
Take a bath in these 2 times when it's hot, and take a "wet bath"! Attract moisture and die suddenly, don't let your body fall on simple and small things

author:Beiqing Net

In the summer heat, bathing has become a "compulsory course" for everyone. Take a cold shower and instantly be full of energy; Take a hot shower and the tiredness of the day will be swept away.

The matter of bathing seems simple, but there are actually many details to pay special attention to, such as bathing time.

In summer, if you choose an inappropriate bathing time, it will not only attract moisture, but also hurt your body!

Take a bath in these 2 times when it's hot, and take a "wet bath"!

After sweating profusely

In the summer, after going home or exercising, people will inevitably sweat profusely, feel sticky, uncomfortable, and just want to take a shower quickly.

Take a bath in these 2 times when it's hot, and take a "wet bath"! Attract moisture and die suddenly, don't let your body fall on simple and small things

Wait! At this time, you must not rush to take a bath!

When people sweat, the body produces a lot of heat, the heart rate increases, blood flow accelerates, and the blood vessels of the skin also dilate.

At this time, whether it is taking a cold shower or a hot shower, it will have adverse effects on health.

Take a cold shower:

First of all, the pores of the human body are in a relaxed state, and after being suddenly stimulated by cold water, the pores will immediately close, and the capillaries will also contract, so that the heat in the body cannot be dissipated, and people will feel stuffy and irritable.

In this way, it may even lead to heat stroke, dizziness, headache, nausea, blackening of the eyes, sore and heavy limbs and other "yin and hot" symptoms.

Take a bath in these 2 times when it's hot, and take a "wet bath"! Attract moisture and die suddenly, don't let your body fall on simple and small things

Secondly, when the blood vessels on the body surface are dilated, the body is suddenly drenched in a cold shower, which will cause the blood vessels to contract rapidly, which is easy to damage the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially those suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases, fatal accidents may occur.

Moreover, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the bath water is too cold (below 25 degrees Celsius), and the cold and humid qi frequently enter the human body, which will not only damage the yang qi of the human body, but also trap the moisture in the body, making people dampness and sick.

Take a hot bath:

Hot water stimulates the body with temperature, accelerates the expansion of blood vessels in the skin of the whole body, and increases the blood flow to the skin, resulting in insufficient blood flow to vital organs such as the heart and brain.

In this way, the human body will have transient hypotension and cerebral ischemia symptoms, manifested as palpitations, palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, etc.

Recommendation: After a lot of sweating or strenuous exercise, rest for 20~30 minutes, wait for no more sweating, and then take a bath with warm water, which should be similar to or slightly higher than the body temperature.

Take a bath in these 2 times when it's hot, and take a "wet bath"! Attract moisture and die suddenly, don't let your body fall on simple and small things

After guasha, cupping

In summer, the cold and humidity are heavier, and people can't stand the high temperature and often stay in the air-conditioned room, so that the yang qi cannot be well vented, and it is easy to have low back pain and other symptoms.

At this time, many people like to use traditional Chinese medicine methods such as gua sha and cupping to scrape or remove the cold and moisture from the body.

But many people overlook one thing, that is, it is not suitable to take a bath after gua sha and cupping.

Take a bath in these 2 times when it's hot, and take a "wet bath"! Attract moisture and die suddenly, don't let your body fall on simple and small things

When scraping, the pores of the human body are open, and the yang is easy to leak, at this time, the fan or air conditioner should be avoided to blow directly on the scrap sha, otherwise cold and moisture will take advantage of the void.

Gua Sha even fans and air conditioners should be avoided, let alone bathing, which will aggravate the cold and dampness in the body.

And cupping, through the suction and warming effect, makes the local capillaries of the skin congested and expanded, to achieve the effect of dispelling wind and dehumidification, dissipating cold and dissolving the surface.

After cupping, the body is in a state of being "damaged", sensitive and fragile, at this time bathing is also easy to attract moisture, but also lead to skin damage, inflammation, etc., and even collapse or fainting.

Therefore, it is recommended that after Gua Sha comes out, try not to bathe within 1 hour; It is best to take a shower after 3 hours after cupping.

After talking about the time when you can't take a bath when it's hot, let's talk to you about a few small questions about bathing——

3 small questions for bathing, finally have the answer after reading!

What is the best time of day to bathe?

In fact, there is no stipulation of when it is best to take a bath. Each person can arrange bathing according to their own needs, which can vary according to factors such as region, climate, and amount of exercise.

But for most people, it is still customary to take a bath before going to bed, which helps improve the quality of sleep.

It is worth noting that this "before bedtime" refers to 1.5~2 hours before going to bed, rather than going to bed immediately after taking a bath.

Take a bath in these 2 times when it's hot, and take a "wet bath"! Attract moisture and die suddenly, don't let your body fall on simple and small things

This is because just after taking a hot bath, the temperature of the torso is high, and it is not a good state to fall asleep.

If you take a bath 1.5~2 hours before going to bed, the body will automatically adjust the temperature, and the temperature of the trunk will drop, allowing the human body to better enter sleep mode.

How often is it good to take a shower when it's hot?

Approaching the three-volt day, sitting still every day is sweaty, coupled with exercise, many people have to take a bath several times a day.

In fact, even if it is hot, it is not recommended that everyone take a bath too often.

Bathing too frequently, will wash off the normal secretion of oil and protective flora on the surface of the skin, easy to cause skin itching, skin resistance will also be weakened, easy to get skin diseases.

Take a bath in these 2 times when it's hot, and take a "wet bath"! Attract moisture and die suddenly, don't let your body fall on simple and small things

Recommendation: In the season of sweating, wash once a day, and wash more once after exercise. The bathing time should not be too long, and the shower should be controlled in 10~15 minutes; Even if you are bathing, do not exceed 20 minutes.

When taking a bath, scrub hard to wash clean?

Many people will think that only by rubbing the skin red when bathing can it be regarded as rubbing the dirt of the body.

In fact, rubbing too hard or rubbing too long, it is easy to destroy the "protective barrier" on the surface of the skin, and the fan or air conditioner blows again in summer, and the moisture will "take advantage of the void".

Suggestion: Rubbing the bath is a moderate stop, it is best to rub every few days, so that the skin is not red, not painful. (Daily Wellness Push)