
Ying Qiyi, praising the party's kindness, cohesive force, bravely taking on the responsibility of the Jiangxian Market Supervision Bureau, and carrying out a series of team building activities

author:Yuncheng market supervision

On July 1, the Jiangxian Market Supervision Bureau launched a series of activities to warmly celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the great party-building spirit, unite and forge ahead, and stimulate market supervision and responsibility.

Ying Qiyi, praising the party's kindness, cohesive force, bravely taking on the responsibility of the Jiangxian Market Supervision Bureau, and carrying out a series of team building activities

Rural revitalization helps inspiration. All the cadres of the organs went to Haojiayao Village in Gujiao Town, and deeply felt the power of party building and guidance by understanding the transformation of the village from "dirty and chaotic" to "picturesque". Everyone expressed that they should learn from the advanced experience of Haojiayao Village in building a beautiful village under the guidance of party building, continue the red bloodline, closely follow the pace of the party, and move forward with full enthusiasm, full of energy, courage and perseverance, and work together to create a new situation in market supervision work.

Ying Qiyi, praising the party's kindness, cohesive force, bravely taking on the responsibility of the Jiangxian Market Supervision Bureau, and carrying out a series of team building activities

Relive the oath and talk about devotion. Facing the bright red Party flag, all Party members clenched their fingers into fists, solemnly swore an oath, remembered their identity as Communist Party members, and drew strength to forge ahead; The gold plaque depicting "Grace and Shame" felt the heroic and unyielding fighting spirit of the revolutionary martyrs represented by Cao Jinhai, and encouraged all party members and cadres to always maintain their original intention, be willing to dedicate, perform their duties and responsibilities on the new journey, and be good pioneers and examples in market supervision work.

Ying Qiyi, praising the party's kindness, cohesive force, bravely taking on the responsibility of the Jiangxian Market Supervision Bureau, and carrying out a series of team building activities

Do a good job in teaching party lessons and lay the foundation. Wang Lihua, secretary of the party leading group and director of the bureau, gave a special party course on the topic of "The Source of the Spirit of the Communist Party of China and Carrying Forward the Great Party-Building Spirit", in conjunction with the market supervision work, encouraging everyone to combine the party-building spirit with the market supervision work, strengthen the concept of party spirit, practice the original mission, enhance the sense of responsibility, establish a work style of "positive, practical and work", show new achievements in market supervision, and promote the high-quality development of market supervision work in a down-to-earth manner.

Ying Qiyi, praising the party's kindness, cohesive force, bravely taking on the responsibility of the Jiangxian Market Supervision Bureau, and carrying out a series of team building activities

Talent showcasing brightly. Through singing red songs, poetry recitations, calligraphy displays, dances and other activities, cadres and workers sang about the motherland and celebrated July 1 together, presented gifts for the party's 102nd birthday, felt the strength of the party in words, firmly established ideals and beliefs in music, and cultivated patriotic feelings in listening, showing the spiritual outlook of market supervision cadres and workers to present the party's birthday with a forging ahead attitude and the confidence to always follow the party.

Ying Qiyi, praising the party's kindness, cohesive force, bravely taking on the responsibility of the Jiangxian Market Supervision Bureau, and carrying out a series of team building activities

Team building competition cohesion. In order to enrich the cultural connotation of party building and clean government of market supervision, enhance the spirit of team cooperation, and stimulate the enthusiasm of market supervisors, 6 groups carried out activities such as tug-of-war, slow bicycle race, five-person six-legged, and rose cake making. During the activity, everyone thought in one place and worked hard in one place, stimulated their potential, exercised their work style, and showed the spirit of unity and friendship, striving for progress and striving for the first.

In the next step, the Jiangxian Market Supervision Bureau will take party building as the guide, take the people as the center, inherit the red gene, unite the forging force, keep the bottom line of discipline, anchor the assessment goals, serve the economic development, and make due contributions to the construction of "Siyi" Jiangxian County.