 copies of materials, and "pulling out" the inner words of the masses in a relaxed chat atmosphere, collecting a total of 6 valuable opinions and suggestions. In response to these problems, the party branch of the bureau held a special meeting to study them one by one, respectively formulated rectification measures, stipulated the time limit for rectification, and improved the problems that could be improved in time, and tried its best to give the masses a satisfactory result; For temporary and unconditional rectification, the rectification plan and specific measures are listed, and the rectification is carried out gradually; For those that cannot be solved due to policy reasons, do a good job of patient and meticulous explanation, give a satisfactory answer to the service recipient, and achieve "everything has a solution, and every piece has a response".

  In the stage of finding problems, our bureau checked one by one against the content of the comments of provincial departments and municipal bureaus. At present, it has not been found that our bureau has any problems in optimizing the economic development environment of the industry and correcting unhealthy trends in the industry.

  Second, there are problems

  1. A small number of comrades are afraid of difficulties in science and technology work, believing that county-level investment in science and technology is small, funds are tight, their status is not high, it is difficult to make great achievements, and there are many tasks that they want to do but dare not do, shrink their hands and feet, and lack decisiveness and courage. Especially when encountering difficulties, the confidence and courage to take the initiative to find a way out, find a way, and strive for excellence are insufficient.

  2. The professional quality of the team is not high, and there are too few people who are really familiar with the science and technology management business, which is in sharp contrast to the relatively high quality of the service objects of the science and technology department, and is incompatible with the requirements of performing their own duties. This has led to the existence of the current phenomenon of laymen serving insiders and guiding high education with low education.

  3. The transformation of functions is not enough, the service concept is not strong, the management concept of the planned economy has not been completely transformed, the work content still has not jumped out of the circle of only planned project management, there is a lack of participation, service awareness and market awareness, and there is still a lot of work to be done in relying on science and technology to solve technical problems in industrial and agricultural production, especially in solving technical difficulties in the county economy, popularizing science and technology, and carrying out technical services.

  4. The work style is not solid enough, and the investigation and research are not in-depth enough. In particular, there are few special investigations and investigations focusing on science and technology to better serve economic and social development, and the phenomenon of "two skins" of science and technology and economy exists in a certain field and to a certain extent. Focusing on the above problems, we will earnestly carry out self-examination and self-correction, boost our spirits, enhance our confidence, enhance our sense of responsibility, and improve our ability to overcome difficulties and solve problems.

  5. The means of scientific and technological services are still relatively backward, and the construction of scientific and technological service platforms and hardware needs to be further strengthened.

  Third, the direction of future efforts

  1. Strengthen learning and training to build a strong cadre team.

  2. Transform functions, strengthen services, and improve the overall level of scientific and technological work.

  3. Combine with reality, highlight key points, and establish a long-term mechanism for building political style and behavior.

  4. Be bold in pioneering and innovative, and strive to create a new situation in the science and technology work of our county.

  This article is from (

Conduct Self-Inspection Report Chapter 6

  In order to strengthen the quality of its own work, standardize medical behavior, eliminate potential safety hazards, and ensure the safety of patients, the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery has carried out strict self-examination and self-correction according to the specific conditions of the department. It is reported as follows:

  1. As of 20××, the proportion of drugs in the department is about 24%, which is lower than that of previous years, and the department strictly controls the use of drugs to minimize the cost of drugs for patients, thereby reducing medical expenses; The state and hospitals focus on monitoring the rational use of drugs, and there is no illegal use; There is no phenomenon of receiving drug kickbacks and commissions, and strictly implement the national and hospital policy of zero price difference for drugs; There is no behavior of inducing patients to purchase drugs at designated social retail pharmacies, reducing patients' non-reimbursable expenses, thereby reducing patients' medical burden; The department has not intercepted drugs or sold drugs privately.

  2. The consumption of the department in 20×× accounted for about 20%, which was basically controlled within the scope of the hospital, and decreased compared with previous years; The procurement of department consumables is strictly implemented in accordance with hospital regulations and policies, and the procedures for entering and leaving the warehouse are standardized, and there are no violations. Department consumables are strictly implemented in accordance with hospital standards, and there is no rebate and commission phenomenon.

  3. The department (personnel) does not have violations such as decomposition charges, over-standard charges, duplicate charges, application project charges, excessive diagnosis and treatment, etc.; Patients in the department strictly follow the medical insurance policy, and there are no violations such as bed hanging hospitalization, imposter hospitalization, insurance fraud, etc.

  4. Since the opening of the department, the department staff has strictly followed the envy of hospital charges, charged reasonably, and there are no private charging items or private charging behavior; The department conducts weekly and monthly business and code of conduct learning, and there is no violation of the "nine prohibitions" of business style; Hospitals and departments carry out academic conferences, scientific research collaboration, academic support, and donation funding all from the department's business expenditure, so as to achieve pre-reporting, in-process supervision, and post-filing.

  Medical safety is no small matter, medical staff must strictly implement the core system of medical quality and safety, and the alarm bell rings for a long time, in order to eliminate or avoid medical safety accidents. Later department personnel. In the work, they must strictly abide by the laws and administrative regulations, departmental rules, diagnosis and treatment nursing norms and routines of medical and health management, and abide by the professional ethics of medical services; Continuously study medical and health laws, regulations, rules, and norms and routines for diagnosis and treatment of nursing, improve their own legal awareness, and standardize nursing practice behavior. In medical nursing activities, patients should be truthfully informed of their condition, medical measures (treatment or surgical plans, examination items, types of drugs, etc.), medical risks (complications, accidents, drug side effects, etc.), promptly answered their consultations, strictly prohibit irritating language or language that adversely affects the patient's disease treatment and rehabilitation, and pay attention to the way, method and skills of conversation. Proper use of patient or relative informed letters and power of attorney; Careful writing of medical documents must be objective, truthful, accurate, timely and complete. Do not use scraping, gluing, coating or other methods to cover or remove the original handwriting; Strengthen team spirit, internal coordination; They should actively learn advanced medical knowledge, improve their professional and technical level, improve medical quality, and serve patients well, and at the same time strengthen the study and cultivation of humanistic knowledge and etiquette knowledge, and enhance their communication skills; Be responsible and benevolent to patients; Memorize the core medical system and strictly implement it in actual clinical work.

Conduct Self-Inspection Report Chapter 7

  Bank risk screening self-inspection report

  With the continuous development of the financial industry, banks, as the core components of the financial system, undertake important functions such as financial intermediation, payment and settlement, and risk management. However, due to the complexity of financial markets and the uncertainty of risks, bank risk management has become a top priority for banks. In order to achieve effective management of risk prevention and control, banks need to conduct regular risk screening and self-inspection, and propose corresponding risk countermeasures.

  1. Preliminary preparations

  First of all, banks need to plan the risk screening and self-inspection work, and determine the scope and target of the investigation. Since the bank's business involves a wide range of risks and risks, it is necessary to classify according to the type of risk and determine the focus and direction of investigation. For example, credit risk, operational risk, market risk and so on. Then, the bank should clarify the purpose and requirements of the investigation, formulate a detailed investigation plan, and clarify the content and time nodes of each link.

  2. Risk investigation

  1. Internal risk investigation

  Internal risk refers to the various factors that exist within the bank that can lead to losses. Banks should carefully sort out various business links, find potential risk points, and evaluate and troubleshoot them. For example, whether the work process is reasonable, whether the internal control is sound, whether the personnel have illegal operations, etc. At the same time, banks should also check the risk quality of internal employees to ensure their professional skills, sense of integrity and sense of responsibility.

  2. External risk investigation

  External risk refers to the various types of risks that banks face in the external environment. Banks should analyze the macroeconomic environment, financial market dynamics, laws and regulations, etc., and assess the risks that may be brought to the bank. At the same time, it is also necessary to conduct risk assessment of the bank's partners, including the credit status, development trends and possible risks of certain industries and companies.

  3. Risk self-examination

  Risk self-inspection refers to the bank's self-inspection of risk management, discovering deficiencies and problems, and submitting a self-inspection report according to the situation. Self-inspection includes both online and offline links. Online self-inspection refers to sorting and analyzing data through the system to discover potential risk points. Offline self-inspection refers to the on-site inspection of various departments and positions to check whether they have performed their duties in accordance with relevant regulations and requirements, and whether there are any violations of rules and disciplines.

  4. Risk response measures

  According to the results of risk screening and self-inspection, banks should take corresponding risk response measures in a timely manner to improve risk prevention and control capabilities. The first is to strengthen internal control, improve risk management systems and processes, and ensure compliance with business norms and internal management. The second is to strengthen risk management capabilities, and improve employees' risk awareness and risk response capabilities through training and learning. Finally, it is necessary to strengthen external cooperation and establish close cooperative relations with regulators, industry institutions, industry associations, etc., to jointly prevent risks.


  Bank risk screening and self-inspection is an important part of ensuring banks' risk prevention and control capabilities. Through comprehensive investigation and self-examination of internal and external risks, banks can timely identify and respond to potential risk points, improve risk prevention and control capabilities, and ensure the stability of the financial market and the sustainable development of banks. Therefore, banks must attach great importance to risk screening and self-inspection, strengthen internal management, improve the quality and ability of employees, and ensure the safe and stable operation of banking business.