
Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

author:Yi Xiaochuan

On June 26, a shocking incident occurred in Dongying, Shandong, where a man repeatedly ran over a woman with his car, which attracted the attention and indignation of netizens.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

According to the video posted by netizens, the man did not have any tolerance and mercy when driving, he drove the car to the woman, and then crushed her body hard, repeating this cruel act again and again, sadly, after each crushing, the man even got out of the car to check the woman's condition, and then got into the car again and drove to crush it, completely without any human performance.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

According to the video transmitted on the Internet, when the incident occurred, the man got out of the car to check, took out his mobile phone to shoot, and then got into the car again to crush his wife. The woman who once fell to the ground did not move at all, the man pushed her with his hand, found that she was still conscious, so he got into the car again and repeatedly ran over the woman, it is worth mentioning that the woman initially tried to hide under a private car parked on the side of the road, but unfortunately was found by the man and pulled into the road, and was repeatedly crushed by the vehicle.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

The video quickly went viral on the internet, attracting widespread attention and condemnation. Netizens condemned this inhumane act and called on relevant departments to severely punish perpetrators and protect women's rights and interests. The fact that the woman in the video suffered such serious injuries and lost her life innocently makes people deeply saddened and indignant.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

After a preliminary investigation, the Dongying Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a circular confirming that the suspect was Wang. The report pointed out that Wang Mouxing caused the tragedy due to a family dispute, and while driving, he crushed his wife Zhang to death. At present, the suspect has been criminally detained.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

There are family disputes and conflicts between men and women, however, whatever the reason, this cruel act cannot be accepted and justified by any reason, and the family is the warmest and safest haven for a person, but such incidents make people feel cold.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

I used to watch the news, there will be anger and other emotions, I didn't think that the devil was around, yesterday I watched the original video, in addition to fear, scalp numbness, and nausea and vomiting, according to the witness aunt, a passerby drove by to stop him, he got out of the car and kowtowed to passers-by, and got into the car to continue to crush, and then waited for the police to come.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

Compared with the proportion of males killing women or females killing men in vicious cases in recent years, or men killing other people's families, driving into crowds, dividing corpses, etc., what happened to some men? Can't the evil in your bones be closed?

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

This tragic case shocked people all over the country, triggered deep thinking about the problem of domestic violence, many netizens expressed indignation and anger at this incident, and called on the relevant departments to strengthen the crackdown and punishment of domestic violence, for such cruel acts, everyone can not understand and accept, how has the wife ever offended men in bigamous life, and suffered such cruel treatment.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

This tragic incident has once again aroused the attention of society to domestic violence and women's rights and interests, and the violence caused by family disputes is distressing, which not only deprives an innocent woman of her life, but also brings great harm to society.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

In addition, relevant departments need to strengthen the mediation and resolution of family disputes, provide more comprehensive social services, and provide more help and support for the prevention and treatment of domestic violence.

Too ferocious! The woman was repeatedly crushed to death, and the real reason is chilling

Finally, it is hoped that the relevant departments will increase the intensity of crackdown and punishment on domestic violence, use this as a reference and lesson, further strengthen attention and publicity on the issue of domestic violence, build a harmonious family, reduce the occurrence of domestic violence, and enable everyone to live in a safe and harmonious environment.