
Food recommendation: secret goose paw, spicy jianghu frog, tiger palm mushroom stewed snail slice production method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: secret goose paw, spicy jianghu frog, tiger palm mushroom stewed snail slice production method

Secret goose paw


It is an appetizer with a delicious bone aroma suitable for friends. Can make cold cuts appetizing.


Goosefoot wings 300 g.


20g green onion, 5g ginger, 15g dark soy sauce, 8g salt, 10g sugar, 60g rice wine.


1. Wash the goose paw and control the moisture;

2. Add 30 grams of oil, fry ginger and shallots, and spatulate at least a little yellow shovel under the goose palm;

3. Put the seasoning in a pot, put on a bamboo mat, put the goose palm, boil the green onion, and simmer for 40 minutes;

4. Rub sesame oil on a plate, cut into pieces after cooling.

Food recommendation: secret goose paw, spicy jianghu frog, tiger palm mushroom stewed snail slice production method

Spicy quack frog

This dish of jianghu frog is spicy and fragrant, the frog meat and shrimp meat are tender, the lotus root slices are crispy, and the kelp is soft and glutinous, which makes people can't bear to stop.

Raw material:

500 grams of beautiful frogs, 300 grams of sandless flower nails, 7 fresh shrimp (weighing about 100 grams), 300 grams of ginger, 100 grams of green pepper and red pepper, 100 grams of lotus root, 30 grams of kelp, 50 grams of amaranth skin, 50 grams of tofu skin, 20 grams of fresh peppercorns, 25 grams of green peppercorns, a little green onion and ginger pieces.


80 grams of boiled frog sauce (clinker), 100 grams of boiled frog sauce (raw food), cooking wine, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper, spicy fresh sauce, salt, rapeseed oil.


1. Slaughter and clean the beautiful frogs one by one, rinse off the blood with running water, and fish them out and drain; In addition, put the flower nail in a basin of clean water to soak, clean it and drain it; After cleaning the prawns, take the knife and open the back one by one, remove the shell and remove the shrimp line and clean it; Cut the tofu skin into long strips; Peel and wash the lotus root and cut into thin slices; kelp cut into long square bars; Soak the skin in water; In addition, cut the ginger into coarse strips, cut the green pepper and red pepper in half, and set aside.

2. Scoop an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add tofu skin, kelp strips, lotus root slices, take it out after cooking, drain the water, and pour it into the bottom of the large nest plate.

3. Pour an appropriate amount of rapeseed oil into a clean pot and cook until it is 40% hot, add ginger grains and fry until fragrant, add boiled frog sauce (raw material), pour in shredded ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, put in the processed beauty frog and stir-fry, add boiled frog sauce (clinker) and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Then cook a little cooking wine, mix with an appropriate amount of water and boil, boil for a while on high heat, during which an appropriate amount of chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper, spicy fresh sauce, salt, etc. are added in turn, pour in the prepared flower shell, fresh shrimp and soaked skin, and continue to cook over high heat. Until the ingredients are cooked, put into a plate lined with lotus root, tofu skin, and kelp. Finally, pour the red stock from the pot into the nest plate.

5. Heat vegetable oil until 60% hot, add an appropriate amount of fresh peppercorns, green peppercorns, shredded ginger, green pepper segments, and red pepper segments to stir-fry until fragrant, pour on the ingredients in the pot to stir fragrant, and finally sprinkle some shallots on the table.

Food recommendation: secret goose paw, spicy jianghu frog, tiger palm mushroom stewed snail slice production method

Stewed snail slices

Raw material:

50g black tiger mushroom, 50g lean meat, 1 snail, 2g tangerine peel, 5g pitted red dates.

Stewed soup base:

4000g water, 4g chicken broth season, 4g mellow Yipin soup, 4g real soup, 10g salt, chicken powder.


1. Soak the black tiger palm fungus to remove the sand and remove the roots after chopping;

2. After taking out the snail meat, wash it and change the knife into thick pieces of flying water and fish it out;

3. Simmer lean meat and soup for 1 hour;

4. Add black tiger palm mushroom and simmer for another 1 hour;

5. Add the screw pieces and simmer slightly.

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