
A horse must die if its leg is broken? Why can't a horse with a broken leg be treated or amputated?

author:I don't love to travel and I love to learn

You may have heard that there are frequent fractures of horses on racetracks, and these horses are often euthanized rather than treated or amputated. This makes many people feel puzzled and unbearable, why does a horse have to die if its leg is broken? Is there no other way?

A horse must die if its leg is broken? Why can't a horse with a broken leg be treated or amputated?

This is not human cruelty or indifference, but out of love and respect for horses. Because of the horse's physical structure and physiological characteristics, a horse with a broken leg has almost no possibility of recovery, and will suffer great pain and suffering. In this case, euthanizing the horses is a humane and benevolent option.

A horse must die if its leg is broken? Why can't a horse with a broken leg be treated or amputated?

The body structure of the horse

Horses are odd-hoofed animals, meaning they have only one hoof to support their body weight. And the horse's hooves are equivalent to human fingernails, and the bones behind them are called hoof bones, a bit like a sharpened triangular blade. When a horse runs, it is equivalent to a person running with his fingertips. Such structures allow horses to run quickly, but also make their legs very fragile.

When horses break bones, they are often crushed or deformed, both of which make recovery extremely difficult. And because horses are so large and powerful, it's hard for humans to control them from moving or hurting their injured legs again. Even if surgery or amputation is performed, it is difficult to ensure healing or adaptation.

A horse must die if its leg is broken? Why can't a horse with a broken leg be treated or amputated?

More seriously, when a horse is injured in one leg, it can only let the other three legs support the body weight, which increases the pressure and injury of the other three legs. In particular, the hoof bone and hoof are supported by a corrugated-like tissue called the hoof lobe. If the pressure is too high, the hoof bone will pierce the hoof wall and insert into the hoof lobe, resulting in a very difficult disease - laminitis. The disease causes severe pain in horses and is irreversible.

Horses also have a special physiological mechanism called the standing device.

This mechanism allows the horse to stand without expending too much energy, and the default state of the horse's tendons and muscles is to stay upright. This means that the horse is actually a kind of "blade warrior", and the cushioning of the horse's hooves is all about the skin. Horses cannot lie down for a long time like humans or other animals to recuperate, otherwise it will lead to complications such as ischemic injury, muscle nerve necrosis, and lung infection.

A horse must die if its leg is broken? Why can't a horse with a broken leg be treated or amputated?

Horses with broken legs are not only difficult to heal, but also suffer endless pain and suffering.

In this case, euthanizing the horses is a humane and benevolent option. Of course, this does not mean that we should turn a blind eye to accidents that occur on the racetrack, we should pay more attention to the safety and welfare of horse racing and reduce the occurrence of such tragedies as much as possible. Horses are also animals with life and feelings, and they give too much for the entertainment and benefit of humans.

A horse must die if its leg is broken? Why can't a horse with a broken leg be treated or amputated?

According to statistics, thousands of horses die or are euthanized on the racecourse every year.

Some of these horses are due to broken bones or other serious injuries that cannot be cured, and some are due to physical collapse due to excessive use of drugs or other irregularities. These are all caused by human irresponsibility and disrespect for horses. We should reflect on whether our attitudes and behaviors toward animals are consistent with what we call civilized and progressive.

As a spectator or participant who loves horse racing, we should actively call on racetracks to improve the protection and supervision of horses and prevent any behavior that may endanger the health and safety of horses. We should also care about the physical and psychological state of each horse in the race, and give them enough care and respect. We should also support organizations and individuals who are committed to saving injured or abandoned racehorses, so that these once glorious animals can have a stable and happy old age.

A horse must die if its leg is broken? Why can't a horse with a broken leg be treated or amputated?

Let's pray together for every horse on the racetrack, hoping that they can run healthy and happy in the sun, without any harm and pain.