
The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

author:Blue Ocean Kinetic Energy

Earlier, some netizens asked about the Mongol Empire, its race, culture, and its impact and influence on Indo-Europeans and Semites, and why it was able to suddenly conquer Eurasia in those one or two hundred years.

The ancestors of the Mongols were the Donghu people of the Xiongnu period, Donghu was originally in the Daxing'anling area, and later in the tribes of Donghu, the Xianbei, Wuhuan, Khitan and other tribes were divided, these tribes are known to have been Sinicized later, and the tribes that remained in their hometowns, there is a tribe called Murong Wei, which later rose to the middle of the Mongolian steppe, which is the ancestor of the core mongolian tribe.

But the formation of the Mongol nation will not be until the time of Genghis Khan in the 13th century, yes, the formation of the Mongol nation is not early in the genghis Khan period. Genghis Khan was born in the Mongolian Beggar Tribe, his father was the head of the Beggar Tribe, and his mother, Ha Erlun, was born in the HongjiRabu, who was originally related to the Qi'er Begbu, but he should have snatched him as a wife according to the "robbery" tradition at that time, so he made a vendetta against the Qi'er Beggars. When Temujin was born, he also quickly captured temujin Wuge, the leader of the Tatar tribe, and in order to celebrate the victory, he named his son Temujin. In this way, he made a vendetta against the Tatars.

When Temujin was nine years old, he was poisoned by the Tatars, and the Beggars fell into decline, and later Temujin defected to His brother, "Anda", the leader of the Krebu, later Wang Khan, after which he began to collect the old ministries and began the road to unifying the steppes.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

The Mongols came from Donghu and were only one of the tribes in the early days. It was later unified by Genghis Khan to become a Mongol nation. The picture shows the various parts of the desert steppe during the time of Genghis Khan

Here we see that at that time, the northern steppes were still full of tribes, and the northern nomads were like this, when the Huns were strong, they were all called Xiongnu, and when the Xianbei people were strong, they were called Xianbei, and their respective tribes maintained a certain degree of independence, and after the decline of the core tribes, they went to their own places, and there was never a national community formed. The most important significance of Genghis Khan to the Mongols is not that he conquered Eurasia, but that he allowed the Mongol nation to be formed, before Genghis Khan, the steppe was called Xiongnu for a while, a moment called Xianbei, and then called Rouran, Turkic, Uighur, after Genghis Khan, Mongolia has always been Mongolia, and has not changed again.

At that time, there were many tribes on the steppe, and these tribes had different origins, including Mongolian-speaking tribes, Turkic tribes, felt tent people, that is, steppe nomadic tribes, and forest people, that is, forest fishing and hunting tribes, most of whom were yellow people, and there were white ethnic components in the naiman part of the west. Among the nomadic tribes of the steppe, Dabi can be divided into five largest tribes.

Genghis Khan's tribe is the Beggars, which is more familiar. The Beggars were mainly located in the basins of the Hunan and Krullen rivers, east of present-day Ulaanbaatar. To its east was the Tatar Tribe, which was different from the current Tatar Tribe, and its location was far to the east, often defecting to the Jin Dynasty Fox False Tiger Wei in the north at that time, which was a powerful tribe with a large number of people at that time.

To the north was the Jurchens, the sworn enemies of the Mongols, who later moved west to Kazakhstan and integrated into the local Turkic-speaking tribes. At present, kazakhstan also has the tribe of the Beggars. It was handed down at that time.

To the south is the Krebe, a tribe that was an ally of Temujin in the early days and later turned its face. This tribe was a Turkic-speaking tribe that believed in Jingjiao, a branch of the Orthodox Eastern Church of Christianity, and had some nominal affiliations with the Jin Dynasty. The remnants moved west with the Beggars.

To the west is the Naiban tribe, which also has many migrators to Kazakhstan, and according to records, they should have a Caucasian component, many blue eyes, and more high noses and deep eyes. After its integration into the Mongol ministries, the bloodline was diluted, so the Mongols had a little Caucasian component.

In the area of Lake Baikal in the north, there are forest tribes such as the Bald MaBu, the HuiYi LaBu, and the Gilligis Tribe, among which the Vulture Tribe has a lot to do with the current Tumut, and the Hu yi La Department moved west to develop into the later Wala, and the Giligis Department moved west to develop into the current Kyrgyz people. In addition, there are the Taichi Wubu where Genghis Khan's Anda Zamuhe is located, the HongjiRabu where his mother is located, and the Wanggubu, which is deeply Sinicized in the southernmost area, which is the Great Wall guarded by the Jin Dynasty.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire, is known as the "Emperor of All Mankind", the real reason for the Mongol conquest, whose golden family ruled Eurasia

These tribes were united by Genghis Khan, and unwilling to submit, they gathered and ran west to Central Asia. So in 1206, Temujin was revered as Genghis Khan, the Great Mongol State was established, and the Mongol nation officially began to form.

To tell the truth, Genghis Khan, who had just unified Mongolia, did not have such great ambitions at the beginning, after the war and the population of the fleeing tribes, the population of the Great Mongolia at that time was only one million, and Genghis Khan initially adopted a very humble attitude towards the strange world outside, except for the Golden State.

Genghis Khan's attack on the Jin Dynasty was deliberate, because during the Jin Dynasty, the Jin government often implemented a policy of reducing the number of Mongolian ministries in order to maintain its rule, and during the reign of Kim Sejong, folk nursery rhymes said of such a children's song: "Tatars come, Tatars go, and drive the officials out of nowhere." Kim Sejong was shocked to hear this: "It must be the Tartars, for the suffering of our country!" So he ordered the implementation of the reduction of ding. This is a bit strange, but it also reflects that the rulers of the Jin Dynasty at that time were extremely uneasy about the northern grasslands. However, this perverse strategy was not sustainable, but would be counterproductive, so the Jin Dynasty was first attacked by the Mongols.

In 1211, the Mongol War began. In the years that followed, Genghis Khan's main energy was to destroy gold and weaken the Western Xia by the way, and the world at this time was still the entry of the northern nomads into the central plains, although the dynasty itself came from the north.

However, in 1215, Genghis Khan sent envoys to the Khwarazm Dynasty in the then Central Asia and West Asia region to conclude a trade and trade agreement, and this 450-man caravan was accused by the local governor of espionage and all were killed. Genghis Khan was concentrating all his efforts on attacking the Jin Dynasty, and in order to avoid the interruption of trade and strive for a peaceful settlement, he sent envoys to the then Mahama Sultan to demand the surrender of the murderer, who refused to ask and killed the envoy, shaved the beards of the two vice-chancellors, and expelled them.

This act is very incomprehensible, and it is said that Mahabharata at that time had the intention of replacing the Abbas caliph, who was particularly arrogant and had the intention of conquering the world, but he met Genghis Khan.

At this point, it is impossible not to fight this battle. If the Mongols had not marched west at that time, according to the momentum of Mahabharata, he would probably have crusaded. Coupled with the fact that the prince of naimanbu, Qu Chulu, ran to the then Western Liao to usurp the rule of the Khitans, which has always been a hidden danger, genghis Khan entrusted the affairs of destroying jin to Muhuali and personally led a large army to march west. This was the First Mongol Expedition to the West.

No one knows how many troops were used by the Mongols at that time, but one thing is certain, Genghis Khan, unlike other nomadic khans, was a multi-service synthetic force, and in addition to the vast majority of Mongol cavalry, all ethnic groups in northern China at that time, including Han craftsmen and many engineers, participated in the western expedition. At that time, China had invented gunpowder for hundreds of years, firearms had always been the secret tradition of the Central Plains Dynasty, and the Civilization of the Caucasians did not have gunpowder, so the situation at that time was reversed from the arrival of Western colonists hundreds of years later, which can be said to form a dimensionality reduction attack to some extent.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

The picture shows the schematic diagram of Mongolia's first western expedition

Hua Lazimo's suffocating diplomatic operations at that time were also very incomprehensible, and there was a confused empress dowager in the harem of Mahama, desperately sending heads, and Genghis Khan actually paid blood during the first western expedition, and no one knew whether he could win or not, so he rushed all the way over. In order to eliminate the resistance and worries, the Mongol army launched a bloody massacre in Central Asia and other places, Mahamad fled to a small island in the Caspian Sea and died of illness, and his son Zalandin fled to India with the remnants.

Genghis Khan ordered the pursuit to stop due to the hot and humid weather in India and the Fact that the Mongol army was not good at fighting in the tropics, and this time the Mongols gathered a total of 400,000 local troops, and for a time, how to distribute these new lands in the west became a problem.

After this western expedition, Genghis Khan seemed to have some psychological problems, and he began to doubt the meaning of his life of conquest. On the one hand, his easy success gave him a different mentality from the past when he only retaliated against the Golden Kingdom and made good trade with other countries, and he began to have the idea of conquering the world. Through this western expedition, the Mongols also learned that the other countries in the world at that time were so weak and powerless, and that Khwaraz was a complete paper tiger, a flower shelf, and it was over in a vulnerable situation, and to the west was a terrorist state, and further west was the Abbasid Caliph who existed in name only. At the end of the First Western Expedition, Tebetsu and Subutai entered Eastern Europe, engaged the combined forces of the Kievan Rus' princes at that time, fought against the Chincha people, and found that these Eastern Europeans were equally vulnerable, almost all the Russian princes were killed, and Europe and the Middle East at that time were in a state of division, Europe, especially Eastern Europe, was still very backward, the Middle East was corrupt, and the Central Plains were also in a state of division, and the world was showing a good time for the Mongols and the northern nomads.

On the other hand, he doubted the significance of doing so, so he struggled for a while, and specially sent his own close attendant, Liu Zhonglu, a Han Chinese, to Shandong to invite the then Quanzhen Daoist to teach Qiu Zhiji, and invited him to Come to Afghanistan to enlighten himself.

So the history and Xuanzang's journey to the west began, and qiu zhiji traveled 35,000 miles from Shandong to Afghanistan, met Genghis Khan, and left a beautiful talk of "stopping killing with one word".

However, this psychiatrist did not seem to play a fundamental role, Genghis Khan pardoned the Central Asian cities that were to be slaughtered at that time, but still regarded territorial expansion as the basic national policy of the future Mongol Empire, after comparing the civilizations of East Asia, West Asia and Eastern Europe, the future Mongols have been oscillating back and forth between these civilizations, in the corresponding several national policies, between stopping killing or following the grassland tradition of wanton slaughter.

Muhuali, who remained in the Central Plains, adopted a more moderate strategy, gradually seizing the land north of the Yellow River of the Jin Dynasty for several years, but was frustrated and died of illness while continuing the attack. Genghis Khan rushed back to East Asia to collect the Western Xia, which refused to go on the expedition, and on the eve of his death, the Western Xia agreed to surrender.

Genghis Khan's three sons, Kuotai, succeeded to the Khan's throne, and at the same time followed Genghis Khan's policy and continued his western expedition.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

The rocket vehicle carried by the Mongols during the Second Western Expedition was called the "Chinese Fire-Breathing Dragon" by the Poles, and advanced technology and a synthetic army were important reasons for its success

In 1234, the Mongols extinguished the Gold. After that, the second western expedition began. This western expedition was led by various ministers, so it was called the "eldest son's western expedition", in fact, this western expedition had the contradictory factor of dealing with Genghis Khan's eldest son Shuchi. Shuchi was suspected not to be the son of Genghis Khan, so he had been ostracized within the Mongol Empire, and this western expedition was mainly to house his descendants, the Batu gang, which was required before the Batu Western Expedition, starting from the territory he conquered, all the way to the "last sea" in the west, to be handed over to him as a fief, and Wokoutai agreed.

The last sea was the Mongol name for the Atlantic, to put it bluntly, the whole of Europe was Batu, and the Mongols mobilized a large number of their own cavalry, various Han craftsmen, artillery and infantry, the men and horses of other tribes in the north, and the armies provided by the conquered countries of Central asia and West Asia.

Therefore, the reason why the Mongols at that time were able to succeed was not that people ate people as rumored, most of the people and horses in the Mongol army were not Mongols, and the servants composed of various different races were the main force of their army. Therefore, when this army appeared before the Europeans, the degree of psychological collapse of the Europeans was conceivable. They couldn't figure out where these people had come from.

Before the destruction of the Khwaraz, there was a rumor that the caliph had sent a letter to Genghis Khan asking him to clean up the Mahabharata. It is also rumored that the Pope once searched for the "Priest King John" in the East in European legend, and the Pope once thought that the defeat of Mahamad was the handiwork of the Priest King John. But at this time, a large number of unknown Eastern armies appeared in Europe, and their internal composition was extremely complex, which made Europeans panic for a while.

Vladimir, Ryazan, Moscow, one by one, the Rus' city-states fell, and what was even more shocking was that Russian prisoners of war were recruited into the Mongol army and continued to fight as cannon fodder. Thus in the history of European countries, this period of history has left different memories.

The Russians felt themselves victims, while the Poles and Czechs saw the Russians as the Beltrunners, the white Mongols who led the way for the Easterners. Since then, the distance between Russia and Europe has been widened.

In the eyes of Europeans, this is a joint operation of the East. Europeans also can't tell which are the core tribes, which are the conquered civilizations, which are Rus cannon fodder, in short, a large number of yellow, white, mixed-race, dark white and other eastern peoples in the east have poured into Central Europe, and the weapons are advanced, the tactics are perfect, and the Europeans are reminded of Attila's wild ride.

The Poles at that time recorded such an incident, the Mongol army threw out a small ball that could emit smoke, and the Mongol cavalry took advantage of the situation to charge, which should be the earliest gunpowder weapon poison smoke powder ball or something like that. The Poles, on the other hand, called this thing "witchcraft", and the level seemed to be no better than that of the late Qing Dynasty. So in the 13th century, it was the Europeans who were hit by dimensionality reduction.

In 1241, Wokoutai died, and the Mongols ordered a retreat in order to return to the Khan's throne, and their most advanced force was located on the outskirts of Vienna.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

The Murazi state established by the Middle Eastern Assassin Brotherhood, which was destroyed by the Third Mongol Expedition, is its founder, Hassan, the elder of Yamanaka

On the way back, they swept away the Kingdoms of Serbia and Bulgaria, and the borders of stable rule remained in the Ukrainian area. This should be related to the terrain, east and west of Uzbekistan one is grassland, one is savanna. After this shock, the already impure Central and Eastern Europe absorbed more Asian components, especially Russia, which was ruled for more than 200 years, and the entire country was Asianized and gradually separated from European civilization.

In the years that followed, it seemed that the pace of expansion slowed down. In 1247, the Mongols and the Tibetans signed the Liangzhou Covenant, and tibetan areas were incorporated into the territory of the Mongol Empire, after which the war against the Southern Song Dynasty reached a stalemate, until 1253, when the Third Western Expedition began, and a wave of expansion was set off.

The direct cause of this western expedition was the continuous plundering of the Mongols by the armies of the Murayi Assassin Group, and the deep reason was to continue to inherit the policies of Genghis Khan and expand. The goal of this expedition was to make the land from the Amu Darya River to Egypt follow Genghis Khan's legal system.

Led by Kublai Khan's younger brother Hulegu, the expedition continued to recruit a large number of vassal armies, including Armenia. The Western Expeditionary Army first destroyed the Murayi state established by the Iranian Assassin Brotherhood, then rushed into the land of West Asia, destroyed the Abbas caliphate, and then marched westward, conquering Syria and sweeping around Asia Minor, which already bordered the Byzantine Empire at that time. Some small countries on the Arabian Peninsula also submitted, and at the climax of this western expedition, the Mongol army crossed the sea and conquered Cyprus, which greatly shocked the European countries. By this time it had reached as far as the Gaza Strip, and finally because of the death of Möngke Khan under the Diaoyu City, the Mongol army returned to the division, and the small number of troops left behind were defeated by the Mamluk Brotherhood in Egypt, the western part of the Islamic world was preserved, and the indirect threat to Europe was eliminated.

The Mongols' three western expeditions were over. They established the "Shuchi Uluth" on the russian borders, which later developed into the Khanate of Chincha. The Chagatai Khanate was established in the western Liao and eastern parts of Khwarazm, the Wokoutai Khanate in the old Naiman, and the Ilkhanate in the newly conquered region of Greater Iran. Then, in 1258, Kublai Khan attacked Dali in Yunnan, encircled the Southern Song Dynasty, and after his succession, attacked the Southern Song Dynasty, and destroyed the Song Dynasty by occupying Xiangyang and going south, so that the Mongol Empire, which spanned Eurasia from East Asia to West Asia to Eastern Europe, finally reached its largest territory.

Some people say that the Yuan Dynasty and the Mongol Empire should be separated, and indeed they should be separated, but it does not mean that they are completely separated, and the domestic academic circles have factors that avoid suspicion of the history of Europe and West Asia, and there are also factors that sinicize. The Mongol Empire did fall apart during Kublai Khan's time, but after 1310, several khanates revered the Yuan Dynasty as their suzerainty, and in the 1330s, thirty thousand Russian soldiers served in the Territory of the Yuan Dynasty. Legally, at least after the end of the civil war in 1310, except for the destruction of the Wokoutai Khanate, the other three khanates were part of the Mongol Empire, and the Yuan Dynasty was their suzerainty, which did not have to be artificially separated.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

The world system it sought to establish spanning the east and west of Eurasia is its main legacy

In the next hundred years, the Mongols tried to build a world system that spanned the eastern and western parts of Eurasia, which was the most important legacy left to the world by the slaughtering Mongols, and the Mongols were indeed slaughtered and brutal, but since it could rule Eurasia for a hundred years, it also had its own set of things.

In the beginning, the Mongols had a low degree of civilization and extensive administration, mainly customary law autonomy, that is, where you were a person, you used the original law, and the Han Dynasty used the Han law, using the original laws of the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. The Hui people use the Hui law, and the Persian law is used. The custom of Tibet to use Tibet, the Russians to use the Habits of the Russians, and the Mongols to use the Mongolians' own steppe customs.

In the early 14th century, the Mongols, after population growth, estimated at 2 million people, it records more than 4 million people, because the concept of "Mongols" during the Mongol Empire period mainly refers to people with Mongol military status, many white people, various Hui and Russians who served in the Mongol army, these people are also known as Mongols, about half are descendants of Mongolian tribes, half are later white ethnic servicemen. These people were later integrated into various ethnic groups.

The Mongols discovered the civilizational and ethnic differences between eastern and western Eurasia, and how to reconcile the two was their top priority. They found that the eastern region was mainly a circle of Confucian and Taoist civilization with Han China as the core, and a circle of nomadic people with Tibetan Buddhism as the main area on the outside. Note that the Mongols refer to Islam, Judaism, and Christianity as all Hui, such as the Jews as the "Blue Hat Hui Hui", the Gypsies as the "Rali Hui Hui", the Ossetians as the "Green Eye Hui Hui", and so on. They did not conquer the western part of Europe, so the western part of the Mongol Empire was mainly Islam and Christianity, including various Hui departments, and then a Russia, so how to reconcile Chinese civilization with Semitic civilization became the main problem.

The question of whether to govern by Han law or Hui law runs through the Mongol Empire, in the Yuan Dynasty, the ministers have been divided into Two factions of Han and Hui, but it is not clear from the race, some Han ministers believe that Han law should be used to urge the Mongols to sinicize. Some Han ministers thought that the laws of the Hui sects were good and could solve the financial problems. Some Hui ministers believed that hui fa should be used, and there were many missionaries of various kinds. Other Hui ministers advocated Sinicization and took the lead in learning the culture of the Central Plains, and for a time, the Mongols, who were already less civilized, also felt inconsistent.

One problem is that the caucasian civilization is more interest-oriented, so many of the ministers who advocate returning to the law are corrupt, which is much criticized. Ministers who advocate the use of Confucian Han law are often superficial, only talking about theory and cannot solve practical problems, and when the finances are tight, they must reuse the ministers of the Law. Therefore, later, the focus shifted to the moral level of the Huifa minister, and the practical level of the Hanfa minister, and the Mongols advocated that the two learn from each other.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

The Mongols believed in immortality in the early days, then converted to Tibetan Buddhism and advocated exchanges with other religions

Later, the two merged, using huifa when the finances were tight, and then continuing to sinicize, and the two factions of ministers were relatively harmonious, and the Mongols always tried to reconcile the two.

The Mongol Khanates in the west were mostly Islamized, and many of the Mongols in the Golden Horde converted to Orthodoxy. After 1310, a decades-long period of peace was achieved in the empire, and the Mongols built post roads from Europe and West Asia to the interior of the Central Plains, which could travel 500 kilometers a day, and all kinds of commercial exchanges were unprecedentedly prosperous. The Mongols converted to Tibetan Buddhism in the east and partially Sinicized, in the west converted to Islam and sent Central Plains people to do business in West Asia, and some Han chinese went to Persia as officials, and in Eastern Europe converted to Orthodoxy, maintaining Russia's particularity within the system.

It can be said that this is an experiment to build a world system, with the Mongols controlling military power, the Hui people managing finances, and the Han people managing governance.

The reason why this world system has lasted for a hundred years is, to a large extent, that religion has played a large role. The Mongols believe in the immortal heaven, in the eyes of the Mongols, the "God" of the Semitic religion is the same god as the immortal heaven, and the Mongols further believe that the concept of "heaven" in confucianism and Taoism in the Central Plains and the concept of Buddhism in the universe are the same concept as the immortal heaven and God, so the Mongols treat all religions equally and make them widely spread.

It can be seen that the Ambition of the Mongols at that time to establish a universal empire, and a nomadic people who had just come out of the steppe actually ruled Eurasia for a hundred years.

As for Buddhism in the previous part, some people think that Buddhism is a representative of Aryan culture, and some people say that it was founded by the yellow race out of national self-esteem, but in fact, this statement is not quite right. Buddhism was certainly not founded by the Yellow Race and has Indo-European influences, but Buddhism cannot be viewed as an Indo-European polytheistic religion like Brahmanism.

Buddhism's geographical location is in Nepal, in the South Asian subcontinent, where Indo-European, West Asian and East Asian influences meet, so Buddhism is actually a fusion of the three. This makes the Buddhist teachings particularly abstract. Buddhism has always advocated the integration and exchange of civilizations, which was favored by the Mongols.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

Russia was also strongly influenced by it, the picture shows the early Tsarist empress, and the Mongolian hat has obvious characteristics

Moreover, the teachings of Buddhism are largely inherited from the ancient Indian civilization of the Dravidians, who were originally Caucasians, and after the Aryans entered India, many people migrated south to mix with the indigenous Australian race in South India, resulting in a very dark complexion, and now there is a Bura Gray in Pakistan, a people belonging to the Dravidian language family, which retains its early characteristics.

Buddhism arose from the anti-Brahmanist Shamen movement, thus absorbing more elements of ancient Indian civilization in its teachings, and this early civilization of the Brah Greys, located in the eastern part of the Greater Middle East region of the Indus Valley, is intrinsically related to the Middle Eastern civilization in the background. Therefore, the Mongols found that Buddhism had many places of doctrinal communication with other religions in addition to the later habit of statues, so they took Buddhism as the state religion, improved its level of civilization, and maintained communication with the Confucian civilization in the Central Plains and the Semitic religious civilization in the west.

Religiously, the Mongols advocated the same doctrine of religion under heaven and deliberately established a situation in which the three major religions of Confucianism and Taoism in the east and Abraham in the west ruled together. In their blueprint, a vast system of mutual commerce and trade between the Mongols as supreme rulers, the Yellow and Chinese religions in the east, and the Caucasian and Semitic religions in the west has gradually taken shape.

The system worked for a time, but its difficulties were also obvious. First of all, the early civilization of the Mongols was too low and the killing was excessive, the Central Plains were seriously shocked and felt that they were not sincerely Sinicized, while the Semites believed that their early killing was too much, especially the Arab countries in the core of the Semites were not actually subservient, and they ruled only the greater Iranian region in the eastern part of the Islamic world, which was largely unable to represent the Islamic and even semitic worlds. In northwestern Russia, this history is even more unbearable.

So a hundred years later, the Eurasian continent was full of wars, the peoples were independent, and the Mongols' efforts to establish a world system failed.

But although its degree of civilization is low, although it cannot assimilate the major civilizations, the Mongols are also good at something, that is, Hanhua, which means that although I cannot assimilate you, I can influence you. The places ruled by the Mongol Empire are different from before. In Europe, Russia became increasingly detached from Europe and far from the West, and Russia, like its Ruler of the Golden Horde, Shuchi, became the "adopted son of Genghis Khan" and maintained ambiguous relations with Asia.

In West Asia, the civilization of the Iranian region was separated from the Arab world in the west, and the Persians, who were originally estranged from the Arabs, were deeper after being influenced by Asia, and iran had more oriental colors, while the Arabs retained more Mediterranean traditions, which is an intrinsic influencing factor of the arab countries' pro-West and Iran's pro-East.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

The Mongol Empire was east of China, the west of the Middle East and Eastern Europe, the east of Buddhism, the west of the monotheistic religion, the interior covering the Silk Road, its system is typical of the integration of the Silk Road

After the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, the traditional concept of Huayi began to change. The concept of a unified dynasty inside and outside the Great Wall began to prevail, laying the groundwork for the future Entry of the Qing Army. It can be said that if the Mongols did not destroy the Song Dynasty, China might become a country about the same size as India today, but richer than it is now. Of course, there will be no such a large territory, and it will be difficult to become a world power like this.

In short, the Mongol world system is Buddhism and China in the east, and the monotheism and Semiticism in the west are a Russia, which is summarized by Westerners as "Mongolia-Muslim Alliance", and its practical title of "Mongolian-Semitic Alliance" is more appropriate, the former is the result of Westerners excluding Christianity in other regions in order to highlight their independent status.

The Mongol Expedition opened the prelude to the modernization of Europe, stimulated by the Renaissance movement, after which Westerners worked hard to get out of Europe and develop science and technology to conquer the world in order not to be conquered. And the East of Asia and Eastern Europe is increasingly incorporated into a system, although the Mongol Empire fell, but the resulting influence and similarity between each other makes East Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe continue to maintain a certain ambiguous relationship, of which East Asia and Eastern Europe and the Middle East maintain ambiguous relations, the Middle East and East Asia maintain ambiguous relations and eastern Europe contradictions are larger, Eastern Europe and the Middle East have a larger contradiction but also have a certain ambiguous relationship with Asia, in the later, When Westerners summarize the anti-Western factors in these places, they always go back to the Mongol Empire It is believed that the Mongols shaped this pattern.

So what places did the Mongols not directly conquer? Although a mongol descendant later came to dominate India, India was not directly conquered by the Mongol Empire after all. Then there's western Europe and much of the Arab world, and then there's Japan. These places are relatively close at the moment, and the impact of history is sometimes striking.

The most peculiar place is the Middle East, on the one hand, it is the key to the western part of the Mongol Empire, on the other hand, it originated from the Mediterranean civilization, and its western part refused The Mongol rule, so the Middle East is increasingly divided into two parts: Persians and Arabs. When Europe emphasized the unitarian tradition of Christianity, it was possible for the Semites to cooperate with Europe, as they had done against the Soviet Union. While Europe emphasized its ancient Indo-European polytheistic traditions, the Semites may have turned to Asia in search of the country of their classics that "although learning is far away in China, it should be sought." So this is the deep reason why the West and India are currently shy about cooperation between the Belt and Road and the Middle East.

The conquests of the 13th century left the world with a blueprint for a system that spanned the Eurasian continent, and also left a notoriety of leaving only horse dung where it passed, with Western Europe, India, and Japan being staunch opponents of this system, while Eastern Europe and the Middle East were ambiguous, and the controversy within the Central Plains Dynasty was constantly continuing. The Mongol Empire has left behind a tragic memory of indiscriminate slaughter, as well as an objective positive impact on the exchange of Eurasian civilizations, for which there is no need to avoid any aspect of it. The Mongol Empire is different from other nomadic empires, and it can be said that the influence it has shaped is far from over today.

The Sun and the Moon Shine Together, The Eternal Weather Force: What was the World System of the Mongol Empire?

Its influence is one of the reasons for the contradictions between Russia and Iran and the West today, which are increasingly influenced by Asia, the Golden Horde

As for why it swept across Eurasia in just one hundred years? This has a lot to do with Genghis Khan himself, Genghis Khan was a very special military genius, but also a military maniac, his military theory is different from the historical steppe nomadic chiefs, focusing on multi-service synthesis strategy, the Mongol army under his command, was built into an advanced synthetic force. The next two western expeditions were made by his sons and grandchildren, that is, these people all met Genghis Khan, and after the end of Kublai Khan's generation, there were no people who had seen Genghis Khan, and the military strength of the Mongols declined rapidly, so it was not how powerful the Mongols were, which had a lot to do with genghis Khan's own ability.

Another point is that the general division, corruption, and decline of the countries of Eurasia in the 13th century objectively contributed to the success of the Mongols, which should be the reason why the Mongol Empire was able to sweep the old roads in those one or two hundred years.

A world system that spans Eurasia and integrates East Asia, West Asia, and Eastern Europe would indeed pose a serious threat to the Western world system. And this happens to be the biggest legacy left by the Mongol Empire.

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