
What causes acne on the forehead? How to condition?

author:Dermatologist - Dr. Lin

I believe that many beauty lovers have such confusion: acne is not long, just like to grow on the forehead a wave of uneven, a wave of up, do not dare to easily use their hands to squeeze the acne, for fear of leaving acne marks, it will be more difficult to repair later. So how do you get away from annoying forehead pimples? Fuzhou Huayan dermatologist told everyone that if you want to stay away from annoying forehead acne, you must start from the root cause of acne and understand the cause of forehead acne outbreak.

What causes acne on the forehead? How to condition?

What causes acne on the forehead?

1. Do not pay attention to forehead cleaning

Now many people will have bangs, but if you do not pay attention to the cleaning of the forehead, it is easy to cause acne on the forehead. Therefore, in the morning and evening, after washing your face, remember to check whether the hairline is clean, so as to prevent acne on the forehead.

2. Do not remove makeup thoroughly at night

For many people who love beauty, they have the habit of putting on makeup before going out, so that they look generous and decent. However, if the makeup removal is not complete at night, the residue of these makeup will easily block the pores, which will also lead to acne on the forehead

3. Excess secretion of oil, imbalance of skin water and oil

Although it is autumn in the cooling season, for many oily skin, the face is still often oily. If the oil secretion on the face is too strong, the skin water and oil are unbalanced, and the pores will be prone to blockage, so that the forehead will naturally continue to grow acne.

4. Bad living habits

If you often stay up late to become addicted, or the mental pressure is too great, these will easily disrupt the operation of the body, causing endocrine disorders, resulting in constant acne on the forehead. Therefore, if we want to prevent acne on the forehead, in addition to paying attention to external skin care, we must also adjust from the inside of the body, so as to play a better auxiliary role.

What should I do if I have acne on my forehead?

If I have acne on my forehead, how should I respond correctly? If it is only superficial non-inflammatory acne, and the number is not large, to achieve a regular life, most of them may eliminate on their own. If you have papules, pustules or even cysts, it is recommended to go to the dermatology department of a regular hospital for symptomatic treatment. The doctor will make a different plan according to each person's situation. In addition, a healthy and regular lifestyle such as going to bed early and getting up early, eating lightly, feeling comfortable, and strengthening exercise is an important means of controlling acne.