
"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

author:Siming Express

One song, one era, one song and one memory

On the evening of July 1

Gulangyu Red Singing is loud

A celebration of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Vivid music party class

It was grandly held at Gulangyu Concert Hall

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

The event was sponsored by the CPC Xiamen Siming District Committee and the Gulangyu-Wanshishan Scenic Area Working Committee of the CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee, and organized by the Working Committee of the CPC Xiamen Siming District Committee and District Organs, the Party Committee of the CPC Xiamen Gulangyu-Wanshishan Scenic Area Management Committee, and the Xiamen Gulangyu Cultural Tourism Development Center.

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!
"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

The music party class takes the party's struggle as the main line

Divide more than 100 years of party history into

"Glory years", "Sun and moon change days", "Tide in the East"

Four chapters of "The Great Revival"

and innovate learning models

"Theoretical Learning + Red Song Singing + Interactive Q&A"

Let the audience listen to the story of the party in the melody

Feel the glory of suffering for more than 100 years

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

"Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China"

The entire audience sang in chorus

"Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China"

Turn the chapter of the music party class

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Chapter One: The Glory Years

Symphony "Ode to the Red Flag"

Chorus "Unity is Strength"

Symphony "Red Detachment of Women"

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Looking back on a hundred years of struggle

The Communist Party of China holds high the red flag

With the power of unity that is tougher than steel

With the power of indomitable spirit

Go ahead

Create a glorious history

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Unite and strive for the future

Representative of Siming District and Gulangyu Management Committee

and representatives of subordinate units, Gulangyu Choir

Sing a song "Unity is Strength"

The loud singing resounded in the sky

Sing Chinese the strong determination of the people

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Chapter 2: The Sun and the Moon Change Days

The group sings "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party"

Symphony "Beijing Good News to the Border Village"

Youth chorus "We Are the Successors of Communism"

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China

Various undertakings in the mainland

A hundred flowers bloom, pioneering and innovative, fruitful

Chinese deep feelings between the people and the party

Immersed in a rousing melody

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Vitality and enthusiasm Hope and strength

"Always ready!"

Student representative of People's Primary School

and Xiamen Youth Palace Phoenix Flower Children's Choir

Singing "We Are the Successors of Communism"

The young man is also a firm singing voice

Inheriting the red spirit

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Chapter Three: The Tide Rushes to the East

Symphony "The Years of Passion Burning"

Chorus "Waves of Gulangyu Island"

The group sings "Houguan is my home"

Symphony "Symphony of Mountains and Seas"

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

As the initial period of Xiamen Special Economic Zone

Leaders, pioneers, builders

General Secretary Xi Jinping cares about the people

In this land of passion

Fight side by side with the vast number of special economic zone builders

A classic symphony

It is the sincere gratitude of the people of Xiamen

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

In 2017, Gulangyu Island was successfully inscribed

It is inseparable from the joint efforts of the people of Xiamen

Representatives of subordinate units of Siming District, representatives of various units of Gulangyu Island,

Representative of Gulangyu residents, Gulangyu choir

Chorus "Waves of Gulangyu Island"

A song "Blue Sky and Blue Sea"

Play the music for the protection of cultural heritage

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Chapter Four: The Great Revival

Chorus "Battle Song of a Strong Army"

Duet "Fujian Like You"

The group sings "Where the Soul Lingers"

Chorus "Pilot"

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Military music plays the strong sound of the times

Representative of the Armed Forces Department of Siming District and the representative of the Eighth Company of Gulangyu Island

Chorus "Battle Song of a Strong Army"

Fortitude, bravery, unstoppable military momentum

Sing the chapter of the times

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Forward and succeeding to create brilliance

Communist Party of China

Leading the way forward

A song "Pilot"

Firmly believe that the people follow the steps of the party

Gulangyu choir with lead singer

Sing the lofty melody of a new era of struggle

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

End of the event


"Me and My Motherland" "Singing the Motherland"

Whole chorus

Sing the original heart with a loud singing voice

Celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC

Zhou Shirui, a student of Xiamen People's Primary School

This music party class made me have a deeper understanding of the history of the struggle of the Communist Party of China, feel that China is becoming stronger and stronger, and feel very proud and excited in my heart.

Lin Yinqiong, secretary of the party branch of the Gulangyu Foreign Cultural Relics Museum of the Forbidden City

This music party class reviewed the party's 100-year glorious course in a passionate atmosphere, and the immersive experience baptized me physically and mentally. Although the party class has temporarily ended, the music and art of Gulangyu Island will never stop, and I hope that there will be more similar activities in the future, and use music to make the people more determined to protect the land under their feet.

"Sound" is immersive, this music party class is super combustible!

Use music to teach party lessons, and use art to tell party history

Edutainment music party lessons

Bring it to the broad masses of Party members

A red journey "through time"

Next, Siming will continue

Persist in taking the great party-building spirit as the guide

Continue the red bloodline and inherit the red gene

Strive to write a new chapter in the development of Siming in the new era

Part of the source: Gulangyu Concert Hall