
The United States has just announced arms sales to Taiwan, and 24 PLA military planes directly rushed to the Taiwan Strait

author:North City Bangqiu

According to reports quoted by Taiwan media quoted by the global network, just when the US Department of Defense announced the latest round of arms sales of $440 million to Taiwan, the PLA successively dispatched a total of 24 sorties of various aircraft such as J-10, J-11, J-16, Su-30, and H-6 to patrol Taiwan in turn, of which 11 crossed the so-called "middle line of the Taiwan Strait," and five warships cooperated with joint combat readiness cruises.

The United States has just announced arms sales to Taiwan, and 24 PLA military planes directly rushed to the Taiwan Strait

The US Department of Defense Security Cooperation issued a statement that the US State Department has approved two latest arms sales to Taiwan, one of which is the demand for 30mm ammunition, including high-explosive incendiary tracer shells, multi-purpose ammunition, and training ammunition pre-purchased by the Taiwan authorities, with a total estimated value of $332 million; the other is the purchase of cooperative logistics supply support turnkey projects, which includes the maintenance of combat vehicles, weapons and other parts, with a total estimated value of $108 million.

The United States has just announced arms sales to Taiwan, and 24 PLA military planes directly rushed to the Taiwan Strait

Such a swift response by the PLA is a serious warning to the separatist forces seeking independence by the United States and using Taiwan to contain China, and an armed deterrent against interference in China's internal affairs and violation of the hegemonism of the Sino-US joint communique Chinese.

The United States has just announced arms sales to Taiwan, and 24 PLA military planes directly rushed to the Taiwan Strait

Chinese the actions of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) around Taiwan Island have become normalized; this is a fact that no amount of arms sold by the United States can change; the Taiwan independence forces' obsession with relying on arms to block the PLA's seizure of the island is no longer realistic; and it is only a matter of time before the PLA's reunification of Taiwan is the trend of history and the will of the people to recover Taiwan. Facts have proved that the DPP authorities headed by Tsai Ing-wen are not as wise as the common people in Taiwan, and even the young people in Taiwan know that the weapons bought back by Taiwan are rags that the United States does not want, but the DPP authorities still insist on treating them as treasures and curry favor with the old beauty with the people's hard-earned money.

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