
Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

author:Historical events
Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender


On August 15, 1945, a day of national celebration, Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation and chose to surrender unconditionally, marking the end of World War II.

Everyone agreed that the two atomic bombs dropped by the United States accelerated Japan's surrender.

But then U.S. intelligence released a secret report intercepted before Japan's surrender.

It shows that there is not a fear of nuclear weapons, but another reason ...

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

unconditional surrender

In 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army provoked the "918 Incident" in the northeast region, Germany and Italy also joined the battle, and World War II officially broke out.

With the defeat and the surrender of Italy and Germany one after another, only Japan is still fighting, vainly trying to implement its own "road to hegemony". Later, the United States, Britain and other countries signed the Potsdam Proclamation to warn and deter Japan.

However, Japan did not ignore it and continued to go its own way, which also laid the groundwork for the subsequent dropping of the atomic bomb by the United States.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

There is also a reason that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in the United States. This made the originally neutral United States officially enter World War II.

On July 16, 1945, the United States conducted this unprecedented experiment, "the world's first atomic bomb." ”

On August 6, an atomic bomb codenamed "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, killing 70,000 people instantly. The local people are not living in poverty.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

But this did not make Japan surrender, and even encouraged the masses to defend the territory of the motherland and fight to the end.

Three days later, the United States dropped an atomic bomb codenamed "Fat Man" over Nagasaki, Japan, killing 100,000 people on the spot. Two successive nuclear weapons attacks caused huge losses to Japan.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

The Japanese people were also shrouded in terror, and the Japanese government held an emergency meeting that afternoon, and everyone recommended accepting the Potsdam Proclamation.

Under great pressure, Japan chose to surrender unconditionally and accept the Potsdam Proclamation.

The reason for Japan's surrender

It is divided into the following points: First.

First of all, the reason for Japan's surrender must be inseparable from China, and in World War II, the mainland was the country with the longest war of resistance, for 14 years.

With the protracted war of resistance, the Japanese aggressors were greatly contained and eliminated. According to statistics, China wiped out a total of 1.5 million Japanese troops in the entire War of Resistance Against Japan, accounting for 70% of the casualties of the Japanese army in World War II.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

Because of the perennial war, Japan's domestic economic situation has long been in short supply, and its manpower, material resources have dried up, and the people have always called for "anti-war", which is also an inevitable factor in Japan's surrender.


Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in the United States caused great losses to American warships, and two atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese soil, breaking Japan's fighting spirit, and this war was doomed to see no hope.


The collapse of the fascist alliance and the surrender of Italy and Germany left Japan alone in the war, but they did not give up their resistance.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

Because Japan had previously reached a non-aggression agreement with the Soviet Union, but on August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan as an ally.

Japan was inferior to the United States or the Soviet Union in terms of combat power or economy. So he can only choose to surrender.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

The successive blows made Japan no longer stubbornly resist and finally chose to surrender, but their surrender was not unconditional.

First of all, we all know that Japan is a country with strong national beliefs, and the emperor system has lasted for thousands of years.

They were cultivated with imperialist beliefs from an early age, so this thinking has become ingrained in their hearts.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

When the first U.S. missile was dropped, Japan did not surrender quickly, and the reason for its stubbornness was that it feared that their long-standing emperor system would be abolished.

So when they surrendered, they also put forward corresponding conditions. In the end, under the leadership of the United States, the allies responded to Japan: "The system should be decided by the Japanese people's own consciousness of freedom."

So this is also a disguised agreement with Japan, Japan has preserved the emperor system, and the United States may also have received an "equivalent exchange".

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

It is said that the results of Japanese research during World War II were given to the United States.

Second, as the initiator of World War II, Japan's evil deeds are heinous one by one, and picking up one at will arouse public anger.

They feared that if they surrendered, they would face judgment from all countries, that their previous evil deeds would be liquidated, and that Japan would even want to eliminate these crimes.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

In the subsequent military tribunal, Japan refused to acknowledge the evil acts of the Nanjing Massacre during the invasion of the mainland, as well as bacteriological experiments...

Don't forget the national shame

From the above analysis, Japan's surrender is traceable and an inevitable result of historical development. The evil deeds they did during their invasion of the mainland were also indelible.

During this historical period, due to the turmoil of war and the extremely difficult environment, countless revolutionary martyrs, fighters and people heroically sacrificed for the cause of liberation of the country and the nation, and they bought us a peaceful life and laid a solid foundation for us.

We should also cherish the current peaceful life, remember the sacrifices of the martyrs, and always maintain the cherishing of peace and gratitude for a happy life.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender


Looking back at history, on August 15, 1945, Japan signed an agreement of unconditional surrender, marking the end of World War II and also marking the huge price paid by the Chinese people for years of fighting.

The untold suffering inflicted on our people by the aggressors has cost many of our people property and lives. They are forced to leave their homes to escape the ordeal of war and live in dire conditions every day.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

During this period, patriots fought hard and braved hardships to protect the land and people. It was a time of suffering and sacrifice, and every martyr who fought for the country and the people deserves our respect and remembrance.

It is the selfless dedication and tenacious spirit of the martyrs that forged the prosperity and strength of contemporary China. However, we must not forget the suffering and sacrifice they went through.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

Commemorating the martyrs is not only about gratitude and remembrance, but also about inheriting their spirit. These spirits include patriotism, loyalty, steadfastness and bravery.

Looking back at history, we see not only the painful and long years of the Chinese people, but also the great spirit they showed through unity, courage and wisdom in overcoming difficulties.

In the current era, in the context of constant changes in the world, we should inherit the spirit of the martyrs and integrate into the construction of the country.

Did Japan not surrender because of the atomic bomb? The U.S. military intercepted a secret message revealing the truth about Japan's surrender

Only by inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of the martyrs can we better cope with the challenges and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

As Chinese citizens, we must remain patriotic, take responsibility wherever we are, and contribute our own strength to the prosperity and development of the country.

At the same time, we must unswervingly safeguard the interests and dignity of our country, uphold principles in the international arena, and defend national sovereignty.

Let us remember the dedication and sacrifice of our martyrs and always honor them and follow their example.

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