
Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

author:Milk powder knowledge express
Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Baby milk powder for parents, has always been the focus of attention, especially in the hot summer, choosing a light milk powder is even more important, so, how to choose the current baby milk powder on the market?

There are many baby milk powder brand series on the market, and are constantly launching new series, how to choose, has become a headache, in order to solve this problem of mothers, milk powder Jun refers to the sales of international mommy APP to prepare a baby milk powder selection strategy, so that mothers can choose at ease.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

When choosing a milk powder, it is important for mothers to check the research and development history and research background of this baby milk powder brand, try to choose the industry giant brands with a long research and development history in this field, and do not choose those rare or new baby milk powder brands that are rare or newly released on the market.

Since the brand of milk powder has been determined, but there will be different series of milk powder under the same brand, many mothers will compare the formula of milk powder for their babies, or many mothers are accustomed to comparing the formula of milk powder to their children when choosing milk powder.

But I personally think that appropriate attention is good, for ordinary mothers, do not pay too much attention to whether the formula of infant milk powder is nutritious, moderate attention is good. Why do you say that? Formal professional, brand research and development history of baby milk powder, generally speaking, the formula is very mature, by no means ordinary mothers can study so simple, let's share with you to see which milk powder brands are loved by mothers.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

German Love Tammy milk powder

Germany Athami is divided into classic version and platinum version, the brand originated in Germany, and then swept the EU country market, because of the high-end, similar breast milk by European mothers favored, is the EU countries market share of the first baby milk brand. In the overseas milk powder category of the international mommy APP, the direct mail sales of German Aitami milk powder have always ranked in the top 3.

The segmentation of German Aitami milk powder is also extremely meticulous, divided into 6 stages, only 0-6 months of neonatal stage pre and 1 stage, in an effort to be as close as possible to the breast milk formula to meet the nutritional needs of newborns.

As mentioned above, infant milk powder segmentation is to meet the growth and nutritional needs of babies of different months, the more detailed the segmentation invests in research and development energy, the higher the cost, and the more detailed the segmentation, the more accurate it can meet the nutritional needs of the baby.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Dutch cow stall milk powder

The famous Dutch cowpen milk powder mothers are very familiar with it, right? Dutch cowpen milk powder has more than 130 years of brand research and development history, is the first baby milk powder brand in the Dutch market, has never had any quality and safety problems, 80% of Dutch babies eat cowpen milk powder to grow up. Since the quality and safety incident of domestic milk powder, the Dutch version of cowpen milk powder has become one of the most favored foreign milk powder brands for domestic mothers.

High-quality milk source, meticulous segmentation, light taste similar to breast milk, mature formula and high cost performance are the characteristics of the Dutch version of cowpen milk powder. It should be noted that although the Dutch version of cowpen milk powder and the domestic version of Chinese Nuoyounen belong to Danone Group, they are not the same milk powder, and there are great differences in formulas, segments, and regulatory standards between the two, so mothers should not be confused.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Australia loves Tammy milk powder

The Australian version of Aitami milk powder is the baby milk powder brand with the largest market share in Australia, and is deeply loved by Australian families. The milk source is high-quality, mellow taste, cost-effective, and the formula of Australian Aita milk powder is very close to breast milk, which is the closest to breast milk.

Since the upgrade of the formula of Australian Aptamil milk powder, it not only retains the taste of Aptamil similar to breast milk, but also adjusts some trace elements on the basis of the original formula, increasing the content of fish oil by 25%, and also increasing the content of more probiotics to improve the immunity of infants and young children.

The new Aitami milk powder gold series is still a high-end milk powder brand in Australia, and the quality is also better! The Australian version of Atami's milk source is still the pure New Zealand pasture, which makes the Australian version of Atami already have a natural advantage in milk source, Australian Aptamil does not contain palm oil, maltodextrin, starch, sucrose, and the quality is also assured.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Australian version of A2 milk powder

A2 is the world's first protein containing A2β-casein, which effectively supports the development of your baby's digestive system. OmegA 3 DHA is added to help support brain and eye development. Rich in iron, it helps development and oxygen transport.

Contains calcium and vitamin D to support healthy bone and tooth development. Contains zinc, iodine and other minerals to help the growth and development of the body.

A2 milk powder is not only popular in China, but also in Australia and Western countries, its relatively scarce milk source, high standard production technology, A2 has repeatedly faced short supply. The world's original A2 source milk formula, containing only 100% pure A2β-casein, does not contain A1 casein, is the most natural formula, and is also the closest milk powder formula to the mother's natural protein elements.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

German version of Xibo milk powder

The famous German Xibao milk powder, but German mother's favorite milk powder brand, Xibao has more than 130 years of brand history, is a German time-honored brand, is the originator of German baby milk powder, but also the pioneer of global organic milk powder.

Xibao milk powder with excellent quality and high cost performance is very popular with diligent and thrifty German mothers, who generally believe that Xibao is a century-old organic milk powder brand, with excellent quality and high cost performance. Therefore, in Germany, the popularity of Xibao milk powder is higher than that of Aitami.

Not only Xibao organic milk powder, all products under the Xibao brand have a very high market share in Germany, such as Xibao rice noodles, fruit puree, nutritional products or Xibao baby toiletries are very popular, Xibao brand is not only complete.

And are all organic products, the most important thing is that the cost performance is very high, on the international mommy APP Germany direct mail a dozen or dozens of pieces can buy a piece, the price directly exploded the same products in domestic supermarkets.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Dutch version of hero baby milk powder

Dutch hero baby milk powder is the second largest milk powder brand in the Dutch infant milk powder market, with a brand history of more than 140 years, the parent company is one of the world's four major dairy giants, the products are sold in more than 30 countries and regions around the world, and there has never been a key to quality problems for more than 140 years.

Hero baby milk powder milk source from the Netherlands, belongs to the global high-quality milk source area, the whole stage of the use of fresh milk direct production, freshness is relatively good, it should be noted that hero baby 4 stage added maltodextrin.

Many mothers talk about it discoloration, in fact, it is a common food filler and thickener, added generally to reduce costs, but it also has a good emulsifying effect and thickening effect, and it is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, in infant milk powder, the appropriate amount of maltodextrin can provide energy can also improve the taste of the product and improve the solubility of milk powder.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Love him Medso

As the imported version of the National Bank of Germany Aitami, Zhuocui was naturally welcomed by domestic mothers as soon as it was listed, and recently upgraded the new national standard version, and the sales on the international mommy platform are also good.

One of the main selling points of Aita Metso is NuMMOs simulating human milk oligosaccharides, which is a collective term for all oligosaccharides contained in human milk, also known as human milk oligosaccharides. It has a prebiotic function that promotes the growth of probiotics while also inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria.

HMOs also support immune system development and regulation, helping to reduce the risk of viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, as well as reducing atopic dermatitis, asthma and allergies.

HMO formula is currently available in Germany and the UK Ata Platinum version. However, the addition of NuMMOs is not HMO, but NuMMOs, so the overall effect is definitely not as good as HMO.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Erie Gold Crown Nursery

Golden Lingguan is Yili's main ace series, and its multi-stage products of Zhenhu, Organic Sena Mu, Jinghu and Yuhu have passed the "new national standard" registration and completed product upgrades and launches, among which Yuhu products have also recently completed renovation and upgrading, and sales have continued to break through new highs after being launched on the international mommy APP platform.

Yili Gold Crown Milk Powder Milk Source Selection 45 North Latitude 45 Globally Recognized Golden Milk Source Zone Yili Own 1% Exclusive Farm, gold milk protein content is higher than the national and EU standards, and the whole transportation process is locked, raw milk 2 hours directly to the factory, 100% raw milk into powder at one time, to maximize the retention of a variety of nutrient activity, to bring fresh and good nutrition to the baby.

In addition, "α+β innovative protein combination", "patented nucleotide combination" and "quadruple active probiotics" are added to the formula to build a protective wall for the baby's intestines and make the baby's tummy more comfortable.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Flying Crane Star Flying Sails

As a star product of Feihe, Feihe Star Feifan has also received more controversy, especially a sentence that is more suitable for the physique of Chinese babies, which has attracted everyone's criticism.

Recently, Xingfeifan has also completed the upgrade of the new national standard, and the main focus after upgrading the new national standard is the upgrade of OPO structural lipid, which has been increased from 52% SN-2 palmitic acid to 67%. In addition to OPO structural lipids, Xingfeifan also added four special fortified formulas: CPP, lutein, hydrolyzed protein and α-whey protein.

Feihe Star Feifan has been crowned with the name of harvesting IQ tax since the beginning of the listing, the old version of the national standard is 700g, the price is as high as about 300, may be Feihe brand aware of this, upgrade the new national standard after the price remains unchanged, the number of grams from the original 700g to 900g.

Five-star positive baby formula ranking, see if your baby is shortlisted?

Royal Mesojiaer

The high-end products of the Dutch century-old brand Meisu Jiaer have always been popular in the domestic mother's circle, because its high-end brands are favored by many high-quality mothers. The fresh milk of the Netherlands' own pasture is fed once, the milk-based raw materials are fresher, and after the upgrade of the new national standard, there is no flavor added in the 3rd stage, which is a plus.

In terms of nutritional formula, the conventional fortified formula is fully added, the amount of DHA added is also good, and it contains 30 times lactoferrin (450mg/100g), which can enhance the baby's protection.

The "golden proportion" of natural milk fat added is close to 40%, which not only helps the baby's intestinal health, reduces crying at night, but also contains more than 20 kinds of nutrients than the artificially added OPO, giving the baby a full range of nutritional protection.

Above, detailed sharing with mothers, more baby milk powder information, you can download the international mommy APP for a detailed reference.