
Sixty-year-old aunt looking for a partner is looking for happiness, what kind of man will bring happiness to aunt?

author:Oriental old Dai
Sixty-year-old aunt looking for a partner is looking for happiness, what kind of man will bring happiness to aunt?

Fifty or sixty-year-old aunts and old ladies, through ups and downs for decades. Some aunts and old ladies are separated from their wives while walking, leaving behind a lonely person, how will they live in the future? What to do for the rest of your life? Do you want to find another companion to travel with? If you want to find a companion, what kind of companion should you find? What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with? In fact, it's very simple, don't guess the mind of the aunt, looking for a partner is looking for happiness!

If someone asks Dongfang Lao Dai, what kind of man is a good man? Then, Dongfang Lao Dai believes that the man who can bring happiness to the aunt and old lady is a good man. A man who can make his aunt and wife live a happy life should have the following conditions:

First of all, the man who can bring happiness to the aunt and the old lady must be a handsome and dashing man. Everyone has a heart for beauty, and Aunt and Mrs. are no exception. The man you are looking for must make the aunt and the old lady look comfortable to have a happy feeling, so the man the aunt and the old lady want to find must first have an eye edge, and it is only comfortable to live together with the eye edge.

Sixty-year-old aunt looking for a partner is looking for happiness, what kind of man will bring happiness to aunt?

Handsome and dashing handsome men with a good look can become a sought-after item in the remarriage market, like Dongfang Lao Dai such a crooked old man don't guess the mind of the aunt and old lady to find a partner, no one will look at you, if you don't go on a blind date with the aunt and the old lady, there is still a little dignity, if you go on a blind date, you will make jokes, saying that you are a toad who wants to eat swan meat and is delusional, you still don't understand; Say that you are Wu Dalang, you are still not convinced.

Secondly, the man who can bring happiness to the aunt and the old lady must be a man in good health. Good health is the most important. Don't be a handsome old man, you can't look good, just like a thing, the medium weight must be used; It's like a delicacy, good looking and delicious. To make the aunts and ladies happy, people must not only be tall, handsome, handsome, handsome, dashing, and Saipan An, but also healthy and powerful.

Sixty-year-old aunt looking for a partner is looking for happiness, what kind of man will bring happiness to aunt?

A healthy body is the cornerstone of a happy life, and without a healthy body, happiness in life is impossible. Although Dongfang Lao Dai's body is healthy, it is not completely healthy, and he looks weak and has no strong appearance, if he is not mistaken, it should belong to a sub-health state, and such a physical state cannot shoulder the heavy responsibility of making the aunt and old lady live happily. The iron also needs to be hard, the old man needs to find a companion, first of all, to strengthen the body and have a strong and good body.

Third, the man who can bring happiness to the aunt and the old lady must be a young and energetic man. Young talents are full of vitality. When you get older, the body will naturally age, of course, everyone ages at different speeds. An old man like Dongfang Lao Dai is aging a little faster, and the 65-year-old man looks like an old birthday star in his 100s, full of gray hair, and walks in an old state. Such an old man cannot bring a happy life to fifty or sixty-year-old aunts and old ladies.

Aunts and old ladies looking for a wife, you can't just look at age, you must look at the degree of aging of men, see if they are aging. Relatively speaking, it is still a little younger and the happiness coefficient is greater, so the conditional aunt and old lady try to find a smaller man, the younger two or three years old is normal, the younger eight or nine years old is not strange, the younger teenager will be happy. Equality between men and women has long been advocated, and an old man in his eighties and nineties can marry a woman in his twenties and thirties, so why can't a woman in her fifties and sixties find a man in her thirties and forties to marry?

Sixty-year-old aunt looking for a partner is looking for happiness, what kind of man will bring happiness to aunt?

Moreover, young men can be strong and strong, and they can take care of the old life of their aunt and wife. Both are elderly and neither can take care of the other. Two old people living together to the point that they can't take care of themselves will inevitably be sent to a nursing home, and the aunts and ladies who resolutely refuse to enter the nursing home must find a young man at least 10 years younger than themselves to take care of themselves until they are old and live the rest of their lives happily, so that they can be regarded as finding a lifetime of happiness.

Fourth, the man who can bring happiness to the aunt and wife must be a hardworking man who can do housework. Men have to be ingenious and able to do the work to be liked by the aunt and the old lady. The aunt has worked hard for decades, can she still be a nanny for men when she is old? Is life as a babysitter happy? The aunt and the old lady find a partner to find happiness, in order to enjoy happiness, no one will be a nanny, even a fool will not.

Dongfang Lao Dai, this bad old man, is very bad, and he deserves no aunt and old lady to look at him. He was clamoring all day for a wife, but he was actually looking for a babysitter. He himself can't cook, can't do laundry, and third, can't do house hygiene, so he tries in every possible way to ask his aunt and old lady to do housework, will wash and cook for him, especially to be good at cooking, make a delicious good dish for him to enjoy. Women should also be good at taking care of the residential rooms and ensure that the rooms in the house are neat and clean. The most ridiculous thing is that he also recommends that the woman looking for a partner first familiarize herself with the book "Women are Servants of Men". If the aunt and the old lady want to find a happy and happy life, the man she is looking for must seriously study the book "Man is a Servant of a Woman".

Sixty-year-old aunt looking for a partner is looking for happiness, what kind of man will bring happiness to aunt?

Fifth, the man who can bring happiness to the aunt and the old lady must be a rich man. To live a good and happy life, money must not be lacking, and as much as possible. Dongfang Lao Dai is a little money, but just that little money, 7,000 yuan a month, is it enough to travel abroad? There will be no money if you can't swim far in the country, and if you follow such an old man with money, you will be stretched thin, not happy at all, what happiness is there to speak of? Therefore, if the aunt and the old lady want to live a happy life, she must find a rich man, and the more the merrier.

As we all know, in the future, whether the aunt and the old lady will have a good life, whether they will quarrel, whether it will be unpleasant, whether the life will be a chicken feather, or full of gold, the key is how much money is in the pocket. Dongfang Lao Dai said: If our love is a bright lamp that illuminates our happy life, then money is the electricity bill paid to make the lamp bright. This is reasonable, but it is a pity that the money worn by the old Dongfang cannot make the lamp of love brighter.

Sixty-year-old aunt looking for a partner is looking for happiness, what kind of man will bring happiness to aunt?

Sixth, the man who can bring happiness to the aunt and the old lady must be a man who lives alone in a mansion. Today's aunts and ladies are relatively indifferent to money, do not require men to have gold and silver mountains, nor do they require men to have several apartments, only require men to live alone in a mansion, this requirement is not high, right?

It is not enough to have a house to live in, you must live separately from your children and live independently, so that if you don't live together and have conflicts, then your happiness will drop to the freezing point. A man who lives alone is not completely cut off from his children, but two people who live happily must not let their children disturb them, and once they are sick or unable to take care of themselves, they must bear the responsibility and obligation of taking care of themselves. In addition, men who live alone should have luxury cars and can drive, and finding such a man can be regarded as finding happiness.

All in all, the man who can bring happiness to the aunt and the old lady must be handsome, healthy, young, hardworking, rich and a man who lives alone. Ask yourself, am I such a man? What reason do I have not to die alone? (2023.6.30)

Sixty-year-old aunt looking for a partner is looking for happiness, what kind of man will bring happiness to aunt?
