
Holding on to the crippled is also having a broad mind

author:Shanxi News Network
Holding on to the crippled is also having a broad mind

Professor Yao Guojin of Shanxi University has opened a lecture hall on the history of public welfare in 20 years

In the eyes of outsiders, Yao Guojin is a calligrapher who writes well, and some people even falsely rumor that Yao Guojin is Yao Dianzhong's son. But everyone in the circle knows that Yao Guojin is a calligraphy researcher, an expert in literature and history, an apprentice of Yao Dianzhong and Lin Peng, and a student of Zhang Hao. Those who knew him well commented: He was a gentle and elegant scholar, an educator with a full belly, a devout Buddhist scholar, and a calligrapher with pen and ink in his heart...

The ancients were cloudy, and the door was born from three points. After many years of being taught by three people known as the "Three Jins and Three Sages", Yao Guojin and his people naturally filled the outside world with curiosity.

Since 1999, Yao Guojin has opened a lecture hall on the history of scripture in Taiyuan, preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles, inheriting and promoting traditional Chinese culture. The gathering of listeners has opened a window for newcomers in Shanxi's book industry and formed a new atmosphere. Since its establishment, he has successively invited Shanxi scholars such as Xia Daren, Han Shishan, Bai Qianshen, Wei Guanglai, Liu Heng, Wen Jinyu, Xie Yong, etc., to give lectures at the Jingshi Lecture Hall.

All the activities of the Jingshi Lecture Hall are public welfare, and the talents of Guangluo are not only free to the outside world, but also provide tea, paper and ink. Compared with that kind of high-consumption place, compared with some famous and profit-minded gatherings, it is like a pure, quiet "paradise".

A from Yao to Yao Guojin

Yao Guojin was born in 1958 in Hejin, Shanxi. The town of Tonghua, where it is located, was originally called Beiwuzhuang, but in 1972 it was transferred from Hejin City to Vang Vieng County. Tonghua Town is also the hometown of Wang Tong, a famous educator and thinker in the late Sui Dynasty, known as "Wen Zhongzi", after his death, people built a temple in his honor, changed the name of the village to Tonghua, taking its simple folk style as Wang Tong's meaning.

The local cultural atmosphere is strong, Yao Guojin's great-grandfather Yao Mingkui, the fifth character, is a former Qing Dynasty. In the countryside, he ran the "RuQinxiang" academy. "My second grandfather Yao Yiyi was one of the best, he was admitted to the Shanxi Wubei Academy in 1902, and in 1904 he was selected to study in Japan, and among the Shanxi students who stayed in Japan at the same time as him, there was a person named Yan Xishan..." This Yao in Yao Guojin's mouth fired the first shot of the Shanxi Xinhai Revolution and drafted the plan for the uprising. Sun Yat-sen commented on this: Make the non-Shanxi uprising, cut off the traffic between the north and the south, and the world's affairs are unknown. After Yao Yiyi's death, he was posthumously awarded the army general by the Nationalist government.

Yao Guojin's grandfather Yao Yixia was not inferior, he had graduated from the Baoding Military Academy, and was a classmate of the famous anti-Japanese general Fu Zuoyi, and was married to Jinlan. On the eve of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he entered the Northwest Army and served as the commander of the city defense of Tongzhou. Around 1949, the family returned to the old mansion in Tonghua, and his father taught calligraphy, liked calligraphy, and had many students.

When he was a teenager, Yao Guojin learned to write with his grandfather and father, and he had a lot of skills. Surprisingly, Vang Vieng has a strong local cultural atmosphere, and there is no shortage of cultural talents in just one small village. In 1978, when the college entrance examination was resumed, Yao Guojin mistakenly applied for the Taiyuan Heavy Machinery College to study rolling mills, and in 1982, he graduated and was assigned to Taiyuan Mining Machinery Factory. Although he was in the company of machines and screws every day, he never stopped practicing calligraphy, let alone reading. He was not willing to be a technician and engineer in the factory for a lifetime, although he did not know where the goal was, but he knew that his interests and strengths could not be abandoned.

In 1982, Yao Guojin went to Taiyuan Nangong to study Yan Ti under Chen Jiashu. In order to get acquainted with Wei Junxiu, a native of Xiangfen, Shanxi, the predecessor of the book industry, Yao Guojin took advantage of his business trip to Xi'an to visit Shaanxi Normal University for advice, and became a friend of the year. Later, he visited the door with colleagues of the "Danya Society", so he was often called a teacher. As an old-school literati, Wei Junxiu had a rough life, and his situation was lamentable. "The times destroyed a scholar and made a scholar." At the memorial service for the first anniversary of Elder Wei's death, Yao Guojin said that calligraphy was just a means for him to dispel his depression and fight against fate in a harsh environment. Therefore, do not compare mr. calligraphy with others, it is not easy to write calligraphy as a rehearsal in such a situation.

Life is afraid of people with hearts, and in terms of governance, Yao Guojin is indeed a person with hearts. It is not difficult to understand that Yao Guojin later got to know Mr. Zhang Hao and Mr. Lin Peng, and then paid homage to Mr. Yao Dianzhong. The ancients said: "Take from above, get from it; take from it, get it below; take from below, then you have nothing to gain." When some calligraphy enthusiasts were still hesitating what font to learn, Yao Guojin had already started first and asked the best gentleman around him for advice.

After leaving taiyuan mining machinery factory, Yao Guojin entered the Shanxi University United Publishing House. Since the establishment of the calligraphy major of Taiyuan Normal College in 1995, Yao Guojin has been teaching here, and in early 2004, he was officially transferred to Taiyuan Normal College.

While teaching at Taishi College, he taught two courses, "History of Chinese Calligraphy" and "Fundamentals of Seal Calligraphy". To this end, Yao Guojin poured a lot of time and energy. The teaching of calligraphy has promoted his thinking on calligraphy, from the accumulation of direct experience to the rational thinking of teaching, which tends to be more mature and profound.

Taishi College is on the verge of the Nansha River, and has lived here for a long time, so Yao Guojin called himself Nansha Weng and Nansha Resident. I can't help but think that Mr. Lin Peng lived in the former provincial government's East Garden Dormitory for a long time, so he called himself the East Garden Gong.

Mr. Lin Peng, 91, is a well-known cursive calligrapher in The country and served as the chairman of the Shanxi Calligraphy Association. Yao Guojin knew him first, he had the idea of worshiping the teacher, Mr. Lin was very modest, recommended Yao Guojin to worship under Yao Dianzhong. In Yao Guojin's eyes, The Mentor Lin Peng "is not so much a calligrapher as a cultural person." He does have the character of a cultural man and the temperament of an artist."

Yao Guojin listened to a speech by Yao Dianzhong, who was knowledgeable and had a novel point of view, so he decided to worship under his door, and after several twists and turns, "Yao Men Lixue", finally touched Mr. Yao, and formally prostrated himself as a teacher. This master is not a white worshipper, and Mr. Yao Dianzhong is very serious. For more than a year, he had to teach the Shuowen every weekend, thus laying a good foundation for Yao Guojin's ancient writing. He once recalled his mentor Yao Dianzhong: "He was a scholar-type calligrapher, knowledgeable, cultivated, kung fu, and insightful. In order to complete the homework assigned by Mr. Yao, Yao Guojin will consult Zhang Hao in advance, mr. Zhang is extremely rigorous in his studies, and gives Yao Guojin a lot of help in ancient scripts and ancient astronomical and calendar knowledge, which benefits him a lot.

<b>B</b> From engineer to the history lecture hall

Yao Guojin was a person who respected his teacher and was also a person who re-taught. In 1999, Yao Guojin, with the encouragement of many friends and teachers in the book industry, founded the Lecture Hall on Classics and History. Confucius said: To learn without thinking is to be reckless, and to think without learning is to perish. For calligraphy, the technique is only a question of "how to express", which is shallow. The importance of knowledge lies in solving the problem of "what to show". If you only pay attention to the technical level and ignore the knowledge, then after learning "how to express", you will be at a loss in the content of the performance, which has almost become a common disease in the calligraphy world.

"This is the original intention of my establishment of the Lecture Hall on The History of Scripture. The lecture hall was originally opened for young people in society who loved calligraphy. "In the past 20 years, without interruption, many disciples have emerged in the Three Jin Dynasty and achieved remarkable results. Yao Guojin was very pleased, saying that at the beginning of the opening of the History Lecture Hall, he had consulted Yao Dianzhong, Zhang Hao, Lin Peng, and others, and everyone agreed with him and gave him great encouragement.

Yao Guojin introduced that the sutras told by the History Lecture Hall are one of the classics and the other of Song Ming's science. Classics are the core of Chinese culture and have a great influence on Chinese. Song Ming's science is all the study of the inner saint and the outer king, Zhu Xue talks about the knowledge of the qualities and things, and the learning is more important than the verification, and Wang Yangming talks about conscience, emphasizing the inherent goodness of people. Rigaku is influenced by Zen Buddhism, and if Zhu Xue is partial to gradual cultivation, then Wang Xue is partial to enlightenment. Academic thought may affect art to a certain extent, such as some calligraphy with Zen meaning, the pursuit of tranquility, and the pursuit of transcendence, which is also common in literature and other arts other than calligraphy. The historiographical explanation of the Jingshi Lecture Hall can also be said to be the history of jingsheng.

At the beginning, Yao Guojin presided over the scripture department, "mainly based on the Four Books, followed by the study of Cheng Zhu Lu wang, Chen Ming Dayi, discerning the source stream, solving puzzles and answering questions, and sometimes inventing." His fellow scholar, Wu Gaoge, a doctor of history and a postdoctoral researcher in calligraphy, talked about history, which is to enhance the students' knowledge, expand their horizons, and deepen their accumulation through the cultivation of their cultural level, so that they have a broader space for development.

Over the years, there are calligraphy enthusiasts, leading cadres at all levels, and famous calligraphers who have achieved great calligraphy, who write, communicate, listen to lectures, get along harmoniously, and enjoy harmony.

In the mid-summer of 2011, in the name of the Jingshi Lecture Hall, Yao Guojin held an "Invitation Exhibition of Calligraphy Sketches of the Jingshi Lecture Hall" in Taiyuan, exhibiting more than 100 calligraphy sketches by more than 50 calligraphers inside and outside Shanxi Province, such as Yao Dianzhong, Zhang Hao, Lin Peng, Cao Baolin, bai Qianshen, etc. The results of the lecture hall were presented for the first time and inspired the confidence of many young people.

C From the book writer to the study of literature and history

In 2013, Yao Guojin was transferred to Shanxi University and became a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and a tutor for postgraduate students in calligraphy.

Since the early 1990s, Yao Guojin has established an academic research object, Fu Shan. He established the "Danya Book Club" with his colleagues in the book industry, aiming to carry forward Fu Shan's learning, calligraphy and art, and even more to carry forward its humanistic spirit.

In order to study Fu Shan in depth, he traveled to the Shanxi Museum and the Jinci Museum, read a lot of materials about Fu Shan, and visited the original calligraphy of Fu Shan. For the unclear and ambiguous places, he wrote a book to Dr. Bai Qianshen, a professor of art history at Boston University in a foreign country. He made a detailed examination and elaboration of Fu Shan's academic thoughts, family lineage, and the content of his works, co-authored and studied Fu Shan's calligraphy work "Complete Collection of Chinese Calligraphy and Fu Shan Scrolls" with Mr. Lin Peng, and then wrote dozens of calligraphy papers on Fu Shan, such as "Fu Shan's "Tianquan Wubaitu" Gift Examination", and achieved fruitful results in the study of Fu Shan's calligraphy, which won the praise of calligraphy colleagues and was elected as a member of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association.

He believes that culture, including calligraphy, is a part of life. He also declared, "I like calligraphy because of my sincerity in art, and I love calligraphy because of my attachment to traditional culture." It was his vow to art. He had his own opinion on learning: comparison was meant to illustrate the problem, not to judge the high and low. Any comparison that transcends time, space, category is meaningless. He also wrote in his book", "Calligraphy is both artistic and academic. Scholarship needs the feeling of art, and art needs academic thinking. As the vice chairman of the Shanxi Calligraphers Association, Yao Guojin has served as a judge of the "Lanting Award" of Chinese calligraphy, a judge of the National Calligraphy Seal Engraving Exhibition, and a judge of the National Calligraphy Symposium.

Yao Guojin has a sentence in the "Zhenlu Whispers": Holding the cripple and keeping the deficiencies, everyone thinks it is inappropriate, but I am happy. The fragmentation of culture, the decline of tradition, the loss of civilization, regrets also. Instead of sighing, it is better to keep it. The writer Zhou Zongqi was particularly appreciative of his idea of "holding on to the cripple and holding on to the deficiencies", "... Or reading books and expounding on the Tao, or setting up a church to educate people, or writing books and sayings, or participating in Zen ritual Buddhas, or writing with a pen, are you afraid that he has no personality, no soul, and no unique world? 'Wind and cloud three-foot sword' 'Autumn water article does not stain dust' ah! ”

Willing to hold on to the cripple and stick to this, is not a kind of big mind!

Reporter Zhou Junfangwen/Photo