
The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

author:Looking at history i

Recently, a video went viral on the Internet, showing three boys forcing another boy to eat pig manure, in which the boy sits on the ground, holding feces in his hands, not daring to resist, coughing and retching after eating it. A voice next to him shouted loudly for him to "swallow".

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

Although the video does not explicitly show what the bully did to him when the boy ate his feces, the little boy's eyes with fear can be seen. We can speculate that victims may have suffered from their bullying for a long time.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

Such videos spread on the Internet, causing widespread attention and indignation, and accusations and condemnations of related actions were heard endlessly. Such behavior is undoubtedly an extreme form of bullying and abuse, which causes serious harm to the physical and mental health of the little boy.

As can be seen from the video, the three boys are very happy with what they have done, talking and laughing the whole time. Completely disregarding the thoughts of the child who has been hurt.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

In fact, this incident happened on June 17, 2023, near Zhanglan Village, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. Three minors reportedly bullied a boy. After forcing the boy to eat feces, they posted the video in a show-off gesture.

It was not until 30 June that it was a brutal incident that attracted widespread attention and condemnation.

After the incident was exposed, the local people in Shanxi immediately paid attention and intervened to understand what happened.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

According to the latest news, the minors involved in the bullying and their guardians have received severe criticism and education from local authorities. They were asked to apologize to the boy and to apologize to the boy and his parents. In addition, the guardians of the minors involved also received serious criticism and education, requiring them to strengthen the teaching and discipline of their children, and apologize to the bullied and their parents.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

In order to help victims recover their mental health, the education department has arranged professional psychological counselors to provide psychological counseling to boys. They will act as soon as possible to help the boy overcome the negative psychological impact of the incident in order to safeguard his mental health.

This series of measures is aimed at reversing attitudes towards victims and making perpetrators and their parents aware of their mistakes and accountable for their actions.

The implementation of these measures demonstrates a zero-tolerance attitude towards bullying and aims to make bullies and their parents aware of the seriousness of mistakes through education and apologies.

According to reports, at present, the family of the victim boy has issued a letter of understanding, and the parents of both sides have reached a settlement.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

Netizens questioned this, it is understood that the boy's parents have a low level of education, the mother suffers from mental illness, and the father is an honest person who is not literate at all.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

Since the boy's parents were illiterate, they were forced to write a letter of reconciliation at two o'clock in the evening, which was clearly an unreasonable situation.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

The incident sparked widespread public anger and concern, and many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the settlement. The settlement completely encourages the bullies' prestige, who believe that if all similar incidents can be resolved through simple monetary compensation, then how can the rights and interests of special children's children be protected?

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

Indeed, if the perpetrator is not properly punished by the law and evades responsibility simply through compensation, it would be condoning the underage bully. Not only does this fail to protect victims' rights, but it can also send the wrong message to other potential perpetrators that they can escape justice.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

Some netizens said that we cannot tolerate the behavior of minors because they are young. Regardless of age, a person's goodness and sin do not depend on age. They want those who commit serious crimes to be duly punished.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

Netizens believe that criticism and education alone are not enough, and that guardians should be punished, such as fines or imprisonment, to urge guardians to realize their heavy responsibilities. Only when the guardian is aware of the seriousness of the consequences can he guide the child to correctly understand his or her own behavior.

The boy was bullied, forced to eat pig dung, and forced to reconcile afterwards! Who is making trouble out of it?

At present, the incident has been widely circulated on the Internet, and it is hoped that the local police will re-examine the case. We also hope that local justice activists will take action to support victims in their quest for justice.

Age should not be an excuse for a person to evade responsibility. The weak should not be forced to accept reconciliation helplessly, but also bear the shadow of a lifetime. We should work to change this situation and ensure that everyone has equal rights and fair treatment before the law.

Changing society's attitude towards victims and vulnerable groups is a long-term process. We need to strengthen legal protections, raise awareness and education to ensure that everyone is treated equally. Everyone has a responsibility to speak out for justice and for justice and dignity for victims. Only when we are united can we truly achieve a just and equal society.