
Calligraphy Learning: Bypassing the Lettering, Straight to the Line, Challenge or Shortcut? Do you dare to try it?

author:Ancient and modern calligraphy

Hey, dear calligraphy learners! Today, I want to talk to you about an exciting topic: to learn calligraphy, can you skip the calligraphy and practice the line directly? Sounds like a risky decision, doesn't it excite you? Then let me, a calligraphy teacher who has been teaching calligraphy for 30 years, unveil this mystery for you!

First of all, let's hit your pain point directly - can you or not skip the script to learn and practice the line directly? Frankly, the answer is yes. Yes, you heard it right! You can choose to practice your actions directly, but before making a decision, please listen to me.

Calligraphy Learning: Bypassing the Lettering, Straight to the Line, Challenge or Shortcut? Do you dare to try it?

If you have a better impression of the script and feel that it is more in line with your personality and aesthetics, then why force yourself to learn a script that you don't like? After all, calligraphy is an art, giving us the opportunity to show our individuality and creativity, and the freedom to choose our favorite font!

However, dear learners, whether you choose to start with calligraphy or lettering, please remember one thing: find an experienced calligraphy instructor. They can help you correct mistakes, answer your doubts, and lead you through the mysteries of calligraphy and calligraphy. With a teacher by your side, you can walk more steadily and write more beautifully!

Calligraphy Learning: Bypassing the Lettering, Straight to the Line, Challenge or Shortcut? Do you dare to try it?

So, let's take a deeper look at the characteristics of calligraphy and lettering. Kaishu is a standardized, solemn font with stability and a sense of order. It emphasizes the structure of strokes and the accuracy of glyphs, and pays attention to the norms and discipline of writing. The study of calligraphy will help you master the basic principles and techniques of calligraphy, and develop meticulous observation and patience.

Calligraphy Learning: Bypassing the Lettering, Straight to the Line, Challenge or Shortcut? Do you dare to try it?

Xingkai, on the other hand, is more free and lively. It focuses on the coherence of the strokes and the balance of the layout, allowing for a degree of personalized expression. In writing, the italic font pays more attention to the sense of flow and speed, giving people a flexible sense of beauty. Learning to write will develop your creativity and expressive skills, making calligraphy works more personal and artistic.

Whether you choose to practice from the script or the line, you need to master the basic principles and skills of the corresponding font. For the study of calligraphy, you can start from the basic stroke structure and glyph construction, and be familiar with the standardization and stability of calligraphy. When you feel that you have a certain grasp of the scriptures, you can gradually transition to the practice of the letters. When learning line letters, pay attention to the characteristics and requirements of line letters, such as the consistency of strokes, the balance of layout, etc. Through continuous practice and comparison of excellent script models, gradually improve your writing level.

Finally, dear learners, whether you choose to start learning calligraphy from calligraphy or lettering, the most important thing is to maintain enthusiasm and patience. Calligraphy is an art that requires long-term persistence, and only by continuous practice and exploration can you improve your skills. Remember to interact with excellent works, communicate with calligraphy lovers, and share your thoughts and achievements. Let's leave our own mark in the ocean of calligraphy together!