
Touch station AI, one-stop two-dimensional painting generation website

author:Xiao Chan, talk about AI

Two-dimensional culture has become increasingly popular in China, and many young people are deeply fascinated by this culture from Japan. One of the most notable manifestations is two-dimensional illustration. However, it is not easy to create original illustrations and comics, and it takes a lot of time to learn with a drawing foundation, but now with Touch Station AI, you can comfortably create your own illustrations and comics online.

Touch Station AI is a two-dimensional image generation tool based on deep learning technology, which can help users quickly generate cartoon images, including background characters, etc., without requiring users to spend a lot of time and energy on depiction and composition. This may be a tool for users who do not have a foundation in painting for the Enlightenment. For those who have a foundation in painting, touch station AI is a good auxiliary tool.

Touch station AI, one-stop two-dimensional painting generation website


1. Drawing single, multi-person, situational, etc., you can generate the desired image without too complicated settings

2. You can freely adjust the elements in the generated image, including limbs, expressions, clothing, accessories, etc

3. The generated material can be saved for secondary creation and commercial use

How to use

1. Access entry to the touch station AI:

2. The whole interface is divided into two parts, the upper plate is the generator area, and the lower plate is the adjustment area

3. Users can generate pictures by selecting the theme of the generator area, and then they can adjust the parameters of various elements to obtain more satisfactory results

4. Finally, the user can save the generated material directly or download it

Touch station AI, one-stop two-dimensional painting generation website

Pros and cons

As a product based on deep learning technology, touch station AI has many advantages, but still has some disadvantages.


1. Simple and easy to use, no need for users to have professional drawing skills

2. The generation speed is fast, and you don't need to wait too long to get the satisfactory result

3. The generated images are of high quality and can meet the needs of users

4. Elements in the image can be adjusted at will, which is convenient for users to customize

5. The generated image can be stored for secondary creation and commercial use

Touch station AI, one-stop two-dimensional painting generation website


1. The generated images are universal, and it is difficult to achieve unique and original images

2. The adjuster has limited functionality and is not enough to achieve complex image customization

3. The variety of themes that can be generated is limited and cannot meet the needs of all users


In general, touch station AI is a very convenient tool, it can provide great help for two-dimensional enthusiasts, painting enthusiasts, and other related professions. However, this technology still has a lot of room for development and improvement, and we can expect the improvement and intelligence of contact station AI in the future.