
The fifth round of subject evaluation: the strength ranking of computer and information subjects, Beihang Xidian entered the top 5!

author:Zhihu Zhou Rui volunteered to fill in the college entrance examination

Author: Zhihu Zhou Rui/Planet Data School

The fifth round of subject evaluation: the strength ranking of computer and information subjects, Beihang Xidian entered the top 5!
The fifth round of subject evaluation: the strength ranking of computer and information subjects, Beihang Xidian entered the top 5!

What are the most popular popular majors in the college entrance examination in 2023? This is a major concern for many candidates and parents, and there are many opinions and inconsistencies. Under this year's macroeconomic and employment situation, some majors that were popular in previous years, such as computers, are said to cool down, but it is certain that even if they cool down, computer and information related majors will still be one of the hot directions this year.

Based on the evaluation results of 985 and some non-985 collected in the fifth round of subject evaluation, this paper focuses on 6 university subjects related to computer and information, and ranks the overall strength of the above information disciplines for the reference of candidates and parents.

1. Statistical scope and ranking method of 6 university subjects in computer and information

1. List of major information disciplines (6 in total): computer, software engineering, network security, control, communication, electronics. Other related disciplines such as optical engineering, biomedical engineering, instrumentation and other related disciplines are not included in the scope of statistics

2. Statistical scope of subject level: At present, only A- and above disciplines are evaluated for the time being

3. Ranking rules: Similar to the previous statistics of popular subjects, through the method of assignment, A+ subjects are assigned 10 points, A subjects are assigned 8 points, A- subjects are assigned 6 points, and A- subjects below are temporarily not assigned; The values of each school and discipline are added up, and normalized according to the 50% weight of total and precision, and the comprehensive total score of each school is obtained, and sorted according to the total score

4. Data accuracy statement: Due to the temporary lack of a specific subject list for some 985, only some 985 participate in the ranking, and will be updated according to the availability of information in the future

2. The fifth round of evaluation of the overall ranking of computer and information strength in 2022

The fifth round of subject evaluation: the strength ranking of computer and information subjects, Beihang Xidian entered the top 5!

According to the above rankings, the overall performance of major engineering colleges is good, and the two telecommunications and one post perform well as information characteristic universities. Specifically:

  • Zhejiang University occupies the top spot under the Qingbei, with 5 of the 6 university subjects on the list, ranking first in the number under the Qingbei, and the accuracy is very high, and the final total score is well deserved;
  • As the biggest winner of the fifth round of evaluation, Beihang can be described as shining in the evaluation of information disciplines, ranking fourth after Zhejiang University; Due to the scoring rules in this article, the National University of Defense Science and Technology and Xidian also obtained the same score as Beihang with their strong strength, and joined hands with Beihang to advance to the top 5;
  • Shanghai Jiaotong University has gained a lot in the expansion of all fields, while continuing to deepen the new engineering of information, and achieved the seventh excellent result; Chengdian and BIT joined hands to enter the top 8, one is a traditional information strong school, the other is an old engineering university that has made great progress in information disciplines, and the two universities are also the two schools that have made the greatest progress in the college entrance examination admission score line in the past five years.
  • NTU and Northeastern University, one is a top comprehensive liberal arts and science university, the other is downstream engineering 985, the two universities are quite different, but in the total score list of information discipline evaluation, they are not divided into the top 10, and this year's Nanda artificial intelligence enrollment is worth looking forward to;
  • Beijing Post, which has excellent employment, and Harbin Institute of Technology, the boss of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, have locked in the top 12 side by side, and they are also worthy of choice for candidates interested in information majors;
  • In today's collective rise of engineering universities and squeezing the living space of liberal arts universities, the NPC is one of the few comprehensive universities that have successfully fought back, and Renmin University is worth having

This series of articles will also make statistics on major disciplines such as economics and management, mathematics and chemistry, and medicine, and the comment area tells me the disciplines you want to see the most, and we will release them exclusively on the whole network!