
Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

author:Shouguang New Media Association

In order to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, praise the glorious course of the party, inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions, on the evening of June 29, Jitai Town held a grand "Praise for the New Era" celebration of July 1 literary and artistic gala.

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

With the theme of "Praising the New Era, Striving for a New Journey", the party kicked off with the dance "The Best Stage". From recalling the 100-year history of the Party and not forgetting the way it came, to working hard to draw a blueprint, to the journey of rejuvenation, we can achieve far-reaching things, sing and dance, and praise the Party's kindness.

Celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China


Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!
Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

The main responsible comrades of Jitai Town delivered a speech for the party: Since the beginning of this year, under the correct leadership of the Shouguang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Jitai Town has closely focused on the goal of "building a better Jitai with strong strength, excellent quality and beautiful life", focusing on project construction, urban renewal, agricultural development, people's livelihood undertakings, and a row of bottom lines, deeply planning and promoting 14 key tasks, and coordinating the layout and construction of 15 key projects, and the economy and society have continued to improve steadily. In the next step of work, all town and village cadres in Jitai will persist in taking mission as life and development as their own responsibility, always strive to be strong, bury their heads in hard work, innovate ideas, dare to think and do, and continue to write a new chapter in the construction and development of Jitai with fuller enthusiasm and higher fighting spirit, and contribute Jitai's strength to accelerating the construction of a modern and strong socialist city in the new era!

Celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China


Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

The party was divided into three parts: the blue strands of the road for a hundred years, and the new journey of singing; The years reflect the heart unchanged, and the time light ambition does not change; The original intention of the oath is like a rock, and the party's kindness is as deep as the sea.

A hundred years of road blue, a new journey is singing forward

A century of ups and downs, a century of flourishing, the stirring singing and the beautiful stage, the enthusiastic dance interpretation of a new style. The song "Flowers All the Way", children's solo "That Red Flag", recitation of "July Sky", song "Where Has Time Gone", the fun game "Idiom Solitaire", the national dance "The Direction of the Party Flag Flying" and other wonderful programs took turns, pushing the cultural evening to one climax after another and won a round of applause.

Celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China


Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Wonderful program showcase

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Opening dance "The Best Stage"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Girls sing "Flowers All the Way"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Children's solo "That Red Flag"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Poetry reading "July Sky"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Girls sing solo "Where Has Time Gone"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

National dance "The direction of the party flag flying"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Boy solo "Sudden Self"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

"Three and a half sentences of safe production"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Girls sing solo "New Noble Concubine Drunk"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Fun Activity "Idiom Solitaire"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Boys' chorus "How Much I Want to Embrace You in a Mediocre Life"

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Poem Reading "China in the Moonlight"

The original intention of the years remains unchanged, and the ambition of the time light does not change

At the party, the principal responsible comrades of the party and government of Jitai Town also presented a commemorative medal to retired cadre Comrade Lu Xinming, expressed high respect and sincere blessings to him, congratulated him on his glorious retirement, opened a new stage of his life, and wished him to take care of his health and enjoy a wonderful retirement life. The retired cadres said that they will always keep in mind their original mission, insist on not fading in retirement, continue to give full play to their residual enthusiasm, and continue to relate to the development of various undertakings in Jitai.

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

The original intention of the oath is like a rock, and the party's kindness is as deep as the sea

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill my obligations as a party member, implement the party's decisions, strictly abide by the party's discipline, keep the party's secrets, be loyal to the party, work actively, fight for communism all my life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party." Amid the rousing music, all the members of the party stood up, raised their right fists, and relived the oath of joining the party, and the sonorous and powerful oath echoed for a long time.

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

The whole performance came to an end with the chorus "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and the actors and the audience sang together, singing about the new era and always following the party.

Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!
Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!
Praise the new era, strive for a new journey - this celebration party in Jitai Town is enough to burn!

Celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC

A century-old party, flourishing

Thousands of great deeds, continue to write brilliant

Let's hold our heads high and move forward

It's time to forge ahead!