
Ye Liuyang Zhang Zhanting: Strive to do three things to commemorate Jiao Yulu

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Ye Liuyang Zhang Zhanting: Strive to do three things to commemorate Jiao Yulu

On the day of celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the old comrade Lankao recalled with deep affection the three things he had done to commemorate Jiao Yulu, and he was still thrilled and excited.

First, how Jiao Yulu's mausoleum was moved back to Lankao

Before dying, Jiao Yulu said to Zhang Qinli: "Qinli, I don't have much time, there is a sentence I can't help but say." ...... After I died, I only had one request, asking the organization to transport me back to Lankao and bury me on the dunes, I didn't cure the dunes when I was alive, and I will watch you cure the dunes when I die! ......”

Ye Liuyang Zhang Zhanting: Strive to do three things to commemorate Jiao Yulu

【Jiao Yulu leads the masses to control sand】

Zhang Qinli knew that this was the trust left by Jiao Yulu, who was about to die. He is full of concern for his unfinished business, full of nostalgia for Lankao's hot land, and full of incomparable trust in Zhang Qinli. Jiao Yulu's heartfelt words on his deathbed were engraved on his heart, which became Zhang Qinli's long-cherished wish, a complex that could not be abandoned, and a powerful driving force to change the poor face of Lankao. In order to realize Jiao Yulu's last wish as soon as possible, Zhang Qinli thought, tried, and worked hard. In November 1964, Zhang Qinli took advantage of Henan's climax of propaganda and study of Jiao Yulu and personally went to the Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Department to ask for instructions on this matter, and stated Secretary Jiao's dying wishes to Director Shi of the Civil Affairs Department, and Director Shi was very moved to hear it. However, in view of the relevant regulations of the higher authorities on burial in place and the fact that Jiao Yulu was already buried in Zhengzhou organizationally at that time, it was no longer possible to move the grave. Zhang Qinli left the provincial civil affairs department with great understanding. But he was not willing, because this was Jiao Yulu's dying wish, and there was a spirit embodied here, which was also something he had nodded to Secretary Jiao in person and promised.

On the first anniversary of Jiao Yulu's death in May 1965, 26 delegates from Lankao County attending the Henan Provincial Poor Congress bought a large wreath and took a bus sent by the secretariat of the congress to the Zhengzhou Martyrs' Cemetery to mourn Jiao Yulu. There is a large area of martyrs' tombs in the cemetery, and there is a small stone tablet in front of each tomb with the name of the martyr. The delegates got out of the car, carried wreaths in the cemetery, and looked everywhere with tears. Suddenly, someone shouted: "Come on, Secretary Jiao is here!" Everyone ran towards Jiao Yulu's tomb. They laid a wreath at Jiao Yulu's tomb, and then plopped down on their knees in front of Jiao Yulu's tomb, crying bitterly.

"Secretary Jiao, we miss you!"

"Secretary Jiao, we came to see you!"

"Secretary Jiao, you are tired of living for Qi Lankao!"

They held monuments and photographed the tombs, their calls fluttering in the wind with tears. Fan Zhemin and Liu Junsheng, who accompanied him, advised everyone with tears in their eyes: "Don't cry, it's about to have a meeting, go back!" Zhang Chuanling, an old poor peasant, cried bitterly and said, "Secretary Jiao worries about us and suffers with our Lankao." Now that our life is better, he is lying here alone..." Without saying a word, Fan Zhemin, Liu Junsheng and everyone cried bitterly. Finally, in order not to affect the meeting, several members of the entourage dragged them to the car. The car left, and there was still sobbing in the carriage. This incident really made Zhang Qinli feel a lot of emotion. He understood the feelings of the Lankao people for Jiao Yulu, and he silently said in his heart: "The Lankao people miss Secretary Jiao, and they have to run to Zhengzhou, so far away, how difficult and inconvenient!" At this time, Jiao Yulu's dying instructions sounded in his ears again, and his tears couldn't help but fall one by one. The fact that 26 representatives of Lankao County went to Jiao Yulu's tomb to cry sacrifices further strengthened Zhang Qinli's determination to move Jiao Yulu's grave.

The opportunity has finally come. On February 7, 1966, People's Daily published a long newsletter entitled "The Example of the County Party Secretary -- Jiao Yulu," and a climax of learning from Jiao Yulu rose throughout the country. Coupled with Mu Qing and Zhou Yuan's suggestion, the people of Lankao have a request, and Zhang Qinli wants to use this east wind to realize Jiao Yulu's trust to him. One day, Zhang Qinli pointed to the piles and groups of people outside the window and asked Zhuo Xinglong: "Old Zhuo, what do you say that so many people come to us here?" "It's not up to you to see me anyway. I'm too fat, you're too skinny to look at. "Zhuo Xinglong's humor is famous." You see, learning such a big formation as Jiao Yulu, but Secretary Jiao's grave is not in Lankao. Can we be like Zhuge Liang borrowing the east wind..." Before Zhang Qinli finished speaking, Zhuo Xinglong smiled in understanding and said: "Listening to what you mean by this, Secretary Jiao's grave is in Zhengzhou, and it is inconvenient for the masses of our Lankao to mourn, and those who come to Lankao to visit have to run to Zhengzhou if they want to see Jiao Yulu's tomb." Let's go and talk to the provincial party committee and request that Jiao Yulu's tomb be moved back to Lankao! Zhang Qinli smiled and said, "Those who know me, Zhuo Xinglongye." So, Zhang Qinli drafted a report on the relocation of graves to the provincial party committee in the name of the county party committee. He called Shangzhuo Xinglong, took the report, took the suggestions of Mu Qing and Zhou Yuan, and rushed to the Henan Provincial Party Committee with the heavy trust of the Lankao people, requesting that the remains of Comrade Jiao Yulu be moved from Zhengzhou back to Lankao for burial. Zhang Qinli approached Liu Jianxun, the secretary of the provincial party committee, and Liu agreed to the request of the Lankao county party committee. Zhang Qinli was very excited in his heart and said, "There must be a procedure!" Liu Jianxun said to Ji Dengkui: "Let's do it for them!" Ji Dengkui immediately approved the request of the Lankao County Party Committee, and sent someone to notify the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau to cooperate closely and prepare a special train.

There are many sand dunes in Lankao, where is it better to bury them? After comprehensive investigation and research, the county party committee finally determined that the Jiao Yulu Mausoleum was built on the sand dunes of the Yellow River embankment in the north of the county seat. First, it is close to the county seat, which is convenient for viewing and management; Second, when Jiao Yulu was checking the wind outlet, he once stood here and humorously said to Zhang Qinli, "Stand high here, see far, you can observe the sand rising and falling... In the future, when I die, I can be buried here. After the Jiao Yulu cemetery was determined, Zhang Qinli personally took command and actively made preparations for moving the grave. At this time, the Ministry of Railways issued a notice that "from March 1, the transportation of corpses by train is prohibited". To this end, Jiao Yulu's grave relocation must be completed by the end of February. Time was tight and the task was heavy, Zhang Qinli led everyone to work day and night, and the county organs and the Lankao masses who heard the news actively participated in voluntary labor. People are busy and excited to welcome their beloved Secretary Jiao back to Lankao...

On February 26, 1966, the relocation work began. On this morning, a spiritual up-and-greeting ceremony was held in the Zhengzhou Martyrs' Cemetery. Secretary Liu Jianxun of the provincial party committee led responsible comrades from all localities, cities, and counties attending the provincial three-level cadres meeting to attend the ceremony and spoke. After the initiation ceremony, Jiao Yulu's coffin was transported by car to the train station and moved to the train train that had been prepared for a long time. The train dispatched by the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau has a total of four cars. One section is provincial, prefectural and municipal leaders and heads of relevant departments; One section is the coffin and the family of Jiao Yulu, who protects the spirit; One section is the military band of the third national cotton factory; One section is wreaths and staff. In front of the locomotive hangs a portrait of Comrade Jiao Yulu, tied with a black veil. On both sides of the carriage were huge banners reading "Learn from Chairman Mao's good student, Comrade Jiao Yulu."

The death of a county party secretary and the use of a special train to transport the coffin was a precedent in Chinese history and the greatest honor for Jiao Yulu at that time. The train departs from Zhengzhou and arrives in Lankao around 12 noon. In the sound of mourning, Jiao Yulu's coffin moved from the train to the car, and was accompanied by the spirit delivery personnel and slowly drove out of the train station. At this time, Lankao's railway station square and street are lined with people welcoming the spirit. The leaders of the Lankao County CPC Committee and the County People's Committee wore white flowers on their chests and black veils on their arms, and greeted their good secretary Jiao Yulu with affection and the broad masses of the people. When thousands of people saw the arrival of Jiao Yulu's coffin, some wept silently, and some wept bitterly. Among the crying crowd, the most striking is the wife of farmer Kong Linghuan, who holds the child saved by Jiao Yulu and cries with the hearse, and the wife and children of Zhang Quande of the Red Temple Commune... The cry touched the heavens and the earth and echoed over Lankao for a long time.

Ye Liuyang Zhang Zhanting: Strive to do three things to commemorate Jiao Yulu

[The people of Lankao hugged Jiao Yulu's coffin]

The Lankao County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held a grand burial meeting at the Jiao Yulu cemetery. According to the Henan Daily that year:

Five or six thousand people attended the memorial service. An archway was erected in front of the tomb, and on both sides of the archway was written: "Tears to inherit the ambition of the strong man, vow to turn the will into a grand plan"; The banner on it reads, "Comrade Jiao Yulu is immortal!" ”

Four red flags were also flying at the venue, which read:

The spirit of Hancun,

Qin Zhai's determination,

Zhao Yuanlou's drive,

Double poplar road.

These four red flags were erected by Comrade Jiao Yulu in Lankao during his lifetime. These four flags have played a huge role in the struggle of the Lankao people to change the face of nature in the past three years. Now the number of Red Flag units in rural Lankao has increased to ten, and they are an example for the people of Lankao to completely change the face of Lankao in the future.

(For details, see Henan Daily, February 27, 1966)

Ye Liuyang Zhang Zhanting: Strive to do three things to commemorate Jiao Yulu

After Jiao Yulu's death, his old colleagues and the people of Lankao turned their grief into strength, worked tirelessly and hard to eradicate the "three evils" and benefit the people, and the appearance of Lankao changed greatly. Zhang Qinli, a close comrade-in-arms of Jiao Yulu, announced the change in his eulogy at the burial meeting:

First, the situation of wind and sand control: afforestation and sand control, a century-old plan; Cultivation of grass and sealing of sand, effective in the year; Turning over the silt and pressing the sand, immediate results. In a three-pronged approach, a windbreak and sand fixation forest was built on 200,000 mu of sand wasteland. Afforestation saplings are all collected and raised by themselves. There are 2,574 production teams in the county, and the teams have nurseries, and more than 30 million seedlings grow a year. Scientific planting according to tree habits, combined with seed tubes. The beach, sand dunes, and salons are dressed in green. In addition, the windbreak and sand fixation forest has set up a protective barrier for the farmland, effectively preventing the wind from blowing up and flying to damage the crops, so that the farmland has a good harvest every year, season and season.

Second, the situation of waterlogging control: Lankao's terrain is high in the west and low in the east. The county is mainly divided into three major drainage systems: Huangcai River, Heli River and Huiji River. There are also supporting trunk canals, branch canals and drainage systems in the Yellow River beach area. All rivers related to provincial, prefectural, county and commune boundaries shall be administered by counties, and the county shall organize its forces in a unified manner to excavate and drain rivers according to the standard of drainage once in 20 to 30 years. A total of 27 million cubic meters of earth was excavated in three years. The drainage channels within the commune are excavated by the communes according to the standard of drainage once in 10 to 20 years. The brigade and production team are responsible for ditch and canal support. A systematic flood drainage network has been formed throughout the county.

Third, the treatment of saline-alkali land: Lankao is the alluvial plain of the Yellow River. As the saying goes, water alkali family. The river channel is open, and the salinity is light. In addition, the saline-alkali land has been effectively treated by sand pressure alkali, building terraces, turning the land deeply, digging ditches to hide from alkali, and planting alkali-tolerant crops. The 50,000 mu of sorghum planted on alkaline land in the county yields an average of more than 300 catties per mu. In 1965, there was basically no disaster of alkaline dead crops in the county. The county's annual grain output reaches 1.6 billion jin, or 440 jin per capita. Compared with 1962, grain output increased by 100 million jin; The per capita production increased by 274 catties.

Finally, Zhang Qinli tearfully announced in front of Jiao Yulu's spirit: "The military order we issued to our superiors has been fulfilled ahead of schedule!" Our three-year plan to eliminate the 'three evils' has been successfully completed! This is the result of the hard work of 360,000 Lankao people learning your spirit. Secretary Jiao, you can rest in peace! As soon as these words came out, the venue was suddenly jubilant and crying. Learn from Comrade Jiao Yulu! "Jiao Yulu's spirit is immortal!" "Comrade Jiao Yulu will always live in our hearts!" The slogans rose one after another. At the memorial meeting, everyone was enthusiastic and enthusiastic. Comrade Jiao Yulu's burial meeting became an oath meeting to learn the spirit of Jiao Yulu and completely change the face of Lankao. On this day, the most excited person was Zhang Qinli. He fulfilled Jiao Yulu's dying wish, and also fulfilled one of his long-cherished wishes. He let out a long breath, and his heart was much relieved.

Later, Comrade He Wei, then Minister of Higher Education of the State Council and former Second Secretary of the Henan Provincial CPC Committee, came from Beijing to visit Jiao Yulu's deeds. This is his third visit to Lankao. Comrades Zhang Qinli, Pan Zichun, Zhuo Xinglong, Fan Zhemin and others accompanied Minister He Wei to the countryside to take a look. The 70-mile-long and five-mile-wide green Great Wall of the Beisha River, the green clothes on many sand dunes, salons, and beaches such as 9.9 meters and Xiamatai, and the more than 200,000 mu of windbreak and sand fixation forest moved the old leaders who were concerned about Lankao. "Lankao really became Lin's world," he said. When inspecting the He-Li River Valley, the people there told him that since the excavation of the He-Li River, the waterlogged areas in the eastern half of Lankao, the western half of Minquan County, and the southwestern part of Cao County in Shandong have never been flooded again, and the harvest has been good every year. The water conservancy dispute is gone, and the masses have food and clothing. Secretary He Wei inspected the treatment of the alkali land, and personally visited the masses there in the typical Qinzhai brigade set up by Jiao Yulu. People told him that now they have no worries about food and clothing, and not only have they exceeded the quota of public grain handed over to the state, but they also have their own grain reserves. He Wei inspected Lankao for three days, and all three days were spent in excitement. In particular, I heard that most Lankao people can eat rice and white noodles, and even Xu Gongzhuang, who used to be so poor that people shook their heads, has become a rich village and a model team, and I am very gratified in my heart. He remembered the child in the past, who had never even seen rice, and he shed tears again, this is a tear of joy!

Finally, He Wei came to Jiao Yulu's tomb. He bowed deeply to Jiao Yulu three times, emotionally took out a small bottle of bamboo leaf green wine from his pocket, poured three lines back and forth in front of Jiao Yululing, and said in a serious voice: "Comrade Jiao Yulu, I have tested you and Comrade Qinli with the method of agitation, and you have issued a military order. In order to achieve the 'three evils' plan, you are tired to death, Zhang Qinli and the county party committee have taken off three layers of skin, you are the former servants and successors! Comrade Jiao Yulu, you have successfully completed the task assigned by your superiors, and your death is heavier than Mount Tai! ”

Second, the establishment of Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall

After the publication of the long-form newsletter "The Example of the County Party Secretary - Jiao Yulu", it caused a great shock throughout the country, and thousands of people went to Lankao every day to learn Jiao Yulu. In order to meet the needs of the development of the situation, Zhang Qinli, then director of the Study Jiao Yulu Committee and deputy secretary of the county party committee, proposed to establish the Jiao Yulu Revolutionary Deeds Exhibition Hall.

The Lankao County Party Committee decided to draw Liu Junsheng and Wang Baohua from the county party committee office to be responsible for the creation work. One day, the two asked Zhang Qinli: "How to organize the exhibition hall of Jiao Yulu's deeds?" Zhang Qinli said: "Holding the exhibition hall of Jiao Yulu's deeds can be carried out in two steps. The first step is to set up a temporary one, and the second step is to run a regular one after the county party committee studies it. Wang Baohua asked, "What about the temporary ones?" Zhang Qinli replied: "I asked the comrades in the 'Three Evils' Office to draw some charts and count the figures." You collected some of Secretary Jiao's relics, and compiled Jiao Yulu's deeds, newspapers, periodicals, articles and other information... Let's do it first, and then improve it. He said to Liu Junsheng, "The photo you took of Secretary Jiao is too precious. And so many photos you have taken to control wind and sand, salinity, waterlogging, and written so many commemorative articles, can come in handy. That is the true portrayal of Secretary Jiao leading us to change the face of poverty in Lankao, and it is collected for exhibition. So, Liu Junsheng worked day and night to find information, rummaging through cabinets to find photos. The few photos he took for Jiao Yulu were indeed precious. Among them, the photograph of Secretary Jiao working in the peanut field was later issued by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of China as a commemorative stamp nationwide. Lankao had few photographers at that time, and cameras were not popular, and most of the photos of "Jiao Zhan" were taken by Liu Junsheng. People say that the photo taken by Liu Junsheng is a beautiful scenery of "Jiao Zhan". According to Zhang Qinli's opinion, Liu Junsheng and Wang Baohua got up early and greedily opened a temporary exhibition hall of Jiao Yulu's deeds. The address is located in more than 10 workshops of the county machinery factory, and more than 10 young female employees are transferred from the county, society and agency to serve as docents. On the first day of opening, the docent gave a trial lecture. Zhang Qinli and Zhuo Xinglong were the first to come to the exhibition hall to listen to the explanation. Zhang Qinli fully affirmed the founding of the Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall, gave enthusiastic encouragement to the docents, and put forward a request: "When you introduce Jiao Yulu's deeds, you must first tell them with deep class feelings. Be well-dressed and speak Mandarin. Speaking our Lankao native language, people who come to visit outside can't understand it. Zhuo Xinglong said, "We Lankao said tomorrow as 'rushing to Ming'er', and now it is said as 'it will be later', and even the interpreter can't understand it." His head shook like a rattle, and his face was so red that he couldn't turn it over. "It made everyone laugh.

The opening of the Jiao Yulu Temporary Exhibition Hall has attracted people's enthusiastic attention. How fresh, Lankao people run their own "Jiao Zhan". Although it is more earthy and simple, it is the first in the country after all! The visitors came to learn Jiao Yulu with reverence. In the exhibition room, there is a bed where Jiao Yulu sleeps in the countryside, with some hay on top. A young man who came to visit said: "Jiao Yulu loves every grass and tree in Lankao, and we learn from Jiao Yulu, and we also love every grass and tree in Lankao." He pinched a stick of grass and clipped it in his diary as a souvenir. Others followed suit. In a short time, the grass on the bed was almost choked ... Under Zhang Qinli's concern and attention, Lankao's temporary "Jiao Zhan" was successfully held. They also went to other places to visit and learn from the experience of running museums.

In order to further run the "Jiao Exhibition," Zhuo Xinglong, director of the Office of the "Three Evils" of the county party committee, divided labor and removed Zhuo Xinglong, grasped the exhibition hall of Jiao Yulu's revolutionary deeds, and selected some personnel with high political quality, familiar with Jiao Yulu's deeds, and professional expertise to work in the "Jiao Exhibition." They built a relatively formal exhibition hall on a 12-acre vacant land 100 meters away from the county party committee. The content of the exhibition is based on the version of the long-form newsletter "The Example of the County Party Secretary - Jiao Yulu". When it was established, it happened that Yun Yicang, a painter from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (nephew of Yun Daiying, an early leader of the Communist Party of China), led students to Lankao for internship and created more than ten high-level oil paintings such as "Jiao Yulu to Lankao", "Jiao Yulu and the Old Farmer Xiao Weifen", and "Jiao Yulu Led the Investigation Team to the Countryside to Eliminate the 'Three Evils'", which were enriched into the exhibition room. After the opening of the museum, the Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall became popular with a brand new look, and visitors flocked endlessly. There are people inside and outside the province, as well as industrial, agricultural, commercial and commercial students, journalists, as well as provincial, municipal and central leaders, as well as many international friends. According to statistics, there are more than 20 countries that come to Lankao to visit, which was a sensation.

People say that in introducing Jiao Yulu's deeds, Zhang Qinli is the one who explains the most; In terms of caring for Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall, Zhang Qinli is the most enthusiastic one. Zhang Qinli said: "To learn from Jiao Yulu, we must stand in front; To realize Jiao Yulu's last wish, we must work ahead. The staff of "Jiao Zhan" said that year: "We like Secretary Zhang the most. He stood forward and listened carefully to our explanation, what a great support for our work! Besides, as soon as he comes, he can also solve our practical difficulties in running the 'Jiao Exhibition' in a timely manner. Unexpectedly, however, Zhang Qinli was wrongfully killed in 1967. As a result, the Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall was closed and closed. Jiao Yulu's deeds were questioned one after another, and the activities of publicizing and learning Jiao Yulu were immediately snubbed. One day, Zhang Qinli came to the destroyed and closed Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall. Someone told him in tears: "Since you were put in prison, the Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall has also been closed. More than 100,000 copies of materials and books to publicize Jiao Yulu's deeds were burned on the spot, and some were sent to the paper mill to be made into pulp. Because there is your name on it, they say you are a counter-revolutionary. Also because there are the names of Mu Qing and Zhou Yuan on it, they say that Mu Qing is a capitalist roader, Zhou Yuan is a rightist, and they say that Jiao Yulu's long newsletter is a big poisonous weed..."The Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall was closed, so many good materials, books and periodicals were destroyed, what a crime!" Zhang Qinli listened to this poignant story, and looked at the closed Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall, and his heart ached. This was built by him, Zhuo Xinglong, Liu Junsheng, Wang Baohua, Cheng Aiyun, Li Guoqing and other Lankao cadres and masses! He walked to Jiao Yulu's cemetery with heavy steps and bowed deeply three times towards Jiao Yulu. Looking at the desolate Jiao Yulu tomb, he choked and was speechless. At this time, he remembered his old comrade-in-arms Jiao Yulu, remembered the strong demands of the people visiting Lankao, and remembered the voices of the people of Lankao that "the Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall cannot be closed" and "Jiao Yulu's tombstone is too low, and the inscription is too short", and secretly decided in his heart: "The Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall must be repaired and reopened to the public as soon as possible!" Jiao Yulu's tombstone must be re-erected! ”

Liu Junsheng recalled: "In 1967, Premier Zhou cordially received Zhang Qinli at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and Zhang Qinli was able to resume his post on a smooth basis. After Zhang Qinli returned to Lankao from Beijing, the activities to publicize and study Jiao Yulu began vigorously again, and 'Jiao Zhan' opened its doors again. Zhang Qinli sent me to be in charge of renovating the exhibition hall of Jiao Yulu's revolutionary deeds. In addition to restoring and enriching the contents of each room, we added two more exhibition rooms. That is, the room 'Chairman Mao in Lankao' was added in front and the room 'Lankao County Map Model' was added at the back. Hu Zonglian, then director of the Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall, recalled: "At that time, the conditions in Lankao were very difficult, and the county party committee Zhang Qinli, Zhuo Xinglong and Liu Junsheng were very supportive of our work of 'Jiao Zhan'. Our docents introduced Jiao Yulu's deeds, all of them were full of deep class feelings, and they were not afraid of hardship and fatigue to publicize Jiao Yulu's deeds. Whether there are many people or few people, leaders or the masses, we will explain it carefully. Many comrades became hoarse and still insisted on working. At that time, there were a lot of visitors, some from thousands of miles away, and we often worked more than ten hours. She also said: "At that time, many units across the country wanted to hold an exhibition of Jiao Yulu's deeds. In order to meet the demands of various localities, Comrade Liu Junsheng led him out of Lankao and participated in the 'Jiao Yulu Revolutionary Deeds Exhibition Hall' in Zhengzhou, participated in the 'Jiao Yulu Spiritual Change Lankao' exhibition in Beijing, and went to Beijing to help Albania build the 'Jiao Yulu Deeds Exhibition'. People say that 'Jiao Zhan' has gone out of Lankao and has been done inside and outside the province and even internationally. ”

The winds and waves in the political ocean rise and fall, and Lankao is like a small boat in this ocean, rising and falling on the cusp of the storm. Just as "Jiao Zhan" was becoming more and more perfect, mature and developing, a new political disaster struck Zhang Qinli. His persecutors said that Zhang Qinli did not give prominence to proletarian politics, but was a capitalist roader who engaged in material stimulation and did not repent, and put him under house arrest under Xinyang supervision. With Zhang Qinli's further suffering, "Jiao Zhan" was closed again, a large number of materials publicizing Jiao Yulu's deeds were destroyed again, and Jiao Yulu's glorious deeds were questioned again. It was the beloved Premier Zhou who rescued Zhang Qinli and cordially received him and Yang Gui of Lin County in Beijing. Zhang Qinli, who survived the disaster, returned to Lankao and held the first standing committee, an important part of which was to restore and renovate the Jiao Yulu Deeds Exhibition Hall as soon as possible. As a result, Lankao "Jiao Zhan" reopened and became popular, which can be described as a tide, and "Jiao Zhan" has made new contributions to carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu.

However, what people never dreamed of was that in 1978, with the help of the "exposé and criticism" campaign, someone once again imprisoned Zhang Qinli on "trumped-up" charges. "Jiao Zhan" was closed again, Jiao Yulu's Mausoleum was once again snubbed, and Jiao Yulu's revolutionary deeds were once again denigrated by a new round. People in the knowledge of Lankao said that Zhang Qinli's fate and the fate of "Jiao Zhan" were linked. Zhang Qinliping repeated his duties, and "Jiao Zhan" opened the door; As soon as Zhang Qinli was unlucky, "Jiao Zhan" closed its doors. The people of Lankao were in the midst of nostalgia for Jiao Yulu and sympathy for Zhang Qinli's fate, and looked up to the sky and sighed: "This time Zhang Qinli has been in prison for so many years, who can let 'Jiao Zhan' open the door again?" Who can let the movement to learn Jiao Yulu continue to carry out deeply and persistently? ”

The people's will is providence, and this day has finally come. This is the important role played by successive central leaders in affirming Jiao Yulu, a glorious example, and personally visiting Lankao, and is also the result of the efforts of three veteran reporters of the Xinhua News Agency, Mu Qing, Feng Jian, and Zhou Yuan. Mu Qing once told a reporter from Kaifeng Daily who came to interview: "Learning from Jiao Yulu is the wish of the people. This wish has been interfered with to varying degrees. I went to Lankao again in 1986. Seeing the desolation and coldness of Jiao Yulu's cemetery, his heart was very unpleasant. "It is very sad to see that the Jiao Yulu exhibition hall was closed, and Jiao Yulu's close comrades-in-arms suffered again. In 1990, Mu Qing, Feng Jian, and Zhou Yuan jointly published an article entitled "The People Call for Jiao Yulu," which aroused strong repercussions throughout the country. The sentence in the article, "It is easy to ask for a thousand dollars, and people's hearts are rare; this is a proverb of the Chinese people since ancient times, and it is also a major issue related to the rise and fall of our party."

Ye Liuyang Zhang Zhanting: Strive to do three things to commemorate Jiao Yulu

[On March 17, 2014, Xi Jinping visited the Comrade Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall and met a party member and cadre from Zhongmu County, Henan Province, who came to visit and study, and said: "We came for the same purpose, and I also came to study. ”】

In particular, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Lankao many times and vigorously carried forward the teachings of the spirit of Jiao Yulu, so that the study of the spirit of Jiao Yulu has set off a new upsurge in the land of Shenzhou, and the people of the whole country are rejoicing. Thanks to the active efforts of leaders at the central, provincial, prefectural and county levels and the people of Lankao, "Jiao Zhan" (now known as Comrade Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall) has grown into a towering tree like a seedling. The magnificent Jiao Yulu Martyrs' Memorial Hall, covering an area of 2,100 square meters, is located in the middle floor of the Jiao Yulu Mausoleum (the 73.5 acres of Jiao Yulu Mausoleum is divided into upper, middle and lower floors by contours). Looking at the construction process of "Jiao Zhan" from scratch and from small to large, an informed source said: "'Jiao Zhan' has really been a stormy road and has experienced ups and downs! Another person sighed: "The majestic and spectacular Jiao Yulu Exhibition Hall is praised by people, who knows the founder of 'Jiao Zhan'!" ”

Third, the twists and turns of erecting a monument for Jiao Yulu

After Jiao Yulu's death, he was originally buried in the Zhengzhou Martyrs' Cemetery. At that time, a stone stele eight centimeters thick, forty centimeters wide and eighty centimeters high was erected at the northern end of the tomb. It reads: Tomb of Comrade Jiao Yulu. No biography.

With the spread of Jiao Yulu's deeds and the rise of the climax of learning from Jiao Yulu, with the support of Mu Qing and Zhou Yuan, the Henan Provincial Party Committee approved the report drafted by Zhang Qinli, Zhuo Xinglong and other representatives of the Lankao County Party Committee, moving Comrade Jiao Yulu's coffin from Zhengzhou to Lankao for burial, and at the same time posthumously recognizing Comrade Jiao Yulu as a martyr. At that time, in accordance with relevant regulations, the provincial civil affairs department approved the re-engraving of a stele for Jiao Yulu and the inscription. This tombstone is made of cyan marble, the stele is 1.25 meters high, and the inscription is a total of 174 characters. Compared with the original monument, it is quite tall. However, with the deepening of the activities of learning Jiao Yulu, more and more people visited Lankao. Many visitors saw that Jiao Yulu's tombstone was so low and the inscription was relatively simple, and they all proposed that the Lankao County Party Committee erect a tall tombstone for Comrade Jiao Yulu. They said: If we talk about rank, Chairman Mao's good student, the county party secretary's good example, and the party's good cadre are the highest ranks. This call echoes the voice of the Lankao people, rising wave after wave. The voice of the people has attracted the attention of Party organizations at all levels, but who can accomplish this historical task? People turned their eyes to Zhang Qinli and felt that it was none other than him.

In 1967, Zhang Qinli put the matter of re-erecting the monument to Jiao Yulu as an important task to publicize Jiao Yulu's spirit. After he summoned the relevant personnel to discuss and study, and after reaching a consensus, he immediately made it clear that Zhuo Xinglong and Yang Handong drafted the inscription and wrote a report to the provincial party committee. Zhang Qinli took the inscription and the request report to the provincial party committee to report to Liu Jianxun, secretary of the provincial party committee. Secretary Liu felt that the proposal was very good. Immediately called Secretary Ji Dengkui and said, "Old Ji, you read and approve this material." Ji Dengkui took the report and inscription, read them carefully, and wrote the five words "agree with Ji Dengkui" with a stroke of his pen. The support and approval of the leaders of the provincial party committee made Zhang Qinli and others very excited. They made it clear that Cheng Aiyun, director of the county women's federation, was responsible, and that Comrade Li Guoqing was specifically in charge, and invited Chen Yulin, chief engineer of the Provincial Design Institute, to design according to the "convex" shape. The tomb platform was raised from 25 cm to 52 cm, there was a 20 cm reinforced cement layer in the tomb, the tomb cover was changed to arched white jade, and the tombstone was replaced from 1.25 meters of cyan marble to 2.75 meters of white jade. This stele was approved by Miao Huaming, secretary general of the provincial party committee, and supported by the Zhengzhou Martyrs' Cemetery at no cost. Cheng Aiyun and Li Guoqing were very happy when they heard the news, and quickly took the Jiefang brand car to Zhengzhou to transport the monument back to Lankao. According to the recollections of the party concerned, Li Guoqing, in order to complete this glorious task, he went to Beijing twice to visit the tombs of Qu Qiubai and Ren Bishi in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, and went to Shijiazhuang to visit the Bethune Tomb in the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery of the North China Military Region, and also went to Mount Tai to see the tomb of Feng Yuxiang... He also carefully designed the mausoleum of the martyr Jiao Yulu (that is, four steles, one tomb cover, six reading platform stones, fourteen faceted stones, fourteen bucket stones, and ten earth sunken stones) composed of 49 stones. In order to choose the ingredients of the white jade stele, in order to purchase the high-quality stone to build the tomb and mausoleum, Cheng Aiyun and Li Guoqing can be described as exhausted and rushing thousands of miles. Li Guoqing wrote in his memoirs: "I personally went to the Xiyangping Marble Factory in Quyang County, Hebei Province, and the Shiwo Brigade of Shangle Commune in Fangshan County, Beijing, to select stones to buy materials, and personally directed the completion of the construction, and enlarged Mao Zedong's handwriting on the screen wall behind the scenes: 'Die for the people, although death is still glorious'." ”

Zhang Qinli knows people well. Cheng Aiyun was an old cadre who participated in the revolution during the war years, was decisive and bold, and was not afraid of hardships and hardships. Li Guoqing has a soft spot for Jiao Yulu, working hard and selflessly. Moreover, with his calligraphy skills, he is careful and thoughtful. For example, when he chose stones for the Jiao Yulu Mausoleum, he could not forget to write down the line "Chairman Mao's good student Jiao Yulu Mausoleum tombstone materials" with a stroke of his pen. As soon as this pen came out, people paid special attention to it. The people of the stone factory saw this handsome and vigorous word and said: "Fast delivery, fast luck!" When the stones were transported to the railway station, the comrades of the railway department looked at them and said: "Quick load, fast turn!" The stone was transported to Lankao, and the Lankao people saw it and said, "Unload, send quickly!" "Many times, Li Guoqing has not returned from abroad, and the stones from the cemetery arrive. People said: "This is Li Guoqing's speed, and it was Li Guoqing who put wings on the stone." ”

In the process of building Jiao Yulu's tombstone, exciting news came one after another. The masses of the people represented by the "Four Red Flags" in Lankao proposed that the government should not pay for the erection of a monument to Secretary Jiao, and that the people should raise their own funds to express a little of the wishes of the Lankao people. Zhang Qinli was deeply touched by the people's friendship with Secretary Jiao and their support for the construction of Jiao Yulu's tombstone. But he could not bear to add a little burden to the masses who had just come out of the disaster, and politely declined their wishes. Just when Zhang Qinli, Zhuo Xinglong, Liu Junsheng and others actively assisted Cheng Aiyun and Li Guoqing to visit and purchase materials for repairing tombs and standing monuments, there was also good news that the Bethune Memorial Hall in the North China Martyrs' Cemetery in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, donated white jade tombstone stones free of charge. The flattered Lankao people are so moved! The people's hearts and minds, the eight sides support. On behalf of the people of Lankao, Zhang Qinli and his comrades-in-arms paid high tribute to the units, leaders and individuals inside and outside the province who have given great support. In the entire process of repairing the tomb and erecting the monument, Zhang Qinli did not dare to slack off in the slightest. Xinhua News Agency was asked to revise and finalize the inscription drafted by Zhuo Xinglong and Yang Handong; Shi Yinting, a famous calligrapher in Zhengzhou, was hired to write inscriptions; From Xiyangping, Quyang County, Hebei Province, skilled stonemasons were invited to engrave... The front of the stele is "Tomb of Martyr Jiao Yulu", and on the back is an inscription of about 700 characters. It took half a year and was completed. The low monument becomes the high monument, and the cemetery is renewed.

Ye Liuyang Zhang Zhanting: Strive to do three things to commemorate Jiao Yulu

In March 1968, the task of repairing the tombstone for Jiao Yulu was completed, fulfilling one wish of Zhang Qinli and one wish of the Lankao people. Many people say this: As soon as they see Jiao Yulu's tall tombstone and magnificent cemetery, people think of Zhang Qinli, who was painstakingly disgusted by this. Another insider said: As soon as they read the inscription full of the painstaking efforts of Zhuo Xinglong and Yang Handong, people were full of infinite respect for them. When thousands of visitors touched the tall tombstones and lamented the greatness of Jiao Yulu, who would have thought how much effort the heroes who publicized Jiao Yulu had put into it, and who would have thought that many of them would suffer misfortune again and again, and in their later years would live a bleak life of "no party membership, no job, no salary, and previous convictions). It's really a thousand tears to watch the tomb and caress the monument, and it is heartbreaking to retrace the past today! Throughout Lankao's past, people say that Zhang Qinli erected two monuments for Jiao Yulu: one is a tombstone that can be seen and touched; One pass is a monument that touches the hearts of hundreds of millions of people across the country!

History entered the eighties of the twentieth century, when Zhang Qinli was already in prison, and the monument they erected for Jiao Yulu was torn down and re-engraved. What is the reason for tearing down and re-engraving the tombstones approved by the provincial and prefectural committees? The reason given is that the inscription does not correspond to the current situation. When a superior leader who visited Lankao saw that the wooden frame was erected and the original inscription was knocked off with an electric grinding wheel, he said frankly: "The inscription is a witness of history, and modifying the inscription is a manifestation of disrespect for history." If the inscription is required to adapt to the development of the situation, it will not be able to keep up with the daily revision ... Folly! Folly! In 1986, Mu Qing, Feng Jian, and Zhou Yuan revisited Lankao. Seeing the newly carved stele, Mu Qing said angrily: "This makes future generations how to investigate, and still respect history or not..."

Ye Liuyang Zhang Zhanting: Strive to do three things to commemorate Jiao Yulu

In May 2004, Zhang Qinli passed away with infinite attachment and endless melancholy. Recalling the various tribulations he suffered to publicize Jiao Yulu, people of insight in Lankao wrote the verse "Jiao Jun's monument is high in the sky, and the camel monument is originally a dead soul". Let history bear witness to the merits of this merit and let the people judge it!

(Source: Kunlun Ce Net [Original] revised draft, authorized by the author to be published for the first time)