
I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

author:Shi Jin told the truth

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I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

Recently, the video about the "eight-year clinical medicine of the Navy Military Medical University as a doctorate degree with military status" has aroused the envy of the whole network!

Some netizens even commented: Although studying medicine is very tiring, the military status is too fragrant!

Others said: doctors + doctors + military status + army salaries, you can also stay in Shanghai for development ... The king exploded

Some people say: For the children of the cold family, military status is a symbol of crossing classes

Some people even ridiculed: whether doctors ➕ with military status ➕ and doctorates in Shandong will be ranked in France

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

Why does a major cause such a big response from netizens?

We may see two good trends in this:

First, the improvement of the social status of soldiers;

The second is the improvement of the social status of doctors.

— Below, please taste —

The 8-year clinical specialty of the military hospital school

The eight-year clinical medicine major of the Naval Military Medical University is a military cadet recruited and trained for ordinary local high school graduates. By the fifth year, you can start receiving a salary, with 10,000 yuan a month! Those who pass the examination of all academic courses and meet the requirements of the school will be issued a medical doctor graduation certificate; Doctors of Medicine will be awarded to those who meet the conditions for the awarding of degrees.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

This major is the most popular among netizens, is (1) have military status + (2) obtain a doctoral degree within 8 years, and after graduation, you can get a standardized training certificate, a medical practitioner certificate, and a doctoral degree, which is very cost-effective. 4 This is very valuable for many students who want to improve their career competitiveness.

However, this professional place is actually more than that.

For children who want to become doctors, this profession means a high level of education and scientific training, and there are also opportunities to carry out exchange visits with well-known medical colleges at home and abroad.

Second, it is the "development in Shanghai" mentioned by netizens - several affiliated hospitals of the Naval Military Medical University are also the best hospitals in Shanghai! Whether assigned to a hospital or assigned to a field army, engaged in clinical medical work, as a clinician, senior clinician, etc. This is very meaningful for many students who have the feeling of serving the country.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

Of course, this major also has some disadvantages and risks, and the biggest risk is fierce competition and high admission scores.

Hahaha, of course, candidates with good strength can also challenge it!

What does it mean behind the taste of the naval medical profession?

On the one hand, this reflects the enthusiasm and yearning of contemporary high school students for the medical profession.

The medical profession is a noble profession that involves human life and health, and it is also a science that requires continuous learning and innovation. Many high school students choose to major in medicine out of interest in medical knowledge, curiosity about medical technology, dreams of saving lives, or a sense of responsibility to contribute to society.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

On the other hand, it reflects the recognition and trust of contemporary high school students for military academies.

Military academies and universities are national key higher education institutions, with excellent teachers, advanced teaching facilities, strict management system and broad development space. Many high school students choose military academies out of admiration for military academies, yearning for military careers, love for national defense construction, and, of course, expectations for military welfare.

On the other hand, it reflects the rationality of contemporary high school students.

The eight-year clinical medicine major of the Naval Military Medical University can obtain a doctorate degree in medicine and military status within eight years, and can receive high-level education and scientific research training, and also have the opportunity to carry out exchanges and visits with well-known medical colleges at home and abroad. This is very attractive to many students who want to pursue a career in the medical field. In contrast, it takes longer and more money for general medical schools to achieve the same goal.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

Finally, it also means that today's students have their own responsibilities and preparations

With the economic and social development of the mainland and the changes in the international situation, the mainland's maritime rights and interests and maritime security are facing more and more threats and challenges. As the only comprehensive professional scientific research institution engaged in naval military medical research in mainland China, the Naval Military Medical University shoulders the important mission of providing high-quality security support for naval forces and cultivating high-quality talents. Many high school students choose this major because they see the medical talents needed for future maritime operations and marine development, and hope to contribute to the country.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

Doctors and military men, are becoming respectable professions

The historical status of doctors in China is not static, but fluctuates with the times. In general, the status of doctors in ancient China was not high, although there were some doctors who were respected and praised for their excellent medical skills and noble medical ethics. But most of the time, it is seen as a "pariah" or "trail".

In the pre-Qin period, the status of doctors was lower, and they were classified as "people of square skills", on a par with Fangshu such as Bu Xiao and Astrology. But there are also some doctors who are treated and used by princes of various countries because of their miraculous medical skills, such as Bian Que.

From the Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and then to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the status of doctors gradually improved, and even they were included in the official sequence, enjoying a certain social status and treatment. However, there are also some scholars who have a contemptuous and contemptuous attitude towards doctors, such as Han Yu who said in "Shi Shuo": "A man who works a hundred jobs by witch doctors and musicians is not a gentleman." "This reflects the social ethos of the time, which was not so respectful of doctors.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

In addition, as a palace medical institution, although it has a high status, it also faces great risks and pressures, and may be executed or exiled if the treatment of royal family members fails or fails.

From the Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties to the Ming Dynasty, the status of doctors was further improved, many outstanding medical scientists and medical schools appeared, and medical theory and practice were greatly developed and innovated, such as the "Compendium of Materia Medica" and other famous works came out.

After entering the Qing Dynasty, the status of doctors declined again, especially in the Qing Dynasty, when the development of Chinese medicine approached depression and stagnation. Folk doctors such as Jianghu Langzhong and You Fanglang have emerged in large numbers, often selling medicine, supplemented by medical treatment, and using various tricks to deceive the people.

After entering the modern era, the status of doctors in China has been affected in many ways, including the introduction of Western medicine, the establishment of church hospitals, the establishment of the Chinese Medical Association, the occurrence of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, the establishment of New China, and the reform and opening up.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

The introduction of Western medicine, on the one hand, has brought challenges and impacts to Chinese medicine, on the other hand, it has also brought opportunities and stimuli to Chinese medicine, prompting a series of reforms and developments, such as absorbing the theories and technologies of Western medicine, promoting the scientificization and modernization of Chinese medicine, and establishing Chinese medicine schools and societies.

In this sense, Western medicine has played a positive role in improving the status of Chinese medicine in modern Chinese society.

After the founding of New China, with the establishment of the socialist system and the development of national health, both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have received unprecedented support and encouragement. Doctors have also gradually become a respectable profession.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

Also changing is the status of military personnel.

From the Han and Tang dynasties, to the "martial arts are inferior to the wen" of the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, and then to the modern "soldiers are the foundation of the country", the status of Chinese soldiers has experienced ups and downs.

Especially in the Song Dynasty, the army was even called "thief with army", which shows its low status.

After the founding of New China, "soldiers" had an exclusive title in China - "people's children's soldiers". With the start of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, soldiers have become the loveliest people!

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

From a realistic point of view, the status of the Continental Army personnel is constantly improving, and the state and society have given better preferential treatment, more material security, and stronger spiritual encouragement to the soldiers.

On June 10, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Status and Rights and Interests of Servicemen, which is the first law in the mainland to specifically protect the status and rights of servicemen, and the first law named after "servicemen" in the mainland.

I heard that this is the most enviable profession? Netizen: That's paid reading + military status!

Judging from the feedback of netizens, Chinese netizens generally envy military status, which is not only the yearning and admiration for the military profession itself, believing that soldiers are a heroic group who sacrifice for the country and the nation, defend the security and dignity of the motherland, and safeguard world peace and justice, and also recognize the social status of soldiers!

— End of this issue —

Figure| Shi Jin