
Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

author:Daiyue white

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Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

Those whose hearts are higher than the sky and do not know how to be grateful will eventually be retributed, and he sends himself to a point of no return because of his no-brainer and arrogant personality.

He was once a well-known burlesque spokesperson, and many people were attracted by his humorous performance and sharp speech, but he gave up his great future and embarked on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.

And now that he has been banned for six years, he has appeared in front of the public again, but this time he was greeted not by applause, but by countless abuses.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

Wish for the moon

He is Zhou Libo, and a few years ago, when he was at his hottest, there was a famous saying "Guo Degang in the north, Zhou Libo in the south", which is enough to prove his status and talent at that time.

It was such a talented man with a very bad character, not only beating his husband but also taking drugs, and because of this, he was permanently banned.

But at the beginning of this year, Zhou Libo began to post his remarks on social platforms again, and his remarks were as sharp as ever.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


The difference is that not many people praised his scene this time, but there were also some passers-by who did not know much about him to praise him in his comment area.

Many of Zhou Libo's remarks seem to be concerned about the motherland, but if you look closely, you will find that he is just winning attention, which is really disgusting.

But Zhou Libo is very happy to see that there are still people who support him, and he even thinks that he can go back to the entertainment industry to make money, of course, these are foolish dreams.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


After all, shortly after Zhou Libo created his account, his account was blocked, and his dream of returning to the entertainment industry was completely killed in the cradle.

For a tumor like Zhou Libo, how can he be allowed to return to the entertainment industry for money, Zhou Libo's "great achievements" over the years are indeed a surprise.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"



Zhou Libo's native family is relatively happy and well-off. Therefore, his parents have doted on him since he was a child, which also led to his arrogant and unreasonable personality since he was a child.

Zhou Libo's academic performance has not been good since he was a child, and although his parents are very distressed, Zhou Libo does not listen to his parents at all because he spoils his children too much.

At school, Zhou Libo often laughs at some children from ordinary looking families and poor families, but because he has a mouth that can speak well, the teachers like him very much.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

When Zhou Libo was a child

Zhou Libo's parents also know very well what kind of person their son is, but they have always had no way to take him, but if it goes on like this, Zhou Libo will be destroyed.

So Zhou Libo's parents thought that they couldn't always go on like this, and they had to find a way for him to set a goal. They asked Zhou what he wanted to do in the future, and he said he wanted to be a burlesque actor.

This is an answer that Zhou Libo's parents did not expect, but this is the only thing their son likes, and they must support it as parents.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

So Zhou Libo's parents took him to participate in the assessment of the Shanghai Burlesque Troupe, and Zhou Libo, who came on stage for the first time, was not nervous at all but very relaxed.

Zhou Libo also successfully used his performance to make the examiners present laugh, and the teacher praised him for being very talented in comedy and a good seedling for learning comedy.

So Zhou Libo joined the troupe as he wished, and Zhou Libo, who had just joined the troupe, attracted the attention of the burlesque master Zhou Baichun, who felt that Zhou Libo was a rare talent, so he accepted him as an apprentice.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

With Zhou Baichun as a master, Zhou Libo has made great progress in performance, plus the burlesque master Yao Mushuang is also optimistic about him.

The guidance of the two famous teachers made Zhou Libo the best newcomer to the troupe, and he only studied for a year and could perform on stage alone.

Zhou Libo only felt that his blood was boiling when he first appeared on the stage with an audience, and his unique humorous performance won the love of the audience.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


After a few performances, Zhou Libo successfully became famous in Shanghai, but when he gave a speech on stage, he took all the credit for himself, and did not thank his master for teaching him at all.

Many people are disgusted by Zhou Libo's behavior, after all, how could he stand in this performance without his master? But many people don't know the truth of things, they only want to see what they want to see.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


Two people on and off stage

Therefore, Zhou Libo's career has been smooth, and he has gradually gained his own status in the entertainment industry, but is Zhou Libo really as good as he seems?

Zhou Libo on the stage looks like a decent gentleman, but he is a "devil" offstage, he often plays big cards and always beats people.

One of the most famous beatings was when Zhou Libo beat his fiancée's father to the hospital and his husband was blind in one eye, so he was sent to the police station.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

In 1990, 33-year-old Zhou Libo was already famous in the entire entertainment industry, so many fans who were happy with him would come to see his performance and lay flowers.

Zhou Libo's first wife Zhang Jie is a big fan of him, and Zhang Jie is attracted by Zhou Libo's humor, so she will go and go up to lay flowers every time Zhou Libo performs.

Zhang Jie's family is rich and very beautiful, and over time Zhou Libo noticed this fan, and Zhou Libo said to Zhang Jie: "I remember you."

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


At that time, Zhou Libo's voice was not loud, so only two people heard it, fantasize about what it is like to be remembered by your idol.

At that time, Zhang Jie's whole face was red, she didn't dare to look directly at Zhou Libo, just hurriedly walked down after sending flowers, and since then, every performance Zhou Libo will look at Zhang Jie, and also privately asked her after the performance.

Zhang Jie, who was alone with the idol for the first time, was completely overwhelmed, and Zhou Libo always told jokes to tease her after seeing her embarrassment, and Zhang Jie slowly relaxed.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


Zhang Jie originally liked Zhou Libo, and the two often got along in private, which made Zhang Jie deeply trapped in it, and when Zhou Libo proposed to be together, Zhang Jie agreed without hesitation.

The two have always been the dominant person in the process of falling in love, and Zhang Jie is also very obedient to Zhou Libo, and Zhang Jie's performance makes Zhou Libo very satisfied, so he decided to marry her.

A woman who is deeply in love will not feel that her boyfriend is bad, but Zhang Jie's parents can see it clearly, and they feel that Zhou Libo is not worthy of their daughter.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


Zhang Jie's parents are both intellectuals, Zhou Libo is just an uncultured drama, and Zhou Libo, as a future son-in-law, was very arrogant and rude when Zhang Jie was in the house.

In the process of chatting, the husband said very strongly that he would not agree to this marriage, and Zhou Libo was still persuaded at first.

Until many times of fruitless persuasion, Zhou Libo's temper came up, he raised his fist and hit Zhang Father directly in the face, although Zhang Father was resisting, but the young and strong Zhou Libo has always had the upper hand.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


Zhou Libo did not contain any strength at all, so Father Zhang was directly beaten into the hospital by him, and after the test results came out, Father Zhang's eyes were blinded because of the heavy blow.

Because the plot was too serious, Zhou Libo was taken away by the police on the spot, and he spent more than 200 days in prison before being released, I thought that Zhang Jie would break up with Zhou Libo in such a trouble, but she didn't.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"



After Zhou Libo was released, he did not feel that he had done anything wrong, and even replied to those who said he had done something wrong on the Internet, saying that he was just in self-defense.

But the masses do not believe his nonsense, this incident has had a great impact on Zhou Libo's career, but it has not had any impact on his love.

Normally, Zhang Jie should break up with Zhou Libo and stay away from him, but Zhang Jie not only did not break up with Zhou Libo, but also broke with his family for this.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


Zhang Jie's approach was obviously not expected by everyone, and Zhou Libo also wanted to put Zhang Jie's thigh, after all, he is now an unemployed vagrant.

Zhang Jie married Zhou Libo despite her parents' objections, and after the marriage, Zhou Libo has been at home because of career damage, and Zhang Jie has become the one who supports the family.

But how could Zhou Libo stay at home in peace, saying that he wanted to do business, but not only lost his money, but also owed a lot of foreign debts.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


It was not until 2006 that Zhou Libo got better with the help of his friend Guan Dongtian, and the two founded the "Haipai Qingkou" talk show, and Zhou Libo used this to circle another wave of fans.

But people are easy to heal scars and forget pain, and the slightly famous Zhou Libo immediately became arrogant, and finally completely ruined his future.

Zhou Libo never hides his arrogance, he once said that he did not want to go to the Spring Festival Gala because the people who watched the Spring Festival Gala were farmers, and he looked down on farmers from the bottom of his heart.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


More than once, everyone who has watched Zhou Libo's talk show knows that he has expressed discrimination against rural people more than once, and he feels that he is a superior person.

When Zhou Libo learned that his name appeared with Guo Degang, he was ashamed to say how people who eat garlic can be put together with people who drink coffee.

This sentence is undoubtedly saying that he is a superior person who drinks coffee, and Guo Degang is an inferior person who eats garlic, but Guo Degang is not willing to be bullied.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


Turn your back on your friends, abandon your wife

Zhou Libo's slag is clearly and thoroughly, first betraying the friend who helped him bring his career back to life, and then abandoning his wife who will not leave him.

At the beginning, Guan Dongtian spent a lot of effort to rejuvenate Zhou Libo's career, and Guan Dongtian not only bought tickets out of his own pocket, but also solicited sponsorship everywhere.

Compared to Guan Dongtian, Zhou Libo is simply a person who sits back and enjoys his success, but Guan Dongtian thinks that there is no need to think so much between friends, but Zhou Libo does not think so.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


What Zhou Libo said on stage was written by Guan Dongtian, but Zhou Libo was ashamed to say that "Haipai Qingkou" was created by himself, and Guan Dongtian did not help at all.

Then Zhou Libo even reneged on the agreement between the two and began to make money on variety shows, and Guan Dongtian looked at the unrepentant Zhou Libo and decided to break off contact with him.

When Guan Dongtian sent a message saying that he broke off relations with Zhou Libo, Zhou Libo also replied, which probably means that Guan Dongtian just helped a little and wanted a high return.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

In Zhou Libo's eyes, his friendship with Guan Dongtian for more than 20 years is nothing, which is what really makes Guan Dongtian feel cold, but Zhou Libo will never feel that he has done wrong.

When Zhou Libo was in the wind, his wife Zhang Jie was seriously ill in the hospital, and after his wife fell ill, Zhou Libo not only did not take care of it, but cheated on another woman, Hu Jie.

Zhou Libo and Hu Jie got together very early, and the two still lived together.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

Zhou Libo and Hu Jie

Not only that, Zhou Libo also forced Zhang Jie to sign a divorce agreement many times, and in the face of Zhou Libo's indifferent attitude, Zhang Jie could no longer bear it.

Zhang Jie signed the divorce agreement and said Zhou Libo's various evil deeds over the years, Zhang Jie said that he had not had children for so many years because Zhou Libo took drugs.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"

Zhou Libo and Hu Jie

Zhang Jie said that she had advised Zhou Libo to quit drug addiction a long time ago, but a few days later Zhou Libo smoked it again, and she never gave birth to a child in order not to let the child suffer.

At that time, it was 2009, when the Internet was not very developed, so the incident did not spread very quickly, and Zhou Libo spent a lot of money to suppress the heat when he learned about it.

But paper can't contain the fire after all, and in 2017, Zhou Libo was arrested again for drug use, but Zhou Libo still died and refused to admit it.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


reap what you sow

Zhou Libo has not returned to China after being arrested for drug use in the United States, and this matter has finally been resolved, but many people think that Zhou Libo's drug use is true.

In 2019, Zhou Libo suddenly returned to China, saying that he had been deeply troubled by drug use, so he decided to return to China to prove his innocence.

At that time, many people suspected that Zhou Libo should have been rehabilitating drugs for a long time, so he dared to come back for examination, but he underestimated the domestic testing methods.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


Finally, it was detected in Zhou Libo's hair that he had taken drugs, and Zhou Libo knew that he could not escape now, so he ran back to the United States.

It is impossible for the domestic entertainment industry to accept bad artists, so when Zhou Libo's drug use was confirmed, he was banned by the entertainment industry.

Zhou Libo did not want to come back to make money, he tried to post on social platforms many times, but it didn't take long to be banned.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


So now Zhou Libo can only rely on the relief of his wife Hu Jie, Hu Jie is also a famous rich woman, and it is naturally easy to feed a Zhou Libo.

But Zhou Libo can no longer be as arrogant and rude as before, and now he is just a son-in-law, but all this is done by Zhou Libo himself.

Zhou Libo has good talent and ability, but people with bad conduct will eventually be disgusted by the world, and people who break the law and commit crimes cannot be forgiven.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has disappeared for 6 years, has embarked on a "road of no return"


Drug use not only harms personal interests but also harms social interests, how many people die every year because of drug use, and how many families are torn apart because of drug use.

The anti-drug police who guard us are teetering on the edge of life and death every day, while they hide in the house and enjoy the thrill of drug use.

Therefore, we will never forgive people who take drugs, Zhou Libo wants to return to the entertainment industry to make money, it is even more delusional, we must say no to drugs, we must say no to bad artists!

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