
Huang Ri: "Snake Hunting" at the Southern Frontier Gate is bold and loyal

author:Social well-being index

National Immigration Administration 2023-07-03 11:56 Posted in Beijing

He was not tall, wore a pair of glasses, looked very Sven, and spoke slowly and unhurriedly.

Rooted in southern Xinjiang, he played a game with criminals "burning his brains", facing the temptation of danger, always sticking to his original intention, never retreating half a step, and serving as a loyal and enterprising "captain of the sharp knife".

Fighting on the border, he and his comrades were born into death, overcame difficulties, forged elite soldiers with thousands of hammers, and served as "good masters" who carried the banner and competed for the lead.

Benchmarking against the first-class, he has become a "snake catcher" in southern Xinjiang with the riveting, ruthlessness and tenacity of "not breaking Loulan and never returning it".

He is Huang Ri, a political instructor of the Pingxiang Border Management Brigade of the Chongzuo Border Management Detachment of the Guangxi Entry-Exit Border Inspection General Station. In the past 19 years as a police officer, Huang Ri has participated in the detection of more than 300 cases of human smuggling and more than 250 drug cases, destroyed 42 transnational illegal gangs and drug-related gangs, and arrested more than 2,100 criminal suspects.

Huang Ri: "Snake Hunting" at the Southern Frontier Gate is bold and loyal

Huang Ri led the patrol on the front line of the border. (Photo by Liang Peng)

Find out the "snake road" and beat seven inches

In early January 2020, Huang Ri led the special immigration management police to investigate a drug case supervised by the ministry, and accidentally discovered that there were many "three non" personnel working in a silicon plastic products factory in a township in a coastal city. The alert Huang Ri immediately decided to follow the vine and find out the source chain of the factory's "three non" personnel.

The "three nons" case investigated by Huang Ri was reported to each level and was listed as a supervision case by the National Immigration Administration. This date is January 13, 2020, referred to as the "1.13" project.

As the saying goes, snakes have snake paths, rats have rat roads, and wherever they pass, they will leave traces. Huang Ri led the special immigration management police to find out the route, law and characteristics of the "snakehead" organization smuggling in the case after careful investigation and investigation. Overseas "smugglers" send smugglers to the border line, and take advantage of the night to let illegal immigrants sneak in at night by sawing the steel bars of the border barrier, digging holes to cross the border barrier, and covering the barbed wire fence with cotton quilts. Domestic "smugglers" transported smugglers to a rental house or a mountain orchard on the outskirts of Nanning, and then transported them by bus to some private factories in a coastal province.

In March, it was rainy and rainy in the south, and Huang Ri learned during work that several smugglers had entered the country illegally. They were afraid of the mainland police's strict border control measures of "first-line patrol, second-line investigation, and third-line interdiction," so they did not dare to act rashly, and hid in the mountains for four days and nights.

"Let the border closure point pretend not to find it, let them in, and see which route the 'snakehead' guides the smugglers to, where to meet, and where to go to the factory." Huang Ri directed the special immigration management police.

On March 21 of that year, the time was ripe for the "1.13" project to close the network. Under the unified command of the National Immigration Administration, Huang Ri divided the special immigration management police into 10 arrest teams and collected the net in Nanning City and other places, and on the same day, a total of 109 "three non" smugglers and 19 "snakeheads" were arrested, destroying this transnational smuggling criminal gang in the whole chain. After solving the project, Huang Ri did not have time to catch his breath, organized and studied every clue of the "1.13" project, clarified the relationship between the members of the smuggling gang one by one, and screened the structure of the smuggling gang members one by one.

Using the technical tactics of "cracking down on serial cases, breaking down one by one, and closing the net in the whole chain", Huang Ri led a special class of immigration management police to follow the vine and destroy the "4.10" transnational smuggling criminal gang supervised by the National Immigration Administration on the basis of the "1.13" project, arresting 39 "snakeheads" and seizing 130 smugglers.

Since 2020, Huang Ri has participated in the organization and command of 223 cases of illegal border crossing, including 7 cases supervised by the National Immigration Administration, seized 841 "human smugglers" (smugglers), destroyed 37 criminal gangs of illegal immigrants, and arrested 306 "snakeheads".

Huang Ri: "Snake Hunting" at the Southern Frontier Gate is bold and loyal

Huang Ri consulted the case file at the case handling center. (Photo by Chen Zhirong)

Face life and death and charge ahead

In the past 19 years of police service, Huang Ri has been at the forefront of combating cross-border crimes, he has entered criminal gangs in disguise more than 20 times, faced criminals at gunpoint 7 times, passed by death 4 times, intercepted drugs and smugglers on the border line again and again, and brought cross-border criminals to justice again and again.

One evening in September 2017, in the downtown area of this small border city in Ningming County, it was crowded with people and traffic. A crackdown to catch drug traffickers is quietly unfolding.

After issuing the arrest order to stop the first car, Huang Ri pushed the car door, ran to the suspect vehicle, and quickly surrounded the car with other investigators.

The harsh lights, violent knocks, and hurried questions made the drug dealer sitting in the back panic and try to escape, reaching his hand to his waist as he fled. This action attracted Huang Ri's attention. "Hold your hands down, he may have a gun on him!" Huang Ri shouted loudly, then threw the drug dealer to the ground and tightly controlled the drug dealer's hands with another investigator.

"We found a loaded pistol in his waist, and a few seconds later, there may be bloodshed." Talking about the past, Huang Ri still has a cold back.

The comrades-in-arms gave Huang Ri a nickname, called "Ah Touch", which means that the officer is not in a hurry.

"The Yellow Sect is always so stable, and when we rushed to report the case to him, listening to him analyze the situation and assign tasks there unhurriedly, everyone suddenly stabilized." Comrade-in-arms Wang Shichao said.

Once, Huang Ri led his comrades out to handle an ordinary case, and everyone felt that it was not difficult and the risk factor was not high. But when Shika intercepted and gave the order, he said lightly: "They may have guns." A sentence made everyone instantly froze, and they were stunned for a long time before reacting, but seeing that Huang Ri did not show the slightest panic, everyone was as calm as if they had taken a "reassuring pill".

Calmness, decisiveness, keenness, and excellent psychological quality are the characteristics of Huang Ri in the eyes of comrades-in-arms. "On August 11, 2013, my first mission was when Huang Jiao decisively kicked and flew the dagger that the suspect stabbed at me, saving my life." Comrade-in-arms Wang Junhua said.

Huang Ri: "Snake Hunting" at the Southern Frontier Gate is bold and loyal

Huang Ri instructed colleagues in handling cases at the case handling center. (Photo by Chen Zhirong)

The torch is passed down from generation to generation, and the family and the country are united

Monofilaments do not form lines, and single trees do not form forests. Huang Ri knows that the fight against cross-border crimes is not a "solitary fight" by one person, but a group of people "clenching their fingers into a fist". In addition to handling cases, he spends the most effort and energy on leading the team.

Lin Jie, a comrade-in-arms, said that Huang Jiao led us to "run cases" during the day and "eat cases" with us at night, teaching by word and deed, starting from teaching investigation ideas, then analyzing the characteristics of case laws, and deducing the logical reasoning of cases, unreservedly teaching and sharing his own experience.

After being awarded the second ten national gate guards of the national immigration management agency, some netizens left a message: "It's so touching, it's really fate, Huang Ri's wife is actually called He Siyue, it's really the sun and the moon." ”

He Siyue is also a police officer and works at the Chongzuo City Public Security Bureau. She and Huang Ri are both partners and comrades-in-arms, one of whom is charging on the front line, and the other is fully supporting in the rear, and jointly cracking many extremely serious cases.

In the more than ten years of investigation on the front line, Huang Ri rarely accompanied his family. The son has two sentences that fill his heart with bitterness and guilt, one is "Why hasn't Dad come back for a long time", and the other is "Why did you come to our house again". In the days when her husband is not around, the big and small things in the family are handled by He Siyue alone.

"Home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of thousands. I am also a police officer, and I know that choosing the immigration management police is choosing loyalty and dedication, so I understand him and support him even more. He Siyue said.

The son also often asks, "When can Dad come home?" At this time, He Siyue would tell his son: "Your father is going to catch the bad guys, so that he can defend the country and defend you." "This Spring Festival, He Siyue took her two children to follow Huang Ri to the border patrol and stationed at the border police office, so that the children could experience and feel the daily work of the immigration management police.

Parents' words and deeds are the best textbooks for children. "What do you want to do when you grow up?" Whenever He Siyue asked his son curiously, he always said the same answer without hesitation: "I want to be an immigration management police officer like my father!" ”

Source: People's Public Security Daily

Author: Su Xuefeng

Editor: Shi Yangchun Mu Dan (Intern)