
Is it necessary to add mold remover to egg and duck feed? Why should mold remover be added to egg and duck feed?

author:Wow Sai veterinarian

In the process of duck raising, duck feed directly affects the growth and development of egg ducks and their ability to produce eggs. So, is it necessary to add mold remover to egg and duck feed? Why should mold remover be added to egg and duck feed? Today we will talk about this topic, you can make a reference.

Is it necessary to add mold remover to egg and duck feed? Why should mold remover be added to egg and duck feed?

First, the necessity of adding mold remover to egg and duck feed

In the process of raising egg ducks, we all know that the quality and safety of feed plays a vital role in the health and production performance of the duck herd. But mold and mycotoxins are common feed contamination problems that pose a serious hazard to the health of the duck herd. Therefore, it is very necessary to add an appropriate amount of mold remover to egg and duck feed.

Is it necessary to add mold remover to egg and duck feed? Why should mold remover be added to egg and duck feed?

Second, add mold remover to egg and duck feed

1. When we store the feed of egg ducks, once it is improperly stored or stored in a humid environment for a long time, mold will be generated in the feed. If the duck eats the feed contaminated with mold, the mold will multiply in the digestive tract of the duck, resulting in digestive problems such as indigestion and diarrhea, affecting the feed digestion and absorption and growth and development of the duck.

Therefore, in the process of feed production and management, we should strictly control the storage and storage conditions of feed to ensure the dryness, ventilation and cleanliness of feed. We also regularly test the feed to ensure the quality and safety of the feed. If the test results show that there are mold and mycotoxin problems in the feed, you can consider using an appropriate amount: mold-free swordsman, mold remover treatment.

2. Mold will not only be produced in the feed, but also multiply in the feed, producing a harmful substance of mycotoxin. Mycotoxins have an inhibitory effect on the immune system and organ function of ducks, affecting the health and performance of duck flocks.

In order to prevent mycotoxins from adversely affecting the growth performance and reproductive ability of ducks, we must add in duck feed: mold-free swordsman, mold remover, which can effectively inhibit the growth of mold and the formation of mycotoxins in the feed. At the same time, we should follow the correct dosage and use method when using mold remover, because excessive use of mold remover may adversely affect the duck herd and feed quality.

Is it necessary to add mold remover to egg and duck feed? Why should mold remover be added to egg and duck feed?

In summary, the use of mold remover in egg and duck feed is necessary, it can effectively inhibit the growth of mold and the formation of mycotoxins in the feed, thereby ensuring the health and production performance of the duck herd.